FMS Delhi

Prof. Sunita Singh Sengupta is currently the Head and Dean of Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi. Before this, she worked as an associate professor at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta in the Behavioural Sciences Group.

Prof. Singh is someone whose eyes are on the stars and feet grounded. She initiated researches and academic summits (both national and international) on Integrating Spirituality and Organizational Leadership and Vedic Foundations of Management Science in India, USA and Canada.

It is said "Work hard in silence. Let success be your noise." And, Prof. Sunita has much success in her name. She authored 28 books and has written over 5 dozen articles nationally and internationally. 

Teachers shapes raw clays (students) into pots (professionals)

I am in the educational world because I am very passionate about teaching. I believe in one thing only, we should allow our passion to become our purpose, and one day it will become our profession.

Being a teacher is a privilege as you do not only get to interact with the young mind but also get a chance to learn something new. I believe that education is as essential as teaching the students about our culture and make them socially sensitive and sensible so that they can create a positive social impact. 

A good leader leads with compassion and love

I believe in spirituality. Hence, I function with compassion and love. My leadership style is governed by my inner self and for me, it is very important that I serve every stakeholder of my institute starting from faculty, staff, students and support staff as well.

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Mindset is everything

People say “I am the first woman dean of FMS, premier business school.” For me, this is like an opportunity to serve this institution which has given me a lot. So I never faced any challenge because “I believe that Mindset is everything. Once you believe you can achieve something, you likely will”. It has been a very resonating journey till now and hope it will be a meaningful journey ahead too. 

We provide better placement with a lesser investment

I remember when I got the offer from FMS way back in 2005 and I was confused that should I take it or not, at that time I was at IIM-Calcutta doing very well, so I talked to my former Director Late. Prof. Amitabh Bose and he said, “their placements are better than ours”. He said you go there, learn and then come back. I came here but didn't go back.

When a student comes to FMS they have a world-class faculty and even better placement with a lesser investment of money, this attracts the students and hence there is a huge rush for FMS.

Click here FMS Delhi Placement

Competition is good as long as it is healthy

Colleges should focus more on what they are giving to the students in terms of classroom teaching, how much exposure to the industry they have, how they are preparing these minds to take up responsibilities in the future. Many colleges focus on competition amongst the students. These competitions become so big that students start forgetting ethical values, forget respecting their colleagues. I prefer a healthy competition where people learn from each other and respect each other.

Mind of youth needs to be put at peace

Be a good human being that's the only thing that will make you achieve your goals. Today the youth is very restless in all the aspects, mind needs to be put at peace. The person needs to be rooted and therefore I strongly believe that the journey has to be inside out and everybody will realize that each one has a different path to walk, there is no comparison.