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WBJEE Physics Syllabus 2024: Important Topics, Weightage, Preparation, Books

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Sonal Vaid

Content Curator | Updated On - Jul 29, 2024

WBJEE Physics Syllabus 2024 contains important topics from the 11th and 12th standards. To ace the exam, the students need to have a thorough grasp of the NCERT books.  Candidates can check out the same to know all the topics included in the physics syllabus. 

Before appearing for the exam, the students need to go through the WBJEE 2024 Exam Pattern. The exam will consist of two papers- Paper 1 (Mathematics) and Paper 2 (Physics and Chemistry). Read the entire article to know about WBJEE 2024 Physics syllabus, major topics, sub-topics, and much more.

WBJEE Physics Syllabus

WBJEE Physics Syllabus 2024: Major Topics and Sub-topics 

Given below are the major and sub-topics included in WBJEE Physics Syllabus 2024. 

Topics Sub Topics
Physical World, Measurements, Units and Dimensions
  • Physical World, Measurements, Units & dimensions Units & Dimensions of physical quantities
  • Dimensional analysis & its applications
  • Error in measurements
  • Scalars & vectors
  • Representation of vectors in 3D,
  • Dot & cross product & their applications
  • Elementary differential & integral calculus
  • Time-velocity & relevant graphs
  • Equations of motion with uniform acceleration
Laws of Motion
  • Newton’s laws of motion
  • Inertial & non inertial frames
  • Conservation of linear momentum with applications
  • Elastic & inelastic collisions
  • Impulse centripetal force
  • Banking of roads
  • Relative velocity
  • Projectile motion & uniform circular motion Work, power, energy
Motion of centre of mass, connected systems, Friction
  • Centre of mass of two-particle system
  • Motion of connected system
  • Torque
  • Equilibrium of rigid bodies
  • Moments of inertia of simple geometric bodies.
  • Conservation of angular momentum
  • Friction and laws of friction
  • Kepler’s laws
  • Universal law of gravitation
  • Acceleration due to gravity
  • Variation of g
  • Gravitational potential & PE
  • Escape velocity
  • Orbital velocity of satellites
  • Geostationary orbits 
Bulk properties of matter
  • Elasticity
  • Hooke’s Law
  • Young’s Modulus
  • , Bulk Modulus
  • Shear,
  •  Rigidity Modulus, 
  • Poisson’s Ratio Elastic Potential Energy. 
  • Fluid Pressure: 
  • Pressure Due To A Fluid Column, Buoyancy, 
  • Pascal’s Law, 
  • Effect Of Gravity On Fluid Pressure. Surface Tension: 
  • Surface Energy, 
  • Phenomena Involving Surface Tension,
  • Angle Of Contact, 
  • Capillary Rise,
  • Coefficient Of Viscosity, Streamline & Turbulent Motion, 
  • Reynold’s Number, 
  • Stoke’s Law, 
  • Terminal Velocity, 
  • Bernoulli’s Theorem. 
  • Heat & Thermal Physics: 
  • Heat & Temperature, 
  • Thermal Expansion Of Solids. 
  • Liquids & Gases, 
  • Ideal Gas Laws, 
  • Isothermal & Adiabatic Processes;
  •  Anomalous Expansion Of Water & Its Effects, 
  • Heat Capacity, Cp, Cv, Calorimetry;
  •  Change Of State, 
  • Specific Latent Heat Capacity. 
  • Heat Transfer; 
  • Conduction, 
  • Thermal And Thermometric Conductivity
  • , Convection & Radiation, 
  • Newton's Law Of Cooling, 
  • Stefan's Law.
  • Thermal Equilibrium (Zeroth Law Of Thermodynamics), 
  • Heat, Work & Internal Energy. 
  • 1st Law Of Thermodynamics, 
  • Isothermal & Adiabatic Processes, 
  • 2nd Law Of Thermodynamics,
  •  Reversible & Irreversible Processes.
Kinetic Theory Of Gases
  • Equation Of State Of A Perfect Gas,
  •  Kinetic Theory Of Gases, 
  • Assumptions In Kinetic Theory Of Gases, 
  • Concept Of Pressure. & Temperature;
  •  Rms Speed Of Gas Molecules; 
  • Degrees Of Freedom, 
  • Law Of Equipartition Of Energy (Introductory Ideas) & Application To Specific Heats Of Gases; 
  • Mean Free Path, 
  • Avogadro Number.
Oscillations And Waves
  • Periodic Motion – Time Period, Frequency, Time-displacement Eqation, Simple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M) & Its Equation; Phase; 
  • Shm In Different Sytems, 
  • Restoring Force & Force Const, 
  • Energy In S.H.M.- Ke & Pe, 
  • Free, Forced & Damped Oscillations (Introductory Ideas), 
  • Resonance Wave Motion, 
  • Equation For Progressive Wave, Longitudinal & Transverse Waves, Sound Waves, 
  • Newton’s Formula & Laplace’s Correction, 
  • Factors Affecting The Velocity Of Sound In Air, 
  • Principles Of Superposition Of Waves,
  •  Reflection Of Waves, 
  • Standing Waves In Strings & Organ Pipes, 
