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CUET PG Chemistry Syllabus 2025: Download PDF, Books, Question Papers

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Sanhita Kundu

| Updated On - Jul 26, 2024

CUET PG Chemistry Syllabus is released by the National Testing Agency on the official website, The proposed syllabus has three primary sections- Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemisty. You can download the CUET PG Chemistry Syllabus 2024 PDF, using the following link

As per the new pattern, there will be one question paper with 75 questions based on the domain specific subject. Each question has 4 marks with a negative marking of -1 on every wrong attempt. Some of the commonly asked topics are Cordination and its Compunds, Chemical Structure and its Hybridisation, GOC, Isomerism and its types, and Gibbs Energy Numericals.

CUET PG Chemistry Syllabus

CUET PG Chemistry Syllabus 2024

The section wise syllabus is as follows:

Physical Chemistry

Topics Sub Topics
Gaseous State Van Der Waals Equation, Real Gas Deviations,, Kinetic Molecular Model, Compressibility Factor, and Maxwell Distribution
Liquid State Viscosity, Vapour Pressure, Structure of Liquids, Effect of Solute on Properties, Surface Tension,
Ionic Equilibria Salt Hydrolysis, Strong, Moderate, Weak Electrolytes, pH Scale, Common Ion Effect, Buffer Solutions, Ionization Constants,
Solid State X-ray Diffraction, Bravais Lattices, Crystal Defects, Symmetry Elements
Thermodynamics Entropy,First Law, Enthalpy, Second Law, Third Law, Free Energy Functions, Thermochemistry
Partial molar quantities Chemical Potential of Ideal Mixtures, Gibbs-Duhem Equation
Dilute solutions or Colligative Properties Henry’s Laws, Vapour Pressure Lowering, Raoult’s, Applications
Molecular Spectroscopy & Photochemistry Photophysical Processes, Raman, Electronic Spectroscopy, Jablonski Diagrams, Rotation, Vibrational
Chemical Kinetics Molecularity, Temperature Dependence, Rate Laws, Order, Collision Theory
Catalysis Enzyme Catalysis, Types of Catalysts, Mechanisms,
Surface chemistry Adsorption, BET Theory, Adsorption Isotherms
Phase Equilibria Nernst Distribution Law, Gibbs Phase Rule, Binary Solutions, Phase Diagrams
Introduction to Quantum Chemistry Schrodinger Equation, Wave Particle Duality, Valence Bond, Molecular Orbital Approaches, Hydrogen Atom
Conductance Kohlrausch Law, Arrhenius Theory, Ionic Velocities, Conductivity
Electrochemistry EMF Measurements, Faraday’s Laws, Chemical Cells, Nernst Equation, Oxidation/Reduction Rules

Organic Chemistry

Topics Sub Topics
Basics of Organic Chemistry Organic Compounds: Classification, Nomenclature – Hybridization, Shapes of Molecules, Influence on Bond Properties – Electronic Displacements: Inductive, Resonance, Hyperconjugation – Homolytic and Heterolytic Fission, Curly Arrow Rules – Electrophiles, Nucleophiles, Reaction Intermediates
Stereochemistry Concept of Asymmetry, Fischer Projection – Newman and Sawhorse Projection – Geometrical Isomerism, E/Z Notations – Optical Isomerism, Chirality, Enantiomers – Diastereomers, Meso Structures, Relative and Absolute Configuration
Chemistry of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Alkanes: Formation, Wurtz Reaction, Substitutions – Alkenes and Alkynes: Elimination Reactions, E1, E2 Mechanism – Reactions of Alkenes: Electrophilic Additions – Reactions of Alkynes: Acidity, Additions
Cycloalkanes and Conformational Analysis Cycloalkanes Stability, Baeyer Strain Theory – Conformational Analysis: Chair, Boat, Twist Boat Forms
Aromatic Hydrocarbons Aromaticity, Huckel’s Rule – Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution: Halogenation, Nitration, Friedel-Craft’s Alkylation – Directing Effects of Substituent Groups
Chemistry of Halogenated Hydrocarbons Alkyl Halides: Preparation, Substitution Reactions – Aryl Halides: Preparation, Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution – Organometallic Compounds of Mg and Li
Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers, and Epoxides Alcohols: Preparation, Properties – Phenols: Preparation, Acidity, Reactions – Ethers and Epoxides: Preparation, Reactions
Carbonyl Compounds Nucleophilic Additions, Addition-Elimination Reactions – Aldol and Benzoin Condensation, Claisen-Schmidt Reaction – Oxidations and Reductions, Keto-Enol Tautomerism
Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives Monocarboxylic Acids: Preparation, Reactions – Dicarboxylic Acids, Hydroxy Acids, Unsaturated Acids – Acid Chlorides, Anhydrides, Esters, Amides
Sulphur-containing Compounds Thiols, Thioethers, Sulphonic Acids: Preparation, Reactions
Nitrogen Containing Functional Groups Nitro Compounds, Nitriles, Amines: Preparation, Reactions – Diazonium Salts: Preparation, Synthetic Applications
Polynuclear Hydrocarbons Reactions of Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, Anthracene – Structure, Preparation, Derivatives of Naphthalene, Anthracene
Heterocyclic Compounds Classification, Nomenclature – Furan, Pyrrole, Thiophene, Pyridine: Synthesis, Reactions – Quinoline, Isoquinoline: Synthesis, Reactions
Alkaloids Natural Occurrence, Structural Features – Isolation, Physiological Action – Structure Elucidation and Synthesis of Selected Alkaloids
Terpenes Occurrence, Classification – Isoprene Rule – Structure Elucidation and Synthesis of Selected Terpenes
Organic Spectroscopy UV Spectroscopy, Woodward-Fiser Rule – IR Spectroscopy: Functional Group Identification – NMR: Chemical Shifts, Splitting, Spin Coupling – Mass Spectrometry: Fragmentation Rule, Structure Elucidation

