Mr. Arijit Mishra is Assistant Professor of the Department of Mathematics at NEF Law College. He obtained his M.Sc. in Mathematics from Gauhati University in 2014 and is pursuing a Ph.D. from Gauhati University. He is SLET qualified. He has published 4 papers and a book chapter till now. He has attended a number of conferences and seminars. He has worked as a Guest Faculty of Mathematics at Royal Global Institutions from October 2014 to February 2015, and Mathematics teacher at IDOL (M.SC IT) from October 2017 to July 2018.

NEF Law College

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“My love for Mathematics is the key factor that kept me connected to the education sector”

My love for Mathematics and my inquisitiveness for learning have been the driving forces behind my choosing the education sector. I know I can always find sources of inspiration to excel, be it from the students or my colleagues if I ever happen to find myself getting complacent. My urge to learn and disseminate knowledge has been the pivot that my life has so far centered around. And I believe the education sector would help me retain that.

What is your philosophy of leadership?

“My Leadership Philosophy is based on the Parent’s belief, integrity, and humanity”

The most perfect example of leaders would be our parents. To be able to inspire us without being preachy, to be a source of constant support system, to be adaptable, to be protective, and to be able to instill a sense of belief, rationality, integrity, humanity, and righteousness are some of the foremost leadership traits that we have all grown up watching through our parents. I don’t think I will ever find a personification of ‘leadership’ as befitting as our parents.

If I can, even remotely, be to a student what a parent would be to his/her child, I would definitely call myself a successful leader.

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your College?

“Our College provides students with a state of great facilities”

These are still early days, but our college has already built excellent infrastructure for its students. These will only get better and our students will be able to enjoy state-of-the-art facilities in the years to follow. 

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How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of industry?

“Providing Students with industrial meets and quizzes regularly”

Apart from regular classes, the college also conducts various co-curricular activities such as painting, speech and dance competitions, quizzes, and presentations where the students get a chance to showcase their talent, enhance their skills and shape their individual personalities. This is how we try to make our students more productive and we strongly believe that's how an ideal curriculum should be.

How could your College be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Encourage unity in diversity concept”

This, according to me, can be done by introducing scholarships for the meritorious students who belong to the economically weaker sections. This can also be achieved by awarding them for their performances which would encourage them to do well. This would attract students from all sections of society.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the college and the students are?

“To educate, inspire and encourage students and help in the development of the college”

I believe my role in this college is to educate, inspire, motivate and encourage the students as well as to tap and nurture the artist in every student. Given that I have been a part of this college almost from its inception, the responsibility of contributing to its constant growth lies on my shoulders as much as it does on the higher authorities.

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Building an Entrepreneurial Development Cell is the topmost priority”

Building infrastructure for sports, skill development, vocational training, and an Entrepreneurial Development Cell (EDC) will provide the students a perfect platform to foray into the fields that they want to and to forge ahead. Also, with the NEP in the pipeline, teachers’ training is also of topmost priority. 

What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

“NEF College is potentially one of the premier upcoming colleges in the city”

NEF Law College is the 42nd best Law College in India. That speaks volumes of the quality of education that NEF Group of Institutions has been imparting over the years. NEF College is no exception. Like I already mentioned, these are still early days, but our college has already shown great promise with one of our students, from the very first batch, securing the 10th position in the 12th board exams. 

What are some of the biggest challenges both for higher education in general and for your college specifically?

“The existing pedagogical structure of our education system is the biggest challenge”

The existing pedagogical structure of our education system is facing an impending reform with the National Education Policy (NEP). While the defects in our existing pedagogy have been addressed, it is now important for the teachers to get trained and equipped to adapt to the reform.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and students?

“Believe in yourself firmly and be ambitious and industrious”

The goal of education has always been to impart knowledge; knowledge about the world, about society, about opportunities, about the existing disparities, about compassion, and about what we can all do to make the world a better place. My suggestion to every student would be to be ambitious and industrious but to make sure they keep their honesty, integrity, and humanity alive inside them. 

How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment in your college?

“Encouraging active participation in different co-curricular activities”

  1. Providing equal opportunities to every student
  2. One-on-one interaction with specially-abled students.
  3. Organizing group activities to encourage students across different departments and disciplines to get to know each other.