COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry Syllabus, Check Section Wise Important Topics, and Best Books for Preparation

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Content Curator | Updated On - May 7, 2024

COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry syllabus will be updated as PDF booklet by The Consortium of Medical Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka. The syllabus is available to download in the form of PDF from the official website, at COMEDK UGET 2024 syllabus of Chemistry is same as of previous year, and is based on CBSE class 11 and 12 levels with 33% and 67% weightage of questions respectively. COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry paper consists of 60 MCQ questions out of a total 180. Biomolecules, Polymers, and Chemical Reactions are some important topics of COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry syllabus with maximum number of weightage.

According to previous year’s examinee’s reports, questions from Chemistry syllabus was lenghty, however and had NCERT based straightforward problems. The overall COMEDK UGET Chemistry paper was rated in the level of easy to moderate. As per COMEDK UGET previous year’s analysis, major highlighted portions of Chemistry syllabus for both shift 1 and 2 was Organic and Inorganic Chemistry.

COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry syllabus was considered to be easiest to solve in comparison to other two papers of the exam, viz., Physics and Mathematics. However, you can ace it by taking effective COMEDK UGET 2024 exam preparation. Some best books like “Chemistry for Karnataka CET and COMEDK” by BASE, and NCERT Class 11 and 12 textbooks covers all sub topics of COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry syllabus. The official has also introduced free mock test series on their official website for a clear understanding of COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry syllabus. Solving COMEDK UGET practice papers on a regular basis can help in understanding core concepts of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics syllabus.

Ques. Is COMEDK 2024 Chemistry Syllabus is similar to that of JEE Mains?

Ans. Chemistry syllabus of COMEDK UGET 2024 and JEE Mains might have overlapping sub topics. Both entrance exams are conducted at the 11+12 level. However, there may be some differences in certain topics and also the weightage of questions. You can check and download COMEDK 2024 Chemistry syllabus available at the official website,

Ques. Does coaching classes covers all topics of COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry syllabus?

Ans. To be factual, it simply depends on different coaching centers. Attending coaching classes can be someone’s personal choice. However, studying with proper and strategic study, and solving previous years’ question papers can help you to ace the examination. COMEDK UGET 2024 free mock test series can also assist in covering all important topics of Chemistry syllabus.

Ques. Can I use online resources and video lectures for COMEDK UGET 2024 exam preparation?

Ans. Online resources and video lectures can be beneficial for COMEDK UGET 2024 exam preparation. Several websites, and educational platforms, and also YouTube channels offers best study materials, practice questions, and video lectures students going to appear for COMEDK UGET 2024 exam.

COMEDK UGET Chemistry Syllabus

COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry Syllabus

Given in the table below is the detailed COMEDK UGET Chemistry Syllabus 2024:

