Dr Kumar Shravan is by heart a Hindi Poet, by passion a Writer, and by profession a Professor of Communication. Dr Kumar is a Professor and Dean of, the School of Liberal Arts Dean Student Welfare and additional responsibility of In-charge, International Affairs, at Uttaranchal University. 29 books are in his credit published by Cambridge University Press, UK, and Atlantic Publishers, India. 28 Research Papers, 11 Patents and 03 Copyrights position his innovative and creative approach very firmly. He is also carrying the responsibility of the National Vice-Presidentship of the English Language Teachers’ Association of India. He also received the Teacher Excellence Award by UGC in 2020. He has delivered more than 135+ lectures as a Plenary Speaker/ Resource Person in National and International Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, and Webinars. He has organised more than 50 International academic and more than 350+ extracurricular mega-events.

Uttaranchal University

What is the latest program that you are offering in your institute/department which will help students outperform and stand apart from the crowd?

The latest Mass Communication program emphasizes digital media, multimedia journalism, and data journalism, preparing students for the evolving media landscape. Programs often incorporate virtual and augmented reality technologies, fostering skills in immersive storytelling. Additionally, a focus on media management, entrepreneurship, and strategic communication addresses the contemporary demands of the industry. Global communication perspectives, cultural competence, and an emphasis on ethics and responsible journalism further enhance students' preparedness. The program's holistic approach, combining technical skills with ethical considerations, aims to set graduates apart in a competitive and dynamic field. For precise details, refer to the specific institute's official information.

What are the factors that make this program the best for the students to opt for?

The best Mass Communication programs stand out by offering industry-relevant curricula, led by experienced faculty with practical insights. They provide access to state-of-the-art facilities, internships, and industry partnerships for hands-on experience. A global perspective, emphasis on ethics, and networking opportunities contribute to a comprehensive education. Career services, including resume support and alumni networks, aid in post-graduation transitions. Programs fostering innovation and adaptability ensure graduates are equipped to navigate a dynamic media landscape. When selecting a program, students should consider these factors to ensure a well-rounded education that aligns with their career aspirations.

What are the best practices in the course you’re offering?

Best practices in a Mass Communication course involve staying current with industry trends, incorporating hands-on learning through practical assignments, and inviting guest lecturers from the field. Internship opportunities, discussions on ethics and media literacy, and the integration of technology enhance the learning experience. A global perspective, interactive classrooms, and networking opportunities foster a well-rounded education. Effective feedback mechanisms and adaptability to industry changes contribute to a dynamic and relevant curriculum. Continuous evaluation and improvement, along with the commitment of both students and instructors, ensure the course remains effective and aligned with the evolving needs of the media landscape.

What are some valuable insights from the program that you are offering at your institute/department?

Hypothetically, our Mass Communication program offers a cutting-edge curriculum embracing digital media, data journalism, and immersive storytelling. Our faculty, comprised of industry experts, ensures students gain practical skills through hands-on learning and industry collaborations. With a global perspective, we explore international media dynamics and cross-cultural communication. Ethics and responsibility are paramount, in fostering socially conscious media practices. Networking opportunities abound, connecting students with alumni and industry professionals. Our innovation hub provides access to top-tier facilities, nurturing creativity and adaptability. Comprehensive career support services, including job placement assistance and ongoing alumni engagement, guide students towards a successful professional journey.

How does the program ensure that students are being prepared for the future?

Our Mass Communication program ensures future readiness by continually updating its curriculum to reflect industry advancements. Through immersive learning methods and cutting-edge technologies, students gain adaptable skills. A global perspective, industry collaborations, and real-world exposure prepare them for diverse media landscapes. Emphasis on ethical journalism fosters socially responsible practitioners. Faculty undergoes continuous development to stay updated. Integration of the latest technologies, ample networking opportunities, and robust career services equip students for the digital future. The program emphasizes critical thinking, ensuring graduates can navigate the evolving complexities of the media industry confidently.

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How did you train yourself/faculty to deliver this program to the students?

Faculty are trained through professional development workshops, keeping them updated on industry trends, emerging technologies, and innovative teaching methods. Immersive experiences like industry collaborations and visits foster a practical understanding of current challenges. Ongoing technology training ensures proficiency in relevant tools. Global exposure through conferences and partnerships broadens perspectives. Ethics and responsible journalism training reinforces the program's values. A continuous learning culture encourages faculty to pursue advanced degrees and certifications. Peer collaboration promotes knowledge-sharing and best practices. Regular student feedback and evaluation contribute to refining teaching methods, ensuring faculty remains well-prepared to deliver a dynamic and relevant Mass Communication program.

How do you tend to build an industry connection with this program?

To establish a robust industry connection, our Mass Communication program employs a multifaceted approach. Advisory boards, comprised of industry professionals, guide the curriculum to align with current needs. Regular guest lectures and workshops by industry experts provide students with firsthand insights. Strategic partnerships with media organizations facilitate internships and collaborative projects, fostering practical experience and industry ties. Networking events and alumni engagement activities create platforms for students to connect with professionals. Faculty participation in industry conferences ensures ongoing relevance. By showcasing student work and faculty research, the program establishes visibility and credibility. These initiatives collectively build a dynamic bridge between academia and the evolving landscape of the media industry.

What were the challenges that you faced while inculcating this program into your curriculum?

In incorporating our Mass Communication program, challenges included maintaining industry relevance amid rapid changes, requiring continuous curriculum updates. Faculty training for emerging technologies posed logistical hurdles. Resource allocation for cutting-edge facilities strained budgets. Integrating a global perspective demanded collaboration and administrative coordination. Ensuring ethical journalism education presented ongoing considerations. Technology integration faced accessibility and infrastructure challenges. Establishing meaningful industry partnerships for internships required proactive engagement. Forming an effective advisory board demanded identification and collaboration efforts. Attracting and retaining students necessitated strategic marketing. Achieving accreditation and industry recognition involved meticulous adherence to quality standards. Balancing theoretical and practical components in the curriculum required precise design and feedback mechanisms.

What are the types of projects that the students are working on through this program?

Mass Communication students engage in diverse projects, including multimedia storytelling, data journalism analyses, and social media campaigns. They create virtual reality experiences, produce podcasts, and develop public relations campaigns. Documentary production explores social issues, while media critique hones critical analysis skills. Event coverage and community engagement initiatives foster real-world application. Brand management projects involve designing strategies for identity and promotion. These hands-on projects allow students to apply theoretical knowledge, develop practical skills, and build portfolios, preparing them for the dynamic demands of the media industry. The specific projects may vary, ensuring alignment with industry trends and evolving communication landscapes.

What are the benefits and career options after pursuing this course?

A Mass Communication course offers diverse career options and benefits. Graduates gain versatile skills applicable to journalism, digital media, public relations, advertising, and more. Practical projects and internships provide hands-on experience, enhancing employability. Exposure to global media trends fosters a broad perspective, while networking opportunities create valuable connections. The adaptability acquired enables graduates to navigate evolving media landscapes and emerging technologies. Career options include roles in journalism, digital media production, public relations, advertising, content writing, broadcasting, data journalism, and more, showcasing the program's flexibility and relevance in today's dynamic communication industry.