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GATE 2024 Linguistics (XH-C3) Question Paper PDF- Download Here
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| Updated On - Oct 16, 2024

GATE 2024 Linguistics (XH-C3) Question Paper PDF is available here. IISc Banglore conducted GATE 2024 Linguistics (XH-C3) exam on February 4 in the Forenoon Session from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Students have to answer 65 questions in GATE 2024 Linguistics (XH-C3) Question Paper carrying a total weightage of 100 marks. 10 questions are from the General Aptitude section and 55 questions are from Core Discipline.

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GATE 2024 Linguistics (XH-C3) Question Paper Solution

Serial No. Question Answer Solution
Q.1 If '→' denotes increasing order of intensity, then the meaning of the words [simmer → seethe → smolder] is analogous to [break → raze → ________ ]. (B) obliterate "Break" and "raze" indicate increasing destruction, while "obliterate" represents complete destruction, making it the correct choice.
Q.2 Which of the following could be the value of x in the sequence? 3, 7, 15, x, 63, 127, 255 (D) 31 The sequence follows the pattern of 2^n - 1. Thus, x = 2^5 - 1 = 31.
Q.3 In how many times do the second hand and the minute-hand of a clock cross each other from 12:05:00 to 12:55:00? (C) 50 The hands cross once per minute, so in 50 minutes (from 12:05 to 12:55), they cross 50 times.
Q.4 Select the best completion for each of the blanks in the following text: From the ancient Athenian arena... (D) holds, waits, culminate, pivots (i) "holds," (ii) "waits," (iii) "culminate," (iv) "pivots" correctly complete the text.
Q.5 Complete the passage with the one choice that has the correct sequence: I am wearing for the first time... (C) patent-leather shoes The correct sequence is: (i) "patent-leather shoes."
Q.6 The synonym for the word 'ignite' in the following sentence is: We must ignite our inner sleeping potential. (A) Motivate In this context, "ignite" means to provoke or motivate, making "Motivate" the correct synonym.
Q.7 Which of the following sentences uses punctuation correctly? (B) Option (B) correctly uses quotation marks and commas in dialogue: 'One day I'll write a book,' I said, 'not just a thriller, but a real book, about real people.'
Q.8 Fill in the blanks with the correct combination of tenses: Darwin's work (i)______ (ii)______ influenced... (C) had, has The correct combination is (C): "had" (past) and "has" (present). Thus, "Darwin's work had a related effect that has influenced..."
Q.9 Similar relationship of the word, 'Music: Notes'? (C) House: Bricks Just as music is made up of notes, a house is made up of bricks, making (C) the correct option.
Q.10 If "RAMAN" is written as 52 and "MAP" is written as 33, how will you code "CLICK"? (B) 43 For "CLICK": C=3, L=12, I=9, C=3, K=11. Sum = 3 + 12 + 9 + 3 + 11 = 38. Fixed number = 5 (C=3, letters=5). Code = 38 + 5 = 43.
Q.11 Which one of the following statements(s) is/are true of what can be concluded from the statements above? (B) Only 1, 2, 3 Assumptions 1, 2, and 3 are true; assumption 4 is false (suffering is caused by desire, not life).
Q.12 If 'KARAMCHAND' is coded as 'ICPCKEFCLF', what should be the code for 'CREATION'? A. ATCCRKMP Using the established pattern: C -> A, R -> T, E -> C, A -> C, T -> R, I -> K, O -> M, N -> P. Thus, "CREATION" is coded as "ATCCRKMP."
Q.13 What is the code for 'earned maximum points'? (A) gv gb kv From previous analyses: "earned" = "gv", "maximum" = "gb", "points" = "kv". Therefore, the code is "gv gb kv."
Q.14 Which of the following statements weakens the argument as presented? (A) Option (A) challenges the hypothesis regarding brain development and progress, weakening the argument about structural changes contributing to intelligence.
Q.15 Which of the following recommended action(s) is apt to the stated problem? (B) & (C) Both (B) counseling sessions and (C) surveys address the root causes of student absenteeism, making them proactive measures.
Q.16 Which of the following is a grammatical competence error? (A) "Colourful white flags waved the wind" is incorrect; it should be "waved in the wind."