Main Topics Sub Topics
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry General Introduction: Importance and scope of Chemistry. Atomic and molecular masses, mole concept and molar mass, percentage composition, empirical and molecular formula, chemical reactions, stoichiometry and calculations based on stoichiometry
Structure of Atom Bohr's model and its limitations, concept of shells and subshells, dual nature of matter and light, de Broglie's relationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, concept of orbitals, quantum numbers, shapes of s, p and d orbitals, rules for filling electrons in orbitals - Aufbau principle, Pauli's exclusion principle and Hund's rule, electronic configuration of atoms, stability of half-filled and completely filled orbitals
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Modern periodic law and the present form of periodic table, periodic trends in properties of elements -atomic radii, ionic radii, inert gas radii, Ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, electronegativity, valency. Nomenclature of elements with atomic number greater than 100
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure CValence electrons, ionic bond, covalent bond, bond parameters, Lewis structure, polar character of covalent bond, covalent character of ionic bond, valence bond theory, resonance, geometry of covalent molecules, VSEPR theory, concept of hybridization, involving s, p and d orbitals and shapes of some simple molecules, molecular orbital theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules (qualitative idea only), Hydrogen bond
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids Three states of matter, intermolecular interactions, types of bonding, melting and boiling points, role of gas laws in elucidating the concept of the molecule, Boyle's law, Charles law, Gay Lussac's law, Avogadro's law, ideal behaviour, empirical derivation of gas equation, Avogadro's number, ideal gas equation and deviation from ideal behaviour
Chemical Thermodynamics Concepts of System and types of systems, surroundings, work, heat, energy, extensive and intensive properties, state functions. First law of thermodynamics -internal energy and enthalpy, measurement of ΔU and ΔH, Hess's law of constant heat summation, enthalpy of bond dissociation, combustion, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition, ionization, solution and dilution. Second law of Thermodynamics (brief introduction) Introduction of entropy as a state function, Gibb's energy change for spontaneous and nonspontaneous processes. Third law of thermodynamics (brief introduction)
Equilibrium Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic nature of equilibrium, law of mass action, equilibrium constant, factors affecting equilibrium - Le Chatelier's principle, ionic equilibriumionization of acids and bases, strong and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, ionization of poly basic acids, acid strength, concept of pH, buffer solution, solubility product, common ion effect (with illustrative examples)
Redox Reactions Concept of oxidation and reduction, redox reactions, oxidation number, balancing redox reactions, in terms of loss and gain of electrons and change in oxidation number
Hydrogen Position of hydrogen in periodic table, occurrence, isotopes, hydrides-ionic covalent and interstitial; physical and chemical properties of water, heavy water, hydrogen as a fuel
s-Block Elements Group 1 and Group 2 Elements -General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, anomalous properties of the first element of each group, diagonal relationship, trends in the variation of properties (such as ionization enthalpy, atomic and ionic radii), trends in chemical reactivity with oxygen, water, hydrogen and halogens, uses
p-Block Elements General Introduction to p -Block Elements Group 13 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, variation of properties, oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity, anomalous properties of first element of the group, Boron - physical and chemical properties. Group 14 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, variation of properties, oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity, anomalous behaviour of first elements. Carboncatenation, allotropic forms, physical and chemical properties
Organic Chemistry: Some basic Principles and Techniques General introduction, classification and IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds. Electronic displacements in a covalent bond: inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance and hyper conjugation. Homolytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond: free radicals, carbocations, carbanions, electrophiles and nucleophiles, types of organic reactions
Hydrocarbons Classification of Hydrocarbons Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: Alkanes - Nomenclature, isomerism, conformation (ethane only), physical properties, chemical reactions. Alkenes - Nomenclature, structure of double bond (ethene), geometrical isomerism, physical properties, methods of preparation, chemical reactions: addition of hydrogen, halogen, water, hydrogen halides (Markovnikov's addition and peroxide effect), ozonolysis, oxidation, mechanism of electrophilic addition. Alkynes - Nomenclature, structure of triple bond (ethyne), physical properties, methods of preparation, chemical reactions: acidic character of alkynes, addition reaction of - hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides and water. Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Introduction, IUPAC nomenclature, benzene: resonance, aromaticity, chemical properties: mechanism of electrophilic substitution. Nitration, sulphonation, halogenation, Friedel Craft's alkylation and acylation, directive influence of functional group in monosubstituted benzene. Carcinogenicity and toxicity
Solutions Types of solutions, expression of concentration of solutions of solids in liquids, solubility of gases in liquids, solid solutions, Raoult's law, colligative properties - relative lowering of vapour pressure, elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure, determination of molecular masses using colligative properties, abnormal molecular mass, Van't Hoff factor
Electrochemistry Redox reactions, EMF of a cell, standard electrode potential, Nernst equation and its application to chemical cells, Relation between Gibbs energy change and EMF of a cell, conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and molar conductivity, variations of conductivity with concentration, Kohlrausch's Law, electrolysis and law of electrolysis (elementary idea), dry cell-electrolytic cells and Galvanic cells, lead accumulator, fuel cells, corrosion
Chemical Kinetics Rate of a reaction (Average and instantaneous), factors affecting rate of reaction: concentration, temperature, catalyst; order and molecularity of a reaction, rate law and specific rate constant, integrated rate equations and half-life (only for zero and first order reactions), concept of collision theory (elementary idea, no mathematical treatment), activation energy, Arrhenius equation
d -and f -Block Elements General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics of transition metals, general trends in properties of the first-row transition metals – metallic character, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, ionic radii, colour, catalytic property, magnetic properties, interstitial properties, alloy formation, preparation and properties of K2Cr2O7 and KMnO4. Lanthanoidselectronic configuration, oxidation states, chemical reactivity and lanthanoid contraction and its consequences. Actinoids- electronic configuration, oxidation states, comparison with lanthanoids
Coordination Compounds Coordination compounds - Introduction, ligands, coordination number, colour, magnetic properties and shapes, IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds. Bonding, Werner's theory, VBT, and CFT; structure and stereoisomerism, the importance of coordination compounds (in qualitative analysis, extraction of metals and biological system)
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

Haloalkanes: Nomenclature, nature of C–X bond, physical and chemical properties, optical rotation mechanism of substitution reactions.

