Dr. Manam Ravindra is an Associate Professor and Head of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department at Aditya College of Engineering. He completed his PhD at JNTU Kakinada. He has more than 25 publications, which are published in reputed journals indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Dr. Ravindra is a reviewer of reputed journals like IEEE Access, Wiley, and Hindawi journals. His areas of interest include power system state estimation, power systems operation and control and electric power distribution systems.


You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

I have been associated with the teaching sector for a long time. There are several reasons why I have chosen to work in this field. I enjoy the fact that I get to exercise my problem-solving skills and that I am continuously learning. This helps stay competitive and up to date with the latest in the industry. I also enjoy contributing to innovation and practising my creativity when teaching.

Being the HOD Aditya College of Engineering what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

As the HOD of Aditya College of Engineering, my leadership philosophy revolves around creating a cooperative and student focused atmosphere. I encourage a culture of innovation using modern and innovative teaching methods. I keep my supporting faculty updated by having them attend workshops and faculty development programs. I also recognize that student and faculty achievements support individual growth.

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

A student can attain a high-quality education through expert professional lectures at the college who have a good research background. We provide good library access, both online and offline provided on the campus. The KNimbus library access is provided through IEEE, Springer, and Science, from which direct papers can be accessed. We have a good startup ecosystem where every student at the college can come up with new ideas and work on them to create their own startups. We also have a T-Hub where students are trained with skill courses for placements. The college has MOUs with L&T, EduTech, Pega and other foreign universities like the University of Memphis, which help the students with placements and our faculty with research work.

How does the curriculum of Aditya College of Engineering ensure the best practice of industry?

In Aditya College of Engineering, for curriculum development, we include industry personnel, IIT/NIT professors, and alumni members to form the Board of Studies (BOS) committee. This committee works together to develop and update the curriculum. The suggestions and inputs from industry personnel are considered to develop the curriculum. Regular meetings are conducted to update technologies and industry standards. Industry experts are also invited to faculty development programs, guest lectures and seminars. Moreover, we have industry field trips organized for B Tech Students every year to gain practical experiences.

Check Aditya College of Engineering Faculty

What do you think should be the Institute's top priority over the next 5 years?

Over the next five years, there are several items on the agenda that need our focus. We need to raise funding for research infrastructure that will support our faculty and student research activities. We also aim to work towards providing technical skills to every student through T-Hub and achieving the best placement records. We also have plans to create a startup ecosystem, where students can put their ideas into action, generate a new startup and grow as entrepreneurs before they graduate. We also want to encourage faculty to produce a greater number of SCI journals and patents and have their projects granted. Through these efforts, we aspire to achieve an NRIF ranking for our institute eventually.

What do you see as your Institute's greatest strengths?

Our college has modern and state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities equipped with digital boards and internet facilities. The management has taken care to build a green and serene environment in and around the college that is conducive to the student’s growth. We have sufficient funding for research infrastructure and support for faculty and student research activities, along with a T-hub where every student can learn skill-based courses that help with placements. We also have MOUs with industries, providing internships and placement opportunities.

What would you like people to know about your college they may not know?

There is a technical hub in the college where every student can learn skill based courses which are aimed at helping them with their placement process. Our institute also has MOUs with industry leaders and institutes that facilitate information and knowledge exchange. Our students are also connected with internships and eventually placements through these partnerships. 

Any message you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

For the current youth, I would like to remind them of a quote, “What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean.” There is much to learn and know in this world. Develop a mindset of continuous learning. It will help you keep up-skilling yourself and stay competitive. Network with industry experts and seniors and seek out opportunities that will help you advance in your journey.