Cornell University is considered among the top 20 global universities and has been continuously outweighing several top universities in the world in academics through its unique and comprehensive curriculum. The US News and Shanghai Rankings, both have placed Cornell University at #12 while the QS Rankings have placed the university at #13. Moreover, Times Higher Education has placed Cornell University at the 20th rank. The university is also a part of the prestigious group of Ivy League Universities.

Placed among the top 40 most innovative universities in USA, Cornell University rankings indicate that it is a premium university catering to various top-ranked courses. Its “Environmental Science and Engineering” program ranks at #6 in the ‘Shanghai Rankings’ which makes it the best-ranked course of the university. Cornell University MBA ranking is #8 in the world according to Financial Times, 2022. Furthermore, it has been crowned the best university for veterans by the US News in its recent rankings.

Check Out: Cornell University Rankings (Spanish)

Cornell University Rankings: World Ranking Trends

Whether it’s QS or THE, the world ranking of Cornell seems to have been nearly the same in the last 2 consecutive years indicating its constant performance. The following ranking table demonstrates how Cornell University has been placed among the top 20 global universities in the course of the last 5 years:-

Cornell University Rankings: World Ranking Trends

Ranking Body 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
QS Rankings #14 #18 #21 #20 #13
US News National Universities Rankings #17 #18 #17 #12
CWUR #14 #13 #14 #14
THE Rankings #19 #19 #22 #20 #20
Shanghai Rankings #12 #12 #12 #12

Cornell University Rankings: Engineering Courses

Cornell University’s “Environmental Science and Engineering” program is currently ranked at #6 by Shanghai Rankings. Moreover, the US News has placed it at #10 for “Mechanical Engineering”. Meanwhile, Cornell University has maintained its position among the top 30 institutions for “Engineering and Technology”. Some of the engineering courses of Cornell University have been ranked as follows:

Cornell University Rankings: Engineering Courses

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Mechanical Engineering #52 #45 #45
Civil and Structural Engineering #51-100 #51-100 #51-100
Chemical Engineering #29 #31 #34
Electrical and Electronic Engineering #35 #32 #44
Engineering and Technology #35 #48 #36

Shanghai Rankings

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology #76-100 #76-100 #76-100
Biotechnology #34 #18 #10
Food Science and Technology #42 #24 #19
Automation and Control #151-200 #101-150 #101-150
Biomedical Engineering #51-75 #37 #41
Energy Science and Engineering #101-150 #76-100 #76-100
Environmental Science and Engineering #6 #101-150 #76-100
Materials Science and Technology #51-75 #32 #29
Chemical Engineering #76-100 #46 #38
Mechanical Engineering #151-200 #51-75 #51-75
Electrical and Electronic Engineering #151-200 #201-300 #101-150
Water Resources #51-75 #43 #29
THE Rankings Engineering and Technology #27 #24 #24 #25

Cornell University Rankings: Computer Science Courses

Nationally ranked among the top 10 universities for “Computer Sciences”, Cornell University caters to top computer science courses. This is evident from the following ranking trends of computer science courses of Cornell University:-

Cornell University Rankings: Computer Science Courses

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021
QS World Subject Rankings Computer Science and Information Systems #17 #14 #19
THE Rankings Computer Science #14 #16 #17 #14
Shanghai Rankings Computer Science and Engineering #47 #22 #18

Cornell University Rankings: Natural Science Courses

IN the last 3 years, the “Ecology” of Cornell University has been ranked at #14 by Shanghai Rankings. Furthermore, THE Rankings have featured it at #18 for “Physical Sciences”. More such natural science courses of Cornell University and their corresponding ranking tends are tabulated as follows:-

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

Shanghai Rankings

Earth Sciences #51-75 #76-100 #76-100
Physics #28 #20 #19
Atmospheric Sciences #35 #40 #38
Ecology #14 #14 #14
Oceanography #151-200 #151-200
Geography #101-150 #76-100 #76-100
Chemistry #76-100 #34 #33
Mathematics #51-75 #51-75 #76-100

QS World Subject Rankings

Biological Sciences #14 #15 #12
Chemistry #31 #43 #41
Mathematics #32 #34 #33
Earth and Marine Sciences #51-100 #51-100 #51-100
Psychology #64 #43 #45
Physics and Astronomy #22 #23 #24
Natural Science #24 #32 #25
Environmental Sciences #28 #29 #20
Geophysics #51-100 #51-100 #51-100
Materials Sciences #44 #45 #47

THE Rankings

Psychology #29 #21 #20 #24
Physical Sciences #18 #17 #17 #16
Life Sciences #15 #19 #16 #15

Cornell University Rankings: Medical Science Courses

As per the ‘QS World Subject Rankings’, Cornell University ranks among the top 30 universities for “Medicine” programs. On the other hand, the Shanghai Rankings ranks it at #29 for “Medical Technology”. Here’s a ranking table for the medical science courses available at Cornell University.