Haloarenes: Nature of C–X bond, substitution reactions (Directive influence of halogen in monosubstituted compounds only). Uses and environmental effects of - dichloromethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane, iodoform, freons, DDT

Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties (of primary alcohols only), identification of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols, mechanism of dehydration, uses with special reference to methanol and ethanol. Phenols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, acidic nature of phenol, electrophilic substitution reactions, uses of phenols. Ethers: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, uses
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids Aldehydes and Ketones: Nomenclature, nature of carbonyl group, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, mechanism of nucleophilic addition, reactivity of alpha hydrogen in aldehydes, uses. Carboxylic Acids: Nomenclature, acidic nature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties; uses
Amines Amines: Nomenclature, classification, structure, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, uses, identification of primary, secondary and tertiary amines. Diazonium salts: Preparation, chemical reactions and importance in synthetic organic chemistry
Biomolecules Carbohydrates - Classification (aldoses and ketoses), monosaccharides (glucose and fructose), D-L configuration oligosaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose), polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen); Importance of carbohydrates. Proteins -Elementary idea of - amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides, proteins, structure of proteins - primary, secondary, tertiary structure and quaternary structures (qualitative idea only), denaturation of proteins; enzymes. Hormones - Elementary idea excluding structure. Vitamins - Classification and functions. Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA
COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry Syllabus Important Topics

Some of the important topics in COMEDK UGET 2024 chemistry syllabus that the students must not skip have been given below:

Electrochemistry Chemistry in Action
Chemistry of Carbon Compounds Transition of Metals
Chemical Kinetics Biomolecules
Organic Chemistry Nuclear Chemistry
Chemical Thermodynamics -

Also Check: COMEDK UGET 2024 Syllabus

COMEDK UGET Paper Analysis

COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry Syllabus Deleted Topics

List of unit wise deleted topics from COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry syllabus are as follows:

Units Deleted Portions
The Solid State
  • Electrical properties
  • Magnetic properties
Solutions Abnormal Molar masses
  • Galvanic Cells
  • Batteries
  • Fuel Cells
  • Corrosion
Chemical Kinetics
  • Temperature Dependence of the Rate of a Reaction
  • Collision theory of chemical reactions.
Surface Chemistry
  • Catalysis
  • Emulsions
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements Entire unit is deleted General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements Entire unit is deleted
p-Block Elements
  • Oxides of Nitrogen (structures)
  • Phosphorus - allotropic forms
  • Phosphine; Preparation and properties
  • Phosphorous halides 7.9 Oxoacids of Phosphorus
  • Sulphuric Acid: Industrial process of manufacture
d and f Block Elements
  • Some important compounds of Transition elements
  • The Lanthanoids: Chemical reactivity of lanthanoids
  • Actinoids –Electronic configuration, oxidation states and comparison with lanthanoids
Coordination Compounds
  • Isomerism in coordination compounds
  • Importance and Applications of coordination compounds
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes Polyhalogen Compounds
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers Some Commercially important Alcohols
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids Nil
  • Method of preparation of Diazonium salts
  • Physical Properties
  • Chemical Reactions
  • Importance of Diazonium salts in synthesis of Aromatic Compounds
  • Disaccharides
  • Polysaccharides
  • Importance of carbohydrates
  • Enzymes
  • Vitamins and Hormones
Polymers Entire Unit is Deleted
Chemistry in Everyday life Entire Unit is Deleted

COMEDK UGET Paper Analysis

  • COMEDK UGET Chemistry portion has been reported by most of the students to be of a easy to moderate difficulty level 2023
  • In general, the questions were direct and easy to answer. Students who prepare well can easily answer the questions.
  • In COMEDK UGET 2020, the Chemistry section was reported to be a little tricky. However, it was also said to be easier than the Mathematics section.

Check: COMEDK UGET Paper Analysis

COMEDK UGET Sample Questions

COMEDK UGET Chemistry Sample Questions

Students can refer to the previous year's questions to get an idea regarding the exam pattern and the kind of questions that they would have to answer. Given below are some of the previous year questions from COMEDK UGET Chemistry sections:

Question: The noble gas mixture is cooled in a coconut bulb at 173K. The gases that are not adsorbed are

  1. He and Ne
  2. Ar and Kr
  3. He and Xe
  4. Ne and Xe

Question: Graphite is a soft solid lubricant extremely difficult to melt. The reason for this anomalous behavior is that graphite –

  1. has molecules of variable molecular mass like polymers.
  2. has carbon atoms arranged in large plates of rings of strongly bound carbon atoms with weak interpolate bonds.
  3. is a non-crystalline substance.
  4. Is an allotropic form of carbon

Question (2013): Identify the organic compound which, on heating with a strong solution of NaOH, partly converted into an acid salt and partly into alcohol:

  1. Benzyl alcohol
  2. Acetaldehyde
  3. Acetone
  4. Benzaldehyde

Previous Year Question (2011): Which one of the following is not an amphoteric substance?

