Dr. Ram Bhushan Prasad Singh is the Dean of the Department of Environmental Sciences at BFIT GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS. He has obtained a Doctorate in Botany from T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur, (Bihar) and a postgraduate in Botany with a specialization in Environmental Sciences from L.N. Mithila University. He is the Advisor and Trustee in the leading Voluntary Organisation, ‘Himalaya Consortium for Himalaya Conservation’ (HIMCON), New Delhi and ‘Himalaya Sewa Sangh’ (HSS), New Delhi. He holds more than thirty years of Teaching & Research experience in the field of environment and developmental sector, both in academic and with a diverse range of social organizations at National and International levels.

He has undertaken a lot of projects as a principal/co-principal coordinator. He has published numerous writings that include research papers, books, journals, technical reports and manuals. He has been awarded the prestigious designation of M. S. Swaminathan, Conservation Corps Volunteer (CCV) under ‘Young Professional Scheme on Community Mobilization and Environmental Protection’ by the country’s largest Environmental Wing, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-India), New Delhi.


You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

Education has the potential to transform lives and empower individuals. Many people find fulfillment in contributing to the development and growth of others, whether it’s by teaching, mentoring, or designing educational programs. Witnessing the progress and success of students helps the education sector to offer opportunities for continuous learning and personal growth. Working in education allows individuals to stay updated with new research, teaching methodologies, and emerging trends in their field of expertise incredibly rewarding. The education sector presents intellectual challenges in various forms. Educators often encounter diverse student needs, learning styles, and unique situations that require problem-solving skills, adaptability, and creativity. Overcoming these challenges and finding effective solutions can provide a sense of accomplishment and professional growth.

Being the dean of BFIT 2.0 college, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

As the Dean of the BFIT 2.0 College, my philosophy of leadership revolves around fostering a culture of excellence, inclusivity, and continuous growth. I believe in leading by example and empowering others to reach their full potential. Here is an overview of my leadership style: I provide a clear and compelling vision for the college/university, setting ambitious goals and inspiring others to strive for excellence. I encourage innovative thinking and embrace new ideas to adapt and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving educational landscape. I value collaboration and believe in the collective wisdom of the institution’s stakeholders, including faculty, staff, students, and the community. I foster an environment where open communication, trust, and teamwork are encouraged, creating a sense of shared ownership and a platform for diverse perspectives.

Being the dean of BFIT 2.0 college, how do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

Being the dean of BFIT 2.0 college, strategizing about key programs and plans for marketing and administration requires a comprehensive approach. Gaining a deep understanding of the institution’s history, mission, values, strengths, and weaknesses. Conducting a thorough review of the current programs, offerings, and administrative structure to identify areas that need improvement or enhancement. Defining clear goals and objectives for both marketing and administration. These goals should align with the institution’s mission and strategic plan. We have embraced technology to streamline administrative processes, enhance communication, and improve overall efficiency. Implementing a robust student information system, learning management system, and other relevant technologies to support teaching, learning, and administrative tasks.

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute/ university/school?

Studying in a different country exposes students to a diverse range of cultures, traditions, and perspectives. It promotes a global outlook and enhances cross-cultural communication and understanding. India is known for its quality educational institutions. Many universities and colleges in India offer excellent academic programs, world-class faculty, and state-of-the-art infrastructure. Studying in such institutions can provide students with a high-quality education. Indian educational institutions offer a wide range of specialized programs in various disciplines. Whether it’ss engineering, medicine, business, humanities, or the arts, students can find programs tailored to their interests and career aspirations. Indian universities and research institutes provide ample opportunities for research and innovation. Inbound students can engage in cutting-edge research projects, collaborate with renowned scholars, and contribute to advancements in their field of study.


How does the curriculum of BFIT 2.0 college ensure the best practice of industry?

To ensure the best practices of the industry, colleges often adopt several strategies in their curriculum design which is developed in collaboration with industry experts, professionals, and employers. This collaboration helps to align the content and skills taught with the current and emerging needs of the industry. Regular feedback is taken from industry partners that allow the curriculum to be updated to incorporate the latest trends and technologies. Institutions may establish advisory boards comprised of industry leaders and experts. These boards provide guidance on industry trends, job market demands, and emerging technologies. They can offer insights into the skills and knowledge required by graduates to excel in their respective fields. It’s important to note that each institution may have its own unique approaches to ensuring the best practices of the industry. Therefore, it is recommended to refer to the specific curriculum and program details provided by BFIT 2.0 College to understand how they incorporate industry best practices into their educational offerings.

Any insights into how your college could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

Creating a more welcoming and inclusive environment for students of different races and economic backgrounds requires a comprehensive and multifaceted approach. The BFIT 2.0 College should prioritize diversity and inclusion in its mission and actively promote these values throughout its policies, programs, and campus culture. This includes creating specific initiatives to recruit and support students from diverse racial and economic backgrounds. Providing accessible and generous financial aid packages can help attract and retain students from different economic backgrounds. Scholarships targeted towards underrepresented groups can also help create a more inclusive student body.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the BFIT 2.0 College and the students are?

I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information on a wide range of topics to help students and the college community. This includes academic subjects, research topics, general knowledge, and more. I can assist students by answering their questions, explaining concepts, providing examples, and offering alternative perspectives. I aim to supplement their learning process and help them understand difficult or complex subjects. I can provide guidance and suggestions for research projects, offer literature reviews, and help students refine their research questions. I can assist in finding relevant sources and providing insights to enhance their research. We provide offer suggestions and guidance on writing assignments, essays, reports, and other academic papers. I can help with structuring the content, improving clarity, and providing grammar and style recommendations.

What would you like people to know about your college they may not know?

Our college is not just an academic institution but also a hub for community engagement. They often organize events, workshops, and conferences that are open to the public. These events provide opportunities for knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration between students, faculty, and the broader community. Our university has established collaborations and partnerships with other institutions worldwide. These partnerships facilitate student exchange programs, joint research projects, and international learning experiences. Such collaborations contribute to the global outlook of universities and provide students with diverse perspectives.

What do you see as BFIT College’s greatest strengths?

Our college's reputation for rigorous academic programs, distinguished faculty, and successful graduates is a significant strength. Strong academic programs, research opportunities, and a commitment to educational quality can attract top students and faculty. Our college is well-equipped libraries, state-of-the-art laboratories, modern classrooms, and other resources that can enhance the learning experience and provide students with valuable opportunities for research, exploration, and practical training. A college’s greatest strength often lies in its dedicated and knowledgeable faculty and staff members. Professors at our college are experts in their fields and are committed to teaching and mentoring students contributing to a strong academic environment. We have a strong network of successful and influential alumni who can provide valuable connections and opportunities for current students. An engaged alumni community that supports the college can be an asset in terms of mentorship, internships, job placements, and philanthropic contributions. A positive campus culture that promotes student engagement, involvement in extracurricular activities, and a sense of community can contribute to a well-rounded college experience. Strong support services, clubs, organizations, and a lively social scene can enhance the overall student life.