Dr. Abu Sayeed Mondal is the Professor of Business Administration at Swami Vivekananda Institute of Modern Science. He has done MBA and PhD in Management and has an experience of over 10 years in teaching in SVIMS. 

SVIMS Kolkata

You have been associated with an Educational Institute for so long. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector? 

I have been teaching for the last 13 years but I still consider myself a student. We also get to learn so many things from the students and from the industry experts. Students learn so many things from us. They interact with industry experts and they also learn. So overall, there is a huge scope for learning. And in the end, you become a better human being. So that's the most important thing I want to mention.

How does the curriculum of this college ensure the best practice in the industry?

The curriculum at SVIMS is prescribed by the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology and this curriculum makes the student's industry ready. They learn theoretical aspects of management technology. And at the same time, you also give them projects, and assignments and they get the feel of the practical field. And we also send them for internships and they learn on the job. They learn while they get trained by the industries. So as a result, this curriculum has a perfect blend of this theoretical training and the apprentice-based training.

How do you establish healthy relationships and involvement in your college?

Healthy relationship with the student involves a great deal of student-teacher interactions. So our teachers spend most of their time with the students in the classroom. And when I teach in the classes, I teach various subjects. And in every class, I spend a minimum of 15 minutes of time clarifying their doubts. And when they are done, I'm done with the class. I also give some extra time to the students so that they can come to us, they can come to meet the faculties at faculty offices, and clarify their doubts. We also organize various events like the freshest welcome farewell ceremony and different startup weeks. And their students and teachers interact with one another and a healthy relationship is built. 

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What are the biggest challenges you see? Both for higher education in general and for colleges especially.

The challenge here is to make the students employable. So nowadays, educational institutes are providing candidates with degrees, but employability is a question. So our challenge is to make the students more and more employable. So right from the very beginning, we give them a test of the practical field and they undergo various training programs. Various courses are offered to them also so that they get industry ready. So here now, the challenge is to make the students more and more employable. 

When you came to this college, what was your vision, and how are you trying to achieve the same?

My vision was always to grow with the institute. I always wanted to see the institute grow in terms of size, in terms of quality. And as I spent ten years in this institute, I had seen tremendous growth in student numbers. So when we started off in BBA especially, I teach management, we got around 30 students, 30 seats. Now the intake has increased to 190 students. So students have grown and I have also grown with this college. And I want to contribute to the two fields as a professional, one in terms of teaching and one in terms of research. Grown with this college. And I want to contribute to the two fields as a professional, one in terms of teaching and one in terms of research. So I have taught so many courses here, so many subjects I have been teaching. I have also contributed in terms of research. I have published some research papers. They are in good journals. And recently I have published one paper. I have sent one paper to Imbutagaya and that has been accepted for publication. And it will be presented in the upcoming month of April.

Any suggestions you would like to give the current youth and the Spring students?

My suggestion for the students is that you have to be flexible. You have to be open-minded. You have to accept new ideas and evolution. If you do that, you will be successful. And success is the ultimate destination.