  1. HNO3
  2. HCO3-
  3. H2O
  4. NH3

Check: COMEDK UGET Practice Papers

COMEDK UGET Preparation Tips

COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry Preparation Tips

Students aspiring to appear in COMEDK UGET 2024 can follow the given preparation tips:

  • Candidates must start with making a plan. Look for study resources and decide on a schedule to cover up the syllabus.
  • Candidates must study the NCERT or the State Board books for 11th and 12th or the PUC 1st and 2nd books thoroughly to understand the key concepts of the subject.
  • Students must practice chemical reactions and formulas thoroughly.
  • For memorizing the key concepts, students should make notes, flow charts, highlight important points, make presentations, etc. This would solidify the student’s knowledge more than simply reading. Students can also watch videos on the topics that are available on the internet.
  • Take help from teachers or tutors or experts for guidance regarding the subject of the exams. Candidates can also take up coaching classes.
  • Students can appear in mock tests and attempt sample papers and previous year question papers. This will help them in self-assessment of their level of preparation and help them realize if there are topics that may require more of their attention.
  • Do not leave important topics for the end because that situation can be very stressful.

COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry Preparation Books

Given below are some top books for the Chemistry section of COMEDK UGET 2024:

Books Author / Publisher
Chemistry for Karnataka CET and COMEDK BASE
39 Years’ Chapter Wise Topic Wise Solved Papers Ranjeet Shahi
Chemistry for Karnataka CET and COMEDK Dr. Sonar Maruti H.
Textbooks for Class 10th and 12th NCERT
Concise Inorganic Chemistry JD Lee
IIT Chemistry O P Aggarwal
Organic Chemistry O P Tandon
Physical Chemistry P. W. Atkins
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations R.C. Mukherjee

Also Read: COMEDK UGET 2024 Preparation Books


COMEDK UGET 2024 Mock Test

Mock test can help in getting familiarizing with COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry syllabus and also with question types. Download link of free 11 COMEDK UGET mock test series are as follows:

Mock Test Series Download Link
Mock Test 1 Click here
Mock Test 2 Click here
Mock Test 3 Click here
Mock Test 4 Click here
Mock Test 5 Click here
Mock Test 6 Click here
Mock Test 7 Click here
Mock Test 8 Click here
Mock Test 9 Click here
Mock Test 10 Click here
Mock Test 11 Click here

COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry Syllabus FAQs

Ques: What is the medium of COMEDK UGET 2024?

Ans: The medium for the COMEDK UGET exam is English only.

Ques: Will COMEDK UGET 2024 be conducted online?

Ans: Yes, the mode of examination for COMEDK UGET 2024 is online (CBT).

Ques: Would there be negative marking in COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry section?

Ans: No, there would be no negative marking in the COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry section. A correct answer would be awarded one mark and the total marks would be the sum of the number of correct answers. Wrong would only be taken into account in case of a tie in the scores.

Ques: What is the duration of COMEDK UGET 2024?

Ans: The total duration of COMEDK UGET 2024 is 3 hours The candidates are required to attempt all the three sections – Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics – within that time frame.

Ques: Can the students find the books for COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry online?

Ans: Yes, the mentioned COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry books can be bought from online shopping platforms. Candidates can also find preparation books on book stores as well.

Ques: What is the cut off for COMEDK UGET 2024?

Ans: The tentative qualifying COMEDK UGET Cutoff is 50% for the general category. However, the official cutoff for each year may vary.

Ques: How many questions would the Chemistry section in COMEDK UGET 2024 have in total?

Ans: COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry section would have 60 questions, like the other two sections. The total number of questions in the exam would be 180.

Ques: Will the COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry section have only MCQs?

Ans: Yes, COMEDK UGET 2024 Chemistry section consists of only MCQs, like the rest of the sections. Any change to this will be announced on the official website.

Ques: Are the students required to study more than the 11th and 12th syllabus for COMEDK UGET 2024?

Ans: COMEDK UGET 2024 Syllabus follows the 11th and 12th standards or the syllabus of 1st and 2nd PUC. It would be sufficient for the students to go for the exam well prepared with this syllabus.

Ques: Where can candidates appear for COMEDK UGET 2024 mock tests?

Ans: Students can attempt mock tests organised by COMEDK UGET 2024 conducting body at their official website. This will be released soon after the COMEDK UGET 2024 Registrations are done.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


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