NIT Durgapur NIRF Ranking 2023

Below is the 2023 NIRF Ranking table of NIT Durgapur:

Overall Category Rank 2023
University 90
Engineering 43

NIT Durgapur is ranked 90th in the NIRF Ranking 2023. NIT Durgapur is one of the best institutes of West Bengal. NIT Durgapur rankings have gone through a roller coaster ride. Sometimes it is high in rankings and sometimes it barely makes into the list. The Rankings have been waving from 93rd in 2019 to 90th in 2023. 

NIT Durgapur NIRF Ranking 2023 (Overall Category)

The NIRF Ranking is generated after the aggregate of marks in different parameters such as  Teaching learning and resources, Research and professional practices, graduation outcome , Outreach and Inclusivity and perception. The NIRF Ranking is measured on the scores received in the below parameters:

Parameters (Score out of 100)
Teaching Learning and Resources (TLR) 51.12
Research and Professional Practices (RP) 34.57
Graduation Outcomes (GO) 72.25
Outreach and Inclusivity (OI) 56.11
Perception 10.45

NIT Durgapur NIRF Ranking

Parameters Componenets (Score out of 100) Total
TLR SS 11.76 20.00
FSR 16.81 25.00
FQE 13.35 20.00
FRU 9.20 20.00
OE 0.00 15.00
RP PU 16.69 35.00
QP 16.20 35.00
IPR 1.00 15.00
FPPP 0.68 15.00
GO GUE 60.00 60.00
GPHD 12.25 40.00
OI RD 15.19 30.00
WD 12.77 30.00
ESCS 8.16 20.00
PCS 20.00 20.00
PR PR 10.45 100.00

NIT Durgapur NIRF Ranking 5 Year Comparison

Rankings from last five years can help the candidates to see the consistency of the institutions The below table represents the 5 year Rankings of NIT Durgapur:

Year Rank Total Score out of 100
2023 90 46.81
2022 72 47.90
2021 71 45.36
2020 96 42.26
2019 93 41.59