  • Fundamental Mode, 
  • Harmonics &Overtones, 
  • Beats, 
  • Doppler Effect.
  • Conservation Of Electric Charges,
  • Coulomb's Law-force Between Two Point Charges, 
  • Forces Between Multiple Charges;
  •  Superposition Principle & Continuous Charge Distribution. 
  • Electric Field, & Potential Due To A Point Charge & Distribution Of Charges,
  •  Electric Field Lines Electric Field Due To A Dipole; 
  • Torque On A Dipole In Uniform Electric Field; 
  • Electric Flux, 
  • Gauss' Theorem & Its Simple Applications, 
  • Conductors & Insulators, 
  • Free Charges & Bound Charges Inside A Conductor; 
  • Dielectrics & Electric Polarisation,
  •  Capacitors & Capacitance,
  •  Combination Of Capacitors In Series & In Parallel, 
  • Capacitance Of A Parallel Plate Capacitor With & Without Dielectric Medium Between The Plates, 
  • Energy Stored In A Capacitor.
Current Electricity
  • Electric Current, & Conductor
  • , Drift Velocity' Mobility & Their Relation With Electric Current; 
  • Ohm's Law, 
  • Electrical Resistance, 
  • Ohmic And Non-ohmic Conductors,
  •  Electrical Energy & Power, 
  • Carbon Resistors, 
  • Colour Codes, 
  • Combination Of Resistances,
  •  Temperature Dependence Of Resistances, 
  • Electric Cell, Emf And Internal Resistance Of An Electric Cell, Pd, Combination Of Cells, Secondary Cells, 
  • Kirchoff’s Laws Of Electrical Network, Simple Applications, 
  • Principle Of Wheatstone Bridge, Metre Bridge And Potentiometer And Their Uses, 
  • Thermoelectricity; 
  • Seebeck Effect;
  •  Peltier Effect, 
  • Thermo Emf.
Magnetic Effects Of Current 
  • Concept Of Magnetic Field, 
  • Oersted's Experiment, 
  • Biot - Savart Law & Its Application To Current Carrying Circular Loop;
  •  Ampere's Law & Its Applications To Infinitely Long Straight Wire, Straight And Toroidal Solenoids; 
  • Force On A Moving Charge In Uniform Magnetic & Electric Fields, Cyclotron Frequency; 
  • Force On A Current-carrying Conductor In A Uniform Magnetic Field, Force Between Two Parallel Current-carrying Conductors-- Definition Of Ampere.
  •  Torque Experienced By A Current Loop In A Uniform Magnetic Field; 
  • Moving Coil Galvanometer-its Current Sensitivity & Conversion To Ammeter & Voltmeter, Inter-conversion Of Voltmeter & Ammeter & Change Of Their Ranges.
Electromagnetic Induction And Alternating Currents
  • Electromagnetic Induction; 
  • Faraday's Laws, Induced Emf & Current; 
  • Lenz's Law, Eddy Currents, Self & Mutual Induction, Alternating Currents, Peak And Rms Value Of Alternating Current And Voltage; 
  • Reactance And Impedance; 
  • Lr & Cr Circuits, Phase Lag & Lead, Lcr Series Circuit, Resonance; 
  • Power In Ac Circuits, Wattless Current.
Electromagnetic Waves
  • Electromagnetic Waves And Their Characteristics (Qualitative Ideas Only), Transverse Nature Of Electromagnetic Waves, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Applications Of The Waves From The Different Parts Of The Spectrum
  • Ray Optics
  • Wave Optics
Particle nature of light and wave-particle dualism
  • Photoelectric Effect, Hertz And Lenard’s Observations; 
  • Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation - Particle Nature Of Light, Matter Waves; Wave Nature Of Particles, De Broglie Relation. 
Atomic Physics
  • Alpha-particle Scattering Expt Rutherford's Nuclear Atom Model Of Atom; 
  • Bohr Model Of Hydrogen Atom, Energy Levels In A Hydrogen Atom, Hydrogen Spectrum, Continuous & Characteristic Xrays.
Nuclear Physics
  • Composition & Size Of Nucleus, Atomic Masses, Isotopes, Isobars; 
  • Isotones, Radioactivity - Alpha, Beta & Gamma Particles/ Rays & Their Properties; 
  • Radioactive Decay Law; 
  • Massenergy Relation, Mass Defect;
  •  Binding Energy Per Nucleon & Its Variation With Mass Number; 
  • Nuclear Fission & Fusion.
Solid-State Electronics
  • : Energy Bands In Solids (Qualitative Ideas Only), Conductors, Insulators & Semiconductors; 
  • Semiconductor Diode – I-v Characteristics In Forward & Reverse Bias, Diode As A Rectifier;
  • Current Loop As A Magnetic Dipole & Its Magnetic Dipole Moment, Magnetic Dipole Moment Of A Revolving Electron, Magnetic Field Intensity Due To A Magnetic Dipole Bar Magnet Along Its Axis & Perpendicular To Its Axis, Torque On A Magnetic Dipole (Bar Magnet) In A Uniform Magnetic Field; 
  • Magnet As An Equivalent Solenoid, Magnetic Field Lines; 
  • Earth's Magnetic Field & Its Magnetic Elements. Para-, Dia- & Ferro- Magnetic Substances, With Examples.
  • Electromagnets & The Factors Affecting Their Strengths, Permanent Magnets.