Q.17 Which of the following sentences below does NOT contain syntactic recursion? (A) "The wolves ran on steadily" is a simple sentence with no embedded clauses, lacking syntactic recursion.
Q.18 The term used to describe the Hinglish productions? (A) Code mixing Code mixing refers to the blending of two languages in a sentence, characteristic of Hinglish.
Q.19 Human beings can talk about their past, present, and future. What is this property called? (A) Displacement Displacement allows reference to events not immediately present in time or space, enabling discussions about the past, present, and future.
Q.20 Which of the following statements is CORRECT about child language acquisition? (A) This statement highlights how children create novel forms that they haven't heard from parents, demonstrating their understanding of language rules.
Q.21 Identify the nature of 'language deficit' in the patient as reflected in the interaction below: (A) Anomia Anomia refers to word-finding difficulty where the patient knows what objects are but cannot name them, consistent with anomic aphasia.
Q.22 Identify the sentence where the verb is in third person plural simple present. (A) "Are they here now at school?" uses "are," the verb in third person plural (they) in the simple present.
Q.23 Listening to the dialogue above, which of the Gricean maxims of conversation is flouted that results in the humour? (A) Maxim of Relation Shyam's utterance creatively interprets Ram's utterance, contravening the Maxim of Relation due to irrelevance.
Q.24 Which of the words in the following list would be impacted by the following phonological rule? (A) panther The rule states that an alveolar nasal becomes a dental sound when influenced by a dental fricative. "Panther" fits this rule.
Q.25 A compound verb is the phrase: (A) It contains two verbs with one meaning, forming a single verb meaning that differs from the sum of the parts.
Q.26 Which of the idioms in 1 below could be used to express the proverb 'Time flies like an arrow'? (A) "Time and tide wait for no man" conveys a similar message about the passage of time that should not be wasted.
Q.27 Which of the following are mentioned in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution of India? (A) Assamese, Konkani, Nepali, Sindhi are languages listed in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution.
Q.28 Consider the predicate calculus expression, ∀xP(x) → ∃xP(x). Which of the following are equivalent in English? (C) "If everybody plays hockey in Sunshine, then somebody plays hockey in Sunshine" captures the essence of the expression.
Q.29 Match each of the word formation processes given in Column X with an example in Column Y. (A) P-iv; Q-i; R-ii; S-v; T-iii matches definitions of calque, eponym, blend, coinage, and borrowing with their examples.
Q.30 Consider the following sentences regarding the underlined adverbs. (A) In sentence I, the adverb has an endophoric reference, while in sentence II, the adverb has an exophoric reference.
Q.31 Which of the following observations can be explained by B.F. Skinner's theory of language acquisition? (D) Skinner's theory posits that children acquire language through imitation of those around them.
Q.32 Match each of the semantic changes in Column X to an example given in Column Y. (A) P-iii; Q-iv; R-ii; S-i pairs semantic changes narrowing, broadening, amelioration, and pejoration with their examples.
Q.33 Analyze the following data of Swahili and identify the right claims. (A) (B) (D) The third person pronoun "a-" is gender neutral. Different markers are used for tenses. "Tu-li-soma" means 'We read [past]'.
Q.34 Identify which of the following describe the sentence. (B) (C) The sentence has 1 VP and 5 NPs; it includes 1 S, 1 O, and 3 adjuncts.
Q.35 Which of the following statements are TRUE with respect to Principles A, B and C of the Binding Theory? (A), (B), (C) A) violates Principle-B; B) violates Principle-A; C) both anaphors have no antecedents in the same binding domain. D) is incorrect as it misattributes violations.
Q.36 The number of distinct symbols that the linguist must create in order to write every word of this toy language is ___________. 8 Distinct syllables identified: hɑ, hə, dɑ, hrɔ, dru, hu, duk, and ɑ, totaling 8 distinct syllables needed for the writing system.

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