Cornell University Rankings: Medical Science Courses

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Medicine #27 #34 #33
Pharmacy and Pharmacology #66 #101-150 #74
Life Sciences and Medicine #18 #24 #20

Shanghai Rankings

Public Health #76-100 #151-200 #151-200
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences #51-75 #47 #51-75
Clinical Medicine #51-75 #51-75 #51-75
Medical Technology #29 #22 #41

Cornell University Rankings: Business Courses

Shanghai Rankings have placed Cornell University at #17 for “Finance”. Similarly, Times Higher Education has ranked it at #20 for “Business and Economics”. The following ranking trends demonstrate the performance of the Cornell University business programs:-

Cornell University Rankings: Business Courses

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Business and Management Studies #35 #39 #47
Accounting and Finance #27 #32 #34
Economics and Econometrics #27 #29 #35

Shanghai Rankings

Management #26 #30 #35
Finance #17 #14 #17
Economics #22 #25 #24
Business Administration #151-200 #32 #39
THE Rankings Business and Economics #20 #21 #23 #23

Cornell University Rankings: Humanities Courses

Cornell University’s “Sociology” program gets placed at #11 and #26 in “Shanghai Rankings” and “QS World Subject Rankings”, respectively. More humanities courses available at Cornell University along with their previous year’s ranking trends are tabulated as follows:-

Ranking Body Program Ranking 024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

Shanghai Rankings

Hospitality and Tourism Management #151-200 #101-150 #76-100
Education #101-150 #151-200 #301-400
Library and Information Science #51-75 #25 #32
Public Administration #76-100 #51-75 #76-100
Sociology #11 #10 #9
Political Sciences #32 #34 #40
Law #19 #20 #17
Communication #18 #20 #10

QS World Subject Rankings

Hospitality and Leisure Management #20 #13 #12
Sociology #26 #27 #24
Performing Arts #51-100 #51-100
Linguistics #101-150 #70 #70
Philosophy #51-100 #51-100 #51-100
Library and Information Management #25 #35 #45
Communication and Media Studies #34 #26 #28
Education and Training #93 #84 #93
History #23 #23 #18
Social Sciences and Management #27 #33 #33
English Language and Literature #25 #23 #21
Social Policy and Administration #51-100 #51-100 #51-100
Art and Design #51-100 #51-100 #51-100

THE Rankings

Social Sciences #20 #20 #21 #20
Law #35 #27 #17 #18
Arts and Humanities #31 #25 #21 #29

Cornell University Rankings by US News

After evaluating various programs available at Cornell University, the US News has ranked almost 20 of them below #20, which is demonstrated by the table that follows:-

Subject Rankings 2023
Electrical and Electronic Engineering #10
Biological Science #8
Biomedical Engineering #11
Chemical Engineering #10
Civil Engineering #12
Environmental Science #9
Computer Science #9
Industrial/ Manufacturing Engineering #7
Materials Sciences #8
Mechanical Engineering #10
Finance #11
Quantitative Analysis #6
Artificial Intelligence #8
Cybersecurity #8
Data Science #8
Programming Languages #4
Software Engineering #11
Psychology #7
Economics #11

Cornell University Rankings: Miscellaneous

Here are some of the rankings demonstrating Cornell University’s academic and non-academic prominence:-

Ranking Body Parameter Ranking 2023-24


Sustainability Ranking #208
QS WUR By Subject #51-100
THE World University Rankings World University Rankings #20

US News

National Universities #12
Best Value Schools #20
Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs #10
Writing in the Disciplines #7
Undergraduate research/ Creative Projects #15
Service Learning #22
Co-ops/ Internships #10
Best Colleges for Veterans #1
Best Undergraduate Teaching #39
Most Innovative Schools #38
Top Performers on Social Mobility #194


National Rank #11
Employability Rank #28
Research Rank #24
Education Rank #16
Faculty Rank #18

The Niche has marked Cornell University as the best university in the USA for “Information technology”, “Architecture”, and “Agricultural Sciences”. Additionally, Forbes has recently placed it in the list of top 10 research universities in the USA. Considering the exceptional rankings attained by Cornell University in all the spheres, getting accepted here is like a dream come true. It can be very well inferred from these rankings that Cornell is committed towards supporting overall development to its students by providing facilities in the best possible ways.