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WBJEE Physics Weightage

WBJEE Physics Chapter-wise Weightage

After going through the WBJEE Paper Analysis, the weightage of the important topics of the Physics exam can be tabulated as follows. The students are advised to go through the table to figure out the topics in which substantial attention is needed.

Important topics Chapter Weightage
Current Electricity  7%
Heat and Thermodynamics 6%
Electrostatics 6%
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magmatism 6%
Work Energy Power  5%
Wave Motion 5%
Nuclear Physics 5%
Solids & Semiconductor Devices 5%
Modern Physics – Atomic Models 5%
Laws of Motion 4%
Rotational Motion 4%
WBJEE Physics Paper Analysis

WBJEE Physics Paper Analysis

WBJEE 2024 Physics Paper Analysis will be made available after the conclusion of the exam. The overall trend of difficulty level in the Physics section was easy in the past year. Given below is the previous year trend of WBJEE Physics tabulated after gathering the reviews of the test takers.

Section Maximum Marks Difficulty Level
A 30 Easy
B 10 Moderate
C 10 Easy

Check: WBJEE Paper Analysis

WBJEE Physics Question Paper

WBJEE Physics Question Papers

The students need to solve WBJEE Question Papers which will enable them to practice more and recognize their preparation levels. The table below includes the link for WBJEE Previous Years’ Physics Question Papers and Answer Keys. 

Year Link for WBJEE Paper I (Physics) Question Paper Link for WBJEE Paper I (Physics) Answer Key
2023 Check Here Check Here
2022 Check Here Check Here
2021 Check Here Check Here
2020 Check Here Check Here 
2019 Check Here Check Here 
2018 Check Here Check Here 
2017 Check Here Check Here 
2016 Check Here Check Here 
2015 Check Here  Check Here 

Check WBJEE Question Papers

WBJEE Physics Sample Questions

Find below the vital questions from the previous year’s question papers. These would enable the students to crack the Physics section. 

