Faculty to students ratio is 1:100 Relation is good Teacher teaching style is good Exams are not so easy and not so difficult It depends upon how much students are working hard for the examination I like the most 2nd semester OB&HR teacher And 2nd ly 1st semester BS TEACHER
Faculties are so good but strict and the class environment is also so good for study . For examinations there are examinations halls separately . The examinations department is also there separately. As like boards exam the teachers cant know who's paper it is while checking.
The student to faculty ratio for School of Commerce is 30:450. 30 being the faculty and 450 being students. The faculty here are quite helpful and especially during exams they are available to help us all the time. We can reach out to them whenever we want through email or other source and they will surely respond.
Faculties are bery understanding and supporting but in my 6 semesters, i studied from around 20 faculties and from them, only 4-5 faculties were there who weren't cooperative with the whole class and therefore, we complained with the dean regarding these matters. Else all the faculties are A+ grade helpful, kind, and motivating.
Faculty of our college are also quiet good and experience so we do have a very interactive sessions and never felt bored for a particular subject and all the faculty members are quiet helpful whenever we are in need .
The faculties are amazing, easy to reach and cool. They are ready to help students with thier valuable suggestions. The minimum requirement to become a prof. In XUB is PHD so faculty is highly qualified. Each faculty is specialised in his/her field and are approachable for the same.
Each trimester consist of roughly 8 to 9 courses. The average age of my batch is around 25 years and that of previous batch was 27 years. 50 percent of the batch are engineers. The faculties are very well versed with their subjects. There are visiting faculties too from XLRI and MDI.
College faculty also stays inside the campus and are easily accessible, they always one email away. XIMB has completely transformed as an individual and has made me a better professional. On an average there are 20 lectures of 1. 5 hours each. Faculties have minimum qualification of PHD.
All of the faculty present here are highly qualified professionals holding Ph.D degrees from widely known reputed Universities, not only from this country but also from abroad. As said earlier, they rigorously focus on our learnings & make sure that we actively participate in class.
The faculties are well qualified for the job & overall they were good. Some of the faculties were excellent in their subject due to their teaching methodology & understanding the current generation of students. Although, some faculties weren't upto the mark of the college and we were asked for continuous feedback on this from the college authorities.