Dr. Sushant Vishnoi holds a Ph.D. in Marketing Intelligence, UGC NET qualifications in both Management and Commerce, an MBA, and an M.Com, collectively reflecting his academic journey. With a decade of valuable experience in corporate and academic, Dr. Vishnoi’s expertise in teaching Marketing with a focus on Marketing Analytics, Marketing Research, Sales and Distribution Management, and Entrepreneurial Culture. Moreover, he is also an aspiring researcher publishing around research themes of Marketing 4.0, Marketing Intelligence, and Marketing Technologies. He has also presented his research contribution in national and international conferences of repute at IIM’s and IIT’s. Currently associated with the Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad as an Assistant Professor of Marketing.

Institute of Management Studies

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

The Institute's top priority over the next 10 years should be to stay ahead in adapting to evolving industry needs and technological advancements. Fostering a culture of innovation, updating the curriculum regularly, and emphasizing research and development will be crucial. Additionally, enhancing collaborations with industry partners for internships, projects, and placements can significantly contribute to preparing students for the dynamic professional landscape.

When you first came to IMS Ghaziabad, what was your vision for the Institute?

Upon arriving at IMS Ghaziabad, our vision was to transform it into a hub of academic excellence and industry relevance. We aimed to create an environment that encourages holistic development, where students not only excel academically but also acquire practical skills and a global perspective. Strengthening ties with the corporate world and promoting research and innovation were key aspects of this vision.

What would you like people to know about your Institute they may not know?

We would like people to know that IMS Ghaziabad has a rich legacy of 34 years, and beyond academic excellence, it is committed to instilling values, ethics, and a sense of social responsibility in its students. The institute is not just a place for education but a community that nurtures character and leadership qualities.

What do you see as IMS Ghaziabad's greatest strengths?

IMS Ghaziabad's greatest strengths lie in its experienced faculty, robust industry connections, focus on research, and a comprehensive approach to grooming students for the corporate world. The institute's commitment to providing a holistic learning experience, including extracurricular activities and soft skills development, sets it apart.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for IMS Ghaziabad specifically?

One of the biggest challenges for higher education is staying relevant in the face of rapid technological advancements. For IMS Ghaziabad specifically, maintaining a balance between academic rigor and practical exposure, attracting and retaining quality faculty, and ensuring seamless industry integration are ongoing challenges.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

My suggestion to the current youth and aspiring students is to be adaptable, embrace lifelong learning, and actively seek opportunities for practical experience. Building a strong foundation in both technical and soft skills will be essential in navigating the dynamic professional landscape.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment in your institute?

Establishing a healthy relationship and environment involves open communication, transparency, and inclusivity. Regular interactions between faculty, students, and administration, as well as forums for feedback, contribute to a positive atmosphere. Creating mentorship programs, clubs, and events that foster a sense of community further enhances the overall environment.

With the competition so high, how do you guide your students to survive in such a competitive scenario?

To guide students in a competitive scenario, emphasis should be on skill development, networking, and a proactive approach to learning. Encouraging participation in competitions, internships, and industry projects builds practical experience. Soft skills, emotional intelligence, and resilience should be incorporated into the curriculum to equip students for challenges beyond academics.

What challenges have you faced/are facing to uplift the quality of education in your department?

Primary challenges in uplifting the quality of education may include faculty development on a continuum in sync with the changing needs of the industry. Overcoming these challenges involves strategic planning, continuous professional development for faculty, and agile curriculum design.

How does the curriculum of your department/college ensure the best practice of the industry?

The curriculum is regularly updated to align with industry trends. The inclusion of industry-relevant projects, guest lectures, internships, and collaboration with industry partners ensures that students are exposed to real-world scenarios. Feedback mechanisms involving industry professionals contribute to the ongoing refinement of the curriculum.

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How does the department/college enhance the skills of the faculty and prepare them according to industry standards?

Faculty development programs, industry interactions, and encouraging research in collaboration with industry partners are integral. Facilitating opportunities for faculty to attend conferences, and workshops, and engage in projects with industry experts keeps them abreast of the latest developments, ensuring they can effectively prepare students for the evolving professional landscape.

What interventions and approaches do you bring in, apart from the curriculum, to train/teach the students?

Apart from the curriculum, interventions include organizing workshops, seminars, and webinars with industry professionals. Providing access to online resources, encouraging participation in hackathons and competitions, and fostering a culture of self-directed learning contribute to a well-rounded education.

What do you see as the college’s greatest strengths and how can they be enhanced?

The college's greatest strengths may include its faculty, industry connections, and commitment to holistic education. To enhance these strengths, continuous investment in faculty development, expanding industry collaborations, and leveraging technology for innovative teaching methodologies can further elevate the institute's standing. Additionally, promoting a culture of research and entrepreneurship can contribute to long-term sustainability and growth.