Ques. 3.8 days is the half-life period of a sample. After how many days, the sample will become 1/8th of the original substance

  1. 11.4
  2. 3.8
  3. 3
  4. None of these

The correct option is 1

Ques: At large distance from an electric dipole, the electric field strength varies with the distance r as

  1. 1/r6
  2. 1/r2
  3. 1/r3
  4. 1/r4

The correct option is 3

Ques. A uniform thick rope of length 5 m is resting on a horizontal smooth surface. It is pulled by a force 5N from one end. The tension in the string at 1 m from the force applied is

  1. zero
  2. 1N
  3. 5N
  4. 4N

The correct option is 4

Ques. Surface area of a soap bubble is 1.3 x 10–4 m2. The work done to double the surface area will be (Surface tension for soap solution, T  = 3 x 10–3 N/m)

  1. 23 J
  2. 7.8 x 10–7 J
  3. 2.6 x 10–4 J
  4. 3.9 x 10–7 J

The correct option is 2

WBJEE Physics Preparation

WBJEE Physics Preparation 2024

WBJEE 2024 Preparation Tips will be quite helpful for the students who are aiming for WBJEE 2024. Read the following tips for acing the Physics section of the exam.

  • Attempt Mock tests: The students need to remember that attempting good amount of mock tests will assist them in securing high scores in the first attempt. They should sole them and analyze their mistakes thoroughly to ace WBJEE 2021. Check WBJEE Mock Tests
  • Management of Time: The students must analyze their weak and strong points. They need to focus majorly on their weak points. The sections in which their strength lies can be left for the later days. 
  • Devise a time table: After analyzing their weak points, devise a time table and follow it. Much time should be spent on the sections which carries the maximum weightage and the student lacks the necessary skills to ace it. 
  • Read the Recommended Books: The students are advised to be thorough with their course books. Once they have a hold on all the essential topics, only then they should switch to other books.
  • Thorough Revision: The students are advised to thoroughly revise the topics they have studied the previous day. Moreover, no new topics needs to be started before a week of the scheduled exam. The students need to devote this time in the topics they have already studied.

WBJEE Physics Books 2024

Herein are some of the recommended books for excelling in the Physics section of WBJEE 2024:

Name of the Book Name of the Author/Publisher Market Price
Principles of Physics  V.K. Mehta  INR 925
Concepts of Physics H.C. Verma INR 356
Problems in General Physics I.E. Irodov INR 130
Fundamentals of Physics V.K. Mehta INR 865
Frequently Asked Questions

WBJEE Physics Syllabus 2024 FAQs

Ques. What are important Physics topics for WBJEE?

Ans. Some important Physics topics for WBJEE are Current Electricity, Heat and Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism. However, the candidates must not leave any topic. It is advised to be thorough with every section before appearing for the exam.

Ques. What is the weightage of Physics WBJEE?

Ans. Some topics in WBJEE Physics syllabus carry 7% to 6% weightage. Topics like Current Electricity, Heat and Thermodynamics, Electrostatistics, and Magnetic Effect of Current Magnetism carry 6 to 7 percent weightage. Other topics such as Wave Motion, Work Energy and Power, Laws of Motion, etc., have a weightage of around 4 to 5 percent.

Ques. What is the usual difficulty level of the WBJEE Physics exam?

Ans. Based on the previous year’s trends, the physics exam is somewhat along the lines of easy to moderate level of difficulty. Sometimes the exam contains time consuming questions. The best way to excel in this section is to solve as many practice papers as possible.

Ques. What is the marking scheme in WBJEE Physics 2024?

Ans. In the WBJEE Physics paper, category 1 contains a total of 30 questions. For every correct answer, one mark is awarded and for every incorrect answer, ¼ marks are deducted from the total. The second category contains a total of 5 questions. For every correct answer in this category 2 marks are awarded and for every incorrect answer, ½ marks are deducted from the total. In the last category which also contains 5 questions, 2 marks will be awarded for every correct answer. However, no marks will be deducted for incorrect answers.

Ques. How to achieve a qualifying score in WBJEE Physics?

Ans. The best way to excel in WBJEE Physics is to solve mock tests multiple times. They will assist one in increasing the accuracy. The mock tests will also be beneficial in enhancing the time management skills and allowing the candidates to know their strengths and areas that need improvement. Apart from this, consistent efforts will help students in achieving their desired scores in WBJEE Physics.

Ques. Which book should one refer to for acing the WBJEE Physics exam?

Ans. The candidates need to commence their preparation from the NCERT books. They will make the students familiar with the course and will assist them in understanding the concepts more easily. Only after thoroughly reading the NCERT books for physics, the students should switch to the recommended books for WBJEE 2024.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


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