Inorganic Chemistry

Topics Sub Topics
Atomic Structure Bohr’s Theory, Limitations, Hydrogen Atom Spectrum – Wave Mechanics, de Broglie Equation – Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle – Schrödinger’s Wave Equation, ψ and ψ2 – Quantum Numbers, Normalized and Orthogonal Wave Functions – Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, Hund’s Rule, Aufbau’s Principle – Orbital Energy Variation with Atomic Number
Periodicity of Elements s, p, d, f Block Elements, Long Form of Periodic Table – Effective Nuclear Charge, Shielding, Slater Rules – Atomic Radii, Ionic and Crystal Radii, Covalent Radii – Ionization Enthalpy, Successive Ionization Enthalpies – Electron Gain Enthalpy, Electronegativity – Metallic Bonding, Weak Chemical Forces (van der Waals, Hydrogen Bond)
Chemical Bonding Ionic Bond: Characteristics, Radius Ratio Rule, Lattice Energy – Covalent Bond: Lewis Structure, VSEPR, Valence Bond Theory – Hybridization, Resonance, Molecular Orbital Theory – Metallic Bond, Weak Forces (van der Waals, Hydrogen Bond)
Metallic Bond and Weak Chemical Forces Metallic Bond: Free Electron Model, Semiconductors, Insulators – Weak Forces: van der Waals, Ion-Dipole, Dipole-Dipole, Hydrogen Bond – Oxidation-Reduction, Metallurgy, Electrode Potential – Inorganic Polymers, Coordination Chemistry, Transition Elements
Oxidation-Reduction and General Principles of Metallurgy Redox Equations, Electrode Potential, Ellingham Diagrams – Methods of Purification: Electrolytic, Kroll, Parting, van Arkel- de Boer, Mond’s Process – Chemistry of s and p Block Elements: Allotropy, Catenation, Complex Formation – Noble Gases, Clathrates, Noble Gas Compounds, Inertness Rationalization
Chemistry of s and p Block Elements Inert Pair Effect, Oxidation States, Diagonal Relationship – Allotropy, Catenation, Complex Formation – Hydrides Classification – Boron Compounds: Boric Acid, Borates, Boron Nitrides, Borohydrides – Oxides and Oxoacids of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Chlorine
Noble Gases Occurrence, Uses, Inertness Rationalization – Clathrates, XeF2, XeF4, XeF6, Bonding in Noble Gas Compounds – Inorganic Polymers: Silicones, Siloxanes, Borazines, Silicates, Phosphazenes, Polysulphates
Coordination Chemistry Crystal Field Theory – Valence Bond Theory, MO Diagrams – Ligand Field Theory, Werner’s Theory, Isomerism, Stereochemistry – Transition Elements: Group Trends, Properties – Lanthanides, Actinides: Electronic Configuration, Properties, Separation Methods, EAN Rule
Bioinorganic Chemistry Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Classification – Geochemical Effects, Trace Metals, Toxicity – Iron Applications in Biosystems, Haemoglobin – Organometallic Compounds: Definition, Classification, Metal Carbonyls
Atomic Structure Hund’s Rule, Aufbau’s Principle – Orbital Energy Variation with Atomic Number, Bohr’s Theory, Limitations, Hydrogen Atom Spectrum – Wave Mechanics, de Broglie Equation – Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle – Schrödinger’s Wave Equation, ψ and ψ2 – Quantum Numbers, Normalised and Orthogonal Wave Functions – Pauli’s Exclusion Principle,
Periodicity of Elements s, p, d, f Block Elements, Long Form of Periodic Table – Effective Nuclear Charge, Shielding, Slater Rules – Atomic Radii, Ionic and Crystal Radii, Covalent Radii – Ionization Enthalpy, Successive Ionization Enthalpies – Electron Gain Enthalpy, Electronegativity – Metallic Bonding, Weak Chemical Forces (van der Waals, Hydrogen Bond)
Chemical Bonding Ionic Bond: Characteristics, Radius Ratio Rule, Lattice Energy – Covalent Bond: Lewis Structure, VSEPR, Valence Bond Theory – Hybridization, Resonance, Molecular Orbital Theory – Metallic Bond, Weak Forces (van der Waals, Hydrogen Bond)
Metallic Bond and Weak Chemical Forces Dipole-Dipole, Transition Elements, Semiconductors, Insulators – Weak Forces: van der Waals, Ion-Dipole, Hydrogen Bond – Oxidation-Reduction, Metallurgy,Metallic Bond: Free Electron Model, Electrode Potential – Inorganic Polymers, Coordination Chemistry
Oxidation-Reduction and General Principles of Metallurgy Clathrates, Catenation, Complex Formation – Noble Gases, Redox Equations, Electrode Potential, Kroll, Parting, van Arkel- de Boer, Mond’s Process – Chemistry of s and p Block Elements: Allotropy, Noble Gas Compounds, Inertness Rationalization, Ellingham Diagrams – Methods of Purification: Electrolytic
Chemistry of s and p Block Elements Phosphorus, Complex Formation – Hydrides Classification – Boron Compounds: Boric Acid, Borates, Boron Nitrides, Oxidation States, Diagonal Relationship – Allotropy, Catenation, Borohydrides – Oxides and Oxoacids of Nitrogen, Chlorine, Inert Pair Effect
Noble Gases Polysulfides, Bonding in Noble Gas Compounds – Inorganic Polymers: Silicones, , Phosphazenes, Occurrence, Uses, Inertness Rationalization – Clathrates, XeF2, XeF4, XeF6, Siloxanes, Borazines, Silicates

