Amrita has a very vibrant social life. There are pleanty of clubs to choose from. Amrita has clubs which has won competitions in international events and also there are clubs which are humanitarian. Amrita's infrastructure is something to be talked about. All the classes have smart boards and mic facility. Labs are very well maintained and instruments in labs are of highest quality. Library has a huge online reserve from which a student can borrow anything. Also if you forget to return a book then the late fees is such minimal that it does'nt affects your pocket much.
Amrita is the college where you will find everything either culturals or academics. Infrastructure is also good. And there are many clubs in the college 3rd year students will be leading the clubs and junior will be helping them and as we come to extracurricular activities many sports and other cultural fest also will be conducted.
Course related books are always available in the library. Library is vast so many people can acess it at any time in the day. Internal hackathons will be held as the part of techincal fests. sports are always encouraged in the campus.
We have ANOKHA which is a annual tech fest and stays for 3 days and it's lit!! And ONAM celebrations are fire and we do celebrate lotta other festivals in college along with club programs all around the year and we have sports tournies
Anokha is technical fest which is held in the college . It will be celebrated for 3 days. Many students from other colleges would be coming to this fest. During this fest there will be no college for the students and there will be a lot of entertainment including pro shows , car expo etc. We have a central library which provides you all the necessary books Each and every class has a projector and a dedicated charging port to the student. Wide range of sports are available in the campus . And if you are interested you can also join in the university team No student run social groups are there in the college
Overall Experience with Campus was good our campus life was unique which helps to connect with more people. Colleges and universities offer a wide range of clubs and organizations, catering to various interests, hobbies, and passions.
Our main Festival is Gokulasthami Odd Sem - Gokulasthami is the main festival Even Sem - Anokha Tech fest which is held across 3 days is very high profile tech fest which is sponsored by top companies and students from 30-40 colleges participate in this Ugadi , Onam , Ganesh Chaturthi are the other fest done The accessiblty of books is very good in libraries in class room we have good electricty supply and projectors and in labs we have good i7 16gb computers and some labs have advanced computers designed for high pefromance computing which anyone can access many sports competions are help like cricket , badminton , basketball , swimming , volleyball , table tennis etc RagaSudha - singing group NatyaSudha - Dance GDSE - coding club and mny more
Anoka is the technical fest which is conducted in every odd sem in the month of october it will be helded and 3 days of this fest you will get into many new things there are many books in the library as it is too vast there is also a sports club where you have inter-campus competetions
The annual fest is conducted at the VIDYUT National Level Fest. It is conducted in MAY every year. For every festival, they will conduct an event mainly the UGADI event will be very nice, especially for Telugu students. The books here in the library have a lot of range and many copies. The facilities and technological provisions within the classrooms are good. There is projector in every classroom and Wi-Fi everywhere around the campus. College offer many extracurricular activities. There are clubs which are student-run and the top clubs are amFOSS and bi0s. bi0s is the top cybersecurity club in India.
Tech fests like anokha happens everyyear to showcase the new inventions and the talents and some religious fests like gokulashtami celebrations happens every year.Sports and extra curricular activities are less compared to other colleges.There are many clubs present like moto Amrita etc.And a Very good library is present here with free access to online books too.