Ms. Shruti Shrivastava is an Assistant Professor at NRI Institute of Nursing. She holds a B.Sc. in Nursing from People’s College of Nursing and a M.Sc. in Nursing from Speciality Medical Surgical Nursing. Ms. Shrivastava has three years of work experience teaching at Technocrats Institute of Nursing, Bhopal.


What are your views on the placements and higher education of the students from your department? How does your department prepare students for higher education?

We train our students intensely to have the right skills and knowledge before they start working. Successful graduates of our college find immediate placement in state-run hospitals and private multispecialty hospitals. After two years of full-time clinical experience, the graduates can try for international career opportunities or a master’s degree in nursing. 

Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real world challenges?

Our college has numerous extracurricular activities for the students. We have events and competitions related to music, dance, drama, sports, cookery, arts and crafts, projects and model exhibitions. These help in engaging our students and enrich their learning so that they can grow into well-rounded individuals who compete outside the world. 

What are the challenges you faced/ are facing to uplift the quality of education in your department?

Nursing education faces several challenges today. Some of the key challenges include faculty shortages. There is a shortage of qualified nursing faculty, which limits the capacity of nursing schools to admit and educate new students. Finding sufficient clinical placements for nursing students is becoming increasingly challenging due to competition with other healthcare professions and concerns about patient safety. Nursing education needs to keep pace with rapidly evolving healthcare technology, requiring investments in updated equipment and curricula. Ensuring that nursing education programs are diverse and inclusive is essential to reflect the diverse patient populations nurses will serve.

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When you came to the college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

When I was coming to the college my vision was to educate the student and to see the growth of the students from neophyte to graduate. To achieve this vision, I make it a point to read before I take the class and have a proper sequence of notes. I also demonstrate the clinical knowledge along with the textbook knowledge. We adopt multiple approaches to teaching our students which are through practical sessions, field visits, expert speeches, presentations, project works and interactive classes. With the advanced teaching methodology, students are exposed to maximum practical learning. Our placement committee works hard at building a strong industry students’ interface. Also, the mandatory internship gives the students a real taste of the industry within the course.

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry-oriented? 

Having a practical approach to our courses is vital for us. Towards this end, we encourage students to participate in learning activities, take them for educational tours and demonstrate concepts practically in the class or outside the classroom. We also make use of innovative and creative materials in the classroom for teaching, give projects and assignments related to the syllabus and occasionally conduct innovative games in the classroom. We provide general instructions and protocols to the students on experiments and create a learning environment for students in laboratories.

What are the best practices offered by the department to the students which help them gain the necessary skills?

The best practices that are being offered by the department to the students are the practical hands-on sessions. We have health practices, innovative teaching and learning methods, health care interventions, procedures or techniques based on high-quality evidence. We use the latest material and teaching techniques to obtain improved patient and health outcomes.