CUET PG Chemistry Books

CUET PG Chemistry Books 2025

To have a thorough understanding of the concepts and subtopics included in the Chemistry syllabus, candidates are advised to peruse the following:

Section Books
Physical Chemistry
  • A. Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, R. Chand & Co.: New Delhi (2011).
  • Khosla
  • Halpern
  • D. P. Experiments in Physical Chemistry 8th Ed.; McGraw-Hill: New York (2003)
  • A. M. & McBane
  • G. C. Experimental Physical Chemistry
  • V. C. & GulatiGarland,
  • C. W.; Nibler,
  • J. W. & Shoemaker
Organic Chemistry
  • F.G. & Saunders
  • Mann
  • Chemistry, 5th Ed., Pearson (2012)
  • B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry. Pearson Education (2009)
  • Furniss, B.S.; Hannaford, A.J.; Smith, P.W.G.; Tatchell, A.R. Practical Organic
Inorganic Chemistry
  • Douglas, B.E. and Mc Daniel, D.H., Concepts & Models of Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford, 1970
  • Huheey, J.E.
  • Keiter, E.A., Keiter, R. L., Medhi, O.K. Inorganic Chemistry
  • Principles of Structure and Reactivity, Pearson Education 2006.
  • Lee, J.D. Concise Inorganic Chemistry, Pearson Education 2010

CUET PG Chemistry Question Papers

CUET PG Chemistry Question Papers

CUET PG Chemistry Question Paper Download Link
CUET PG Chemistry 2023 Question Paper Check Here
CUET PG Chemistry 2022 Question Paper Check Here

Frequently Asked Questions

CUET PG Chemistry Syllabus 2025 FAQs

Ques. How will the CUET PG Chemistry test be structured in 2025?

Ans. There are 75 domain-specific questions as per the new pattern revised in 2024 session. The total marks are 300 and each question carries 4 marks and -1 for every question.

Ques. What is the common section syllabus for the CUET PG exam in 2025?

Ans. Topics include English, Verbal Ability, Mathematics, Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation, General Knowledge, Computer Basics, and Logical Reasoning are all included in the CUET 2024 Syllabus.

Ques. Does the CUET PG Chemistry test have a negative marking system?

Ans. In CUET PG Chemistry, negative marking is indeed present. There will be a deduction of one mark from the final score for each wrong response.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


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