Mr.Gudi Saya Reddy is the Vice Principal at Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science for Women, Nizamabad. He has a total experience of 20 years in the teaching and administrative domain. Added to this, he also has been a part of the Industrial sector for around 8 years. He has completed his B.E. in Industrial and Production Engineering and M.Tech. in Industrial Engineering and Management. His expertise provides students with exceptional learning opportunities and a chance at a bright future ahead.

Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science for women

What is the latest program that you are offering at Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science for women that will help students outperform and stand apart from the crowd?

At Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science for Women, there are a lot of unique things. It is a highly qualified and visionary Management. We believe in the fact that students are satisfied with all activities. Moreover, we provide a student-friendly environment. The qualified and dedicated faculty is our advantage. We have value-added Programs every semester. However, the Industry Institute Interaction Cell identifies the needs of Industries regularly. It helps to take care of our academic activities.

How does the program ensure that students are being prepared for the future?

We offer unique tutoring that caters not only to the outgoing batches but to the entire student community as well. Training needs analysis which is done to categorize the individual requirements of each student. The students are then trained for exponential growth by overcoming their flaws and through practical application of the knowledge they have gained. Our goal is to provide quality education and up-to-date information to the students so that they find a place in the fast-changing profile of the industry teaching methods, coupled with intensive laboratory training, are imparted to get the best out of everyone. Interactive sessions, the conduct of seminars, etc. are the added co-curricular activities dealt with by the department that help in the making of an engineer beyond compare.

How did you train yourself/faculty to deliver this program to the students?

The college provides support for teachers by making sure they have the resources needed for effective teaching. The college also focuses on the importance of meaningful student work and empowers teachers to design learning experiences that encourage students to apply knowledge in new and challenging ways. Hence, the department creates opportunities for teachers to reflect on their practice, such as professional development or coaching sessions. It also fosters a culture of feedback and makes sure that students are involved in the learning process. Teachers and students are trained by experts in guest lectures and workshops. Faculty members are encouraged to attend seminars and conferences to update themselves in related areas. Books prescribed for each course in the programs are ordered and made available to the faculty and students in the library.

What is your vision and mission of Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science for Women? 

Our Vision is to become a premier educational institution in the State, offering the best technical training inputs to rural women students motivating them to be confident and competent to play a vital role in the service to society and aiming at women's empowerment; and on the other side our mission is disseminating of high-quality education in engineering technology, to the students to develop their personality, to improve quality of life and to make them worthy citizens.

Check Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science for Women Coursse & Fees

What would you say are the ‘best practices’ in the course you’re offering?

We at Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science for Women, focus on inculcating discipline, innovative spirit, entrepreneurship, and overall development amongst students. Also, we will be conducting various activities to ensure quality teaching staff. We will be enabling the students to an industry with various real-time activities during the academics.

What will you say are the “best practices” in the course you’re offering?

We believe that our education system needs to be reformed drastically. Over the years, changes have been introduced in the Indian education system towards imparting practical and research education among students. Within the scope of management, we are trying to impart this type of learning. We organize regular site visits for the engineering students and motivate them to implement theory concepts into practical projects.

What do you think should be the college’s top priority over the next 5 years?

We aim to achieve the status of an autonomous institute in the coming years. Our students need to prepare for the ever-changing job industry and also become socially aware individuals. All our efforts are directed in this direction for the future.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the aspiring students?

Students need to fully utilize their academic period and work hard to fulfill their dreams. They can easily lead a prosperous life after the initial struggle. Every student should have a clear focus on learning during these important years so that their future is built strongly.