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GATE 2024 Philosophy (XH-C4) Question Paper PDF- Download Here
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| Updated On - Oct 16, 2024

GATE 2024 Philosophy (XH-C4) Question Paper PDF is available here. IISc Banglore conducted GATE 2024 Philosophy (XH-C4) exam on February 4 in the Forenoon Session from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Students have to answer 65 questions in GATE 2024 Philosophy (XH-C4) Question Paper carrying a total weightage of 100 marks. 10 questions are from the General Aptitude section and 55 questions are from Core Discipline.

GATE 2024 Philosophy (XH-C4) Question Paper with Answer Key PDF

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Serial No. Question Answer Solution
Q.1 If '→' represents increasing intensity, what does the words [smolder → seethe → simmer] represent like [break → raze → ________]? Which of the following sentences should fill in the blank? B "Simmer," "seethe," and "smolder" all represent increasing intensity. "Break" and "raze" both represent increasing quantity of destruction. "Obliterate" means to destroy completely, which fits the analogy since it has a higher intensity than "raze."
Q.2 Which of the following is a value of x in this sequence: 3, 7, 15, x, 63, 127, 255? D The numbers are one less than powers of 2: 3 = 2² - 1, 7 = 2³ - 1, 15 = 2⁴ - 1, x = 2⁵ - 1 = 31, 63 = 2⁶ - 1, 127 = 2⁷ - 1, 255 = 2⁸ - 1. So x = 31.
Q.3 Complete the blanks: From the ancient Athenian arena to the modern Olympic stadiums, athletics (i) ______ (ii) ______ (iii) ______ (iv) ______. D The correct forms are: (i) holds (singular), (ii) waits (singular collective noun), (iii) culminate (plural for "cross-steps"), and (iv) pivots (singular). Thus, the sentence reads correctly with these words.
Q.4 Fill in the blanks: I am wearing for the first time some (i). (iv). C The sentence makes sense with the sequence: (i) patent-leather shoes, (ii) shoes, (iii) patent-leather shoes, and (iv) feet. It draws attention to discomfort of wearing tight shoes.
Q.5 The correct synonym for the word 'ignite' in the text? A "Ignite" refers to arousing or encouraging the fulfillment of slumbering inner energy, hence "encourage" is the closest synonym.
Q.6 Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? B Option (B) is punctuated correctly with quotation marks and punctuation: 'One day I'll write a book,' I said, 'not just a thriller, but a real book, about real people.'
Q.7 Complete the sentence with the appropriate mix of tenses: Darwin's work (i)______ (ii)______. C "Has" is a past effect, but "has" is an ongoing influence, and (C) is thus the best answer: "Darwin's work had a related effect that has influenced."
Q.8 Which of the following choices is a similar relationship to the words, 'Music: Notes'? C Since music has notes, just like a house is comprised of bricks, the correct analogy is (C).
Q.9 If "RAMAN" has the code 52 and "MAP" has the code 33, how will you encode "CLICK"? B For "CLICK": C=3, L=12, I=9, C=3, K=11. The sum is 3 + 12 + 9 + 3 + 11 = 38. Adding a fixed number (5 for C) gives 38 + 5 = 43.
Q.10 Which of the statements given follows logically from the preceding valid assumptions? B The first assumption is valid because desire causes suffering, the second is valid because the end of desire can mean no suffering, and the third is valid because the eightfold path can reduce suffering. Assumption 4 is not valid.
Q.11 Which of the following statements weakens the argument presented? A Statement (A) weakens the argument by suggesting regional brain development can't relate immediately to the betterment of humans. It goes against the stated argument.
Q.12 With which of the proposed action(s) do you think the problem best aligns with? B and C (B) Counseling may address issues that students face, and (C) Surveys may explain why students avoid coming to school, both attack the root.
Q.13 Which theorist asserts the reply to the question that the effect preexists in its material cause? A Satkārayavādins assert that the effect preexists in its cause in potentiality form.
Q.14 The determinate Brahman with attributes (saguṇa) is? A In Advaita Vedānta, Ῑśvara signifies the determinate Brahman with attributes.
Q.15 The word Pudgala is coined in Jaina philosophy for? D Pudgala refers to matter or material substance as not being the soul or space.
Q.16 Which of the philosophers in the following is associated with Navya Nyāya (new school of Indian logic)? C Gangeśa, or Gangeśopādhyāya, was a leading philosopher who propounded Navya Nyāya. His Tattvacintāmaṇi is a seminal text that deals with logical analysis within the Nyāya tradition.
