Dr. Abhijeet Chatterjee is the HOD at Shri Vaishnav Institute of Management. He holds B.Sc from P.M.B. Gujarati Science College Indore and MBA from Shri Vaishnav Institute of Management. He has a Ph.D. in Financial Management from Devi Ahilya University in 2004. Thesis titled “An Empirical Study to assess the extent of Investors’ Protection in M.P. He completed his Chartered Accountancy (Intermediate) from The Institute of Chartered Accountancy of India, New Delhi, in the year 1994.

He is a Certified Lead Auditor of ISO 9001:2000 Standards for Quality Management Systems and successfully conducted a surveillance audit of Aditya Vikram Birla Public School, Nagda in Dec.2005 and August 2006 as a Technical expert. Further, he has also conducted a certification Audit of SYNA International School, Katni in 2007 as a Technical Expert. He has attended many workshops, seminars and conferences and has published a variety of his writing in national and international journals, magazines and projects.

Shri Vaishnav Institute of Management

Tell us about your experience in the Education Industry.

My extensive experience in the education industry spans several roles and institutions, providing me with a diverse skill set and insights into various aspects of education management and administration. I have held positions such as Professor, Director, and Head of Departments in multiple educational institutions across India. My responsibilities have encompassed day-to-day administration, brand building, compliance with regulatory bodies, and strategic planning for student admissions.

Additionally, I have organized study tours and led students on educational journeys. Furthermore, I have had the opportunity to work in the financial sector and as an audit assistant, which has added depth to my expertise in finance and taxation. My experiences in both academic and corporate settings have equipped me with valuable knowledge and skills to contribute effectively to the education industry and its continuous improvement. Over the past 8-9 years, I have dedicated myself to serving in the industry. However, I find myself drawn back to the academic world repeatedly. This attraction stems from the unique energy and potential that lies within the youth. Being part of academia allows me to contribute to shaping the future of students, which, in turn, plays a vital role in our country’s growth. I firmly believe in destiny’s influence on our lives. Despite my attempts to transition to the industry, I sense that destiny may have other plans for me - ones that involve serving education and the youth. It seems that my path inevitably leads me back to academics, and I am more than willing to embrace this journey.

What is the Role of a Good Leader?

A good leader in education today recognizes the evolving landscape of students due to technological advancements and changing knowledge levels. To effectively lead and inspire students in this context, A leader must be adaptable and open to new teaching methods and technologies to keep up with the changing needs of students and building a strong rapport with students is crucial. Engage them in meaningful ways, fostering trust and confidence in your leadership. A leader should encourage innovative approaches to teaching and learning, incorporating technology and interactive methods to keep students engaged and motivated. Leaders should possess a deep understanding of their subject matter and continuously update their knowledge. This ensures they can guide students effectively and provide relevant insights. They should be involved in curriculum development, ensuring it remains relevant, up-to-date, and prepares students for the evolving job market.

Facilitating partnerships with industry and providing opportunities for students to gain practical experience, internships, and job placements is also an important part of being a good leader. A leader should offer mentorship and guidance to students, helping them navigate their academic and career paths. One should lead by example, demonstrating a strong work ethic, ethical behavior, and a commitment to lifelong learning. Precisely, a good leader in education today is adaptable, engages students effectively, embraces innovation, possesses a strong knowledge base, enhances the curriculum, provides placement opportunities, offers mentorship, and serves as a role model to inspire and guide students toward success.

What are the challenges faced by you as a HOD?

As the Head of the Department (HOD), I’ve encountered a unique set of challenges that stem from the evolving educational landscape and the expectations of both students and the institution. Firstly, bridging the generation gap between experienced faculty and tech-savvy students can be demanding, as effective leadership in education requires strategies that resonate with the current generation’s digital literacy. Secondly, balancing the fixed curriculum with innovative programs like workshops on cutting-edge topics like AI is a constant challenge. Ensuring students receive a holistic education that goes beyond textbooks while adhering to university-affiliated curricula can be complex.

Additionally, fostering a culture of active engagement and confidence among students, despite technological distractions, requires careful leadership. Lastly, ensuring that placement opportunities align with students’ aspirations and industry demands presents an ongoing challenge. These challenges necessitate dynamic leadership strategies that accommodate the evolving needs and expectations of students and the ever-changing educational landscape.

Check Shri Vaishnav Institute of Management Faculty

What is the curriculum of your college?

The curriculum of our college is primarily focused on providing a well-rounded education to our students. As a university-affiliated institute, our curriculum is fixed and adheres to the guidelines and requirements set by the university. However, we go beyond the standard curriculum by offering additional programs and initiatives that we call beyond the books. These programs aim to provide students with the latest developments in the field of industry, including topics like AI (Artificial Intelligence). We conduct lectures, workshops, and expert lectures to expose students to the latest trends, developments and happenings in various industries. This approach ensures that our students not only gain theoretical knowledge but also practical insights into the rapidly changing world of business and technology.

What do you see as the greatest strength of your college?

Our college boasts a multitude of strengths that set us apart in the realm of education. First and foremost, we carry a legacy of over 35-37 years, making us one of the oldest self-financed colleges in the state. This rich history reflects our commitment to providing quality education over the years. Secondly, our greatest asset is our highly qualified faculty. We take pride in having some of the best educators among all the e-schools in the city and state. Their expertise and dedication are integral to our institution’s success.

Additionally, our library resources are second to none. Our library has consistently earned recognition as one of the best, a testament to the wealth of knowledge it offers to our students. Lastly, we are honored to hold an A-grade accreditation, a distinction that speaks to our commitment to excellence. It’s a parameter that underscores the high standards we maintain in all aspects of our institution. Together, these strengths reflect our enduring dedication to providing a top-tier educational experience and contributing positively to the academic community.

Any suggestions for aspiring students and young generations?

My suggestion to the young generations is simple: Don’t limit yourself to specific geographical boundaries when it comes to job opportunities. Parents and students should embrace a global perspective, be open to local, domestic, and international challenges, and seize opportunities wherever they arise. Expanding horizons and embracing diversity will enhance personal and professional growth.