Ms. Sophia Masih is an Assistant Professor at the NRI Institute of Nursing. She holds a B.Sc. in Nursing and an M.Sc. in Nursing from Parasher College of Nursing and SAM College of Nursing respectively. Ms. Masih has been working for three years in nursing.


What are your views on the placements and higher education of the students from your department or How does your department prepare students for Higher education?

We take several steps to ensure successful placements for our students through mock interviews and resume building sessions. Our students have been able to find jobs in numerous public and private hospitals across the country due to these efforts. Due to the contributions of the college, our students have also become eligible for higher education.

Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real world challenges?

We have numerous extracurricular activities in our college. We have activities for music, dance, sports, cooking, arts and crafts and more. Our students can take part in different competitions and polish extra skills that help contribute to the holistic development of individuals.

What are the challenges you faced/ are facing to uplift the quality of education of your department? 

Nursing education faces several challenges. There is an acute shortage of trained and experienced faculty members who are willing to contribute to the education of new students. We also face issues in the clinical placements of our students due to sharp competition. Our curriculum is also not updated with the latest technology as it requires a lot of investment.

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When you came to the college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

When I first joined my college, my vision was to contribute positively towards educating the students so that they can become successful nurses. I took the steps and made efforts to educate myself so that I could teach the students better. I make it a point to demonstrate the practical aspects of the curriculum with the theoretical parts. The college also organizes field trips, and talks with experts to enhance the learning capacity of the students. The placement committee is also expanding their network and collaborations to help students find suitable jobs.

How does the curriculum of your department/college ensures the best practice of the industry?

We update our curriculum to reflect new developments in the industry. We are also continuously taking part in research and take feedback from our board of studies, alumni members and industry experts. Once all suggested changes are reviewed, they are included in the curriculum for our students.

How does the college enhances the skills of the faculty and prepares them according to the industry standards? 

Institutions can provide opportunities for faculty members to be involved in research, partake in professional development programs and attend seminars. These will help them stay updated in their industry and upskill. We also have professional development programs that are an excellent way to enhance faculty members' teaching skills.

What do you see the department’s/ college’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced?

The department's and the college’s greatest strengths are their student centered approach and emphasis on critical thinking. Besides being in a geographically advantageous position, we also actively promote research activity. We also have a strong alumni network spanning the entire country.