Q.17 According to the Bhagavadgītā (2: 54-72), a "person of steady wisdom" is called? B The term "Sthitaprajña" in the Bhagavadgītā refers to a person of steady wisdom, established in profound knowledge, and unperturbed by dualities like pleasure and pain.
Q.18 Which of the following theories of punishment could justify capital punishment? B The deterrent theory aims to deter individuals from committing crimes through serious penalties like capital punishment. Additionally, the retributive theory justifies punishment as deserved against wrongdoing, aiming at justice. Thus, capital punishment can be justified according to the deterrent and retributive theories.
Q.19 "The true, to put it very briefly, is only the expedient in the way of our thinking." Who of the following philosophers writes the above line? A This quotation aligns with William James's philosophy of pragmatism, where the truth of an idea is measured by its practical working and utility in human experience.
Q.20 Aristotle uses the term phronesis (practical wisdom) as a particular function of reason for one of the above. A Aristotle identifies phronesis as an essential component of ethics, key to living a good life and making decisions across various contexts.
Q.21 How does Pythagoras theorize 'numbers' so that they can be considered as substance? B Pythagoras and his followers viewed numbers as fundamental principles underlying the structure of reality. They believed that numbers constitute the formal or relational structure, indicating their profound significance in defining order and relations in the universe.
Q.22 Which of the following terms does Plato use to describe the conceptual relationship between 'Forms' and 'Particulars'? D Plato's term "Participation" describes how particulars exist and have qualities through their participation in the Forms.
Q.23 How is the natural attitude toward the experience of the world altered in Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology to the phenomenological attitude? B The shift from the 'natural attitude' to the 'phenomenological attitude' in Husserl's phenomenology includes the method known as epoché or bracketing, where presuppositions about objective existence are suspended.
Q.24 Which of the following must a proposition concern in order to be a representation of reality, according to Ludwig Wittgenstein? A According to Wittgenstein, a proposition involves (A) Logico-Pictorial Form, where propositions represent the world through a combination of logical structure and pictorial representation.
Q.25 Which of the following propositions will be the 'sub-contrary' of 'Some celestial bodies are not shining entities'? C The 'sub-contrary' proposition to "Some celestial bodies are not shining entities" is (C) Some celestial bodies are shining entities, as sub-contrary propositions cannot both be false but can both be true.
Q.26 Rāmānuja was a severe critic of the concept of Māyā in Advaita Vedānta. This criticism of Advaita by Rāmānuja on the locus of Māyā/Avidyā is known as: B The criticism of Advaita by Rāmānuja regarding the locus of Māyā/Avidyā is known as (B) Ᾱśrayānupapatti, meaning the logical counterargument against the idea that Māyā/Avidyā can meaningfully dwell anywhere in Advaita Vedānta.
Q.27 Which of the following is FALSE about Jiddu Krishnamurti's concept of education? A The FALSE statement about Krishnamurti's concept of education is (A) The education system is more essential than the individual. Krishnamurti emphasized that education should focus on enriching the individual's view of life.
Q.28 Given John Locke's distinction between 'qualities' and 'ideas', which one of the following statements is FALSE? A The FALSE statement in light of Locke's distinction is (A) Our ideas are exact images of something in the bodies causing them. Locke argued that our ideas are restitutions or perceptions of the qualities of things, depending on our sensible experience.
Q.29 In the schema of Aristotelian categories, the assertion of a proposition in the form 'X is a Y' has the general implication that what is said has to do with: A In Aristotelian categories, the assertion 'X is a Y' primarily categorizes what is said as being about (A) Substance, indicating that X (substance) belongs to the genus or species Y.
Q.30 Of the following which is/are G.W.F. Hegel's argument(s) for stating that Cosmic history consists in the life story of Spirit (Geist)? B, C, D Hegel viewed history as the unrolling of Spirit's self-realization through dialectical processes. Therefore, the correct answers are: (B) It manifests struggles of Spirit for self-knowledge, (C) Spirit proceeds from potentiality toward actuality, and (D) The existence of Spirit and history manifests logic in a special sense, reflecting the rational development of Spirit.

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