Dr. Parul Yadav is an academic passionate about the Human domain. With over 15 years of experience, she is an expert in human resources, organizational behavior, and soft skills. Dr. Yadav holds a Master’s degree from the University of East London, UK, and a Ph.D. from Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur. She is an experimentalist and trainer with expertise in social entrepreneurship, having trained 100 female volunteers in social entrepreneurship in collaboration with the British Council. Dr. Yadav holds the position of Professor and Area Chair of HR at IMS Ghaziabad. She is also the Area Chair for Executive Programs and Consultancy. She has extensive experience conducting training programs on Interpersonal Skills, Team Building, Leadership, Conflict Management, and Self-awareness. She has trained Tata Motors Works Manager and volunteers of Common Wealth Games on motivation, interpersonal skills, and etiquette. Dr. Yadav’s areas of expertise are Organization Behavior, Strategic Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management, and Entrepreneurship. She has conducted MDP and SDPs on Stress Management, Well-Being, Emotional Intelligence, and Team Effectiveness. In her personal life, she enjoys traveling and exploring new places and is a skilled storyteller.

Institute of Management Studies (IMS)

What should be the institute’s top priority over the next ten years?

Over the next decade, our Institute aims to establish a global presence by prioritizing pioneering research, fostering a culture of innovation, and forming strategic alliances with leading academic institutions. Achieving and maintaining top-tier international accreditations is pivotal, in enhancing our global reputation. We are committed to a holistic education approach, shaping individuals as both skilled professionals and responsible global citizens. Emphasis on social and environmental responsibilities aims to contribute to societal betterment, setting our alumni apart as impactful contributors globally. Our strategic focus revolves around positioning the Institute as a global leader in education, research, and leadership development. Through pioneering research, strategic collaborations, international accreditations, and holistic education, we envision our Institute standing as a beacon of academic excellence and societal impact on the global stage.

When you first came to IMS Ghaziabad what was your vision for the institute?

IMS Ghaziabad excels as a distinguished institution, underpinned by several strengths. Foremost is an unwavering commitment to academic excellence, with a faculty of seasoned educators delivering an industry-aligned curriculum. Another major strength lies in our corporate resource center, which facilitates excellent placements. The institute prioritizes research and innovation and fostering a culture of scholarly inquiry. Holistic education is pivotal, emphasizing the development of socially responsible leaders. 

What are IMS Ghaziabad’s greatest strengths?

IMS Ghaziabad stands out as a distinguished institution with exceptional leadership and a dedicated team striving for excellence in higher education in management. A key strength lies in an unwavering commitment to academic excellence, where seasoned educators deliver industry-aligned curricula, emphasizing practical knowledge. The institute’s corporate resource center ensures excellent placements, contributing to its formidable reputation. Research and innovation are integral, fostering a culture of scholarly inquiry among faculty and students, and leading to advancements in academic knowledge and industry practices. IMS Ghaziabad’s commitment to holistic education sets it apart, prioritizing the development of well-rounded individuals with a focus on social responsibility and ethical leadership. A vibrant alumni network attests to program success, showcasing the impact of graduates in the professional arena and validating the quality of education provided by IMS Ghaziabad. In essence, the institute’s strengths, encompassing academic excellence, robust placements, cutting-edge research, commitment to holistic education, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and a dynamic alumni network, collectively position IMS Ghaziabad as a powerhouse in management education.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for IMS Ghaziabad specifically?

Swift realignment is imperative in the face of challenges in higher education. The 34-year legacy of IMS Ghaziabad poses the delicate task of maintaining core values while meeting contemporary educational demands. Adapting to technological advances is a pressing challenge, requiring seamless integration of cutting-edge technology into the curriculum while ensuring accessibility. Globalization demands aligning programs with international standards to keep graduates globally competitive. Addressing diverse demographics necessitates flexible program offerings and teaching methodologies. Industry integration mandates continuous collaboration with corporate partners to keep the curriculum relevant. Global recognition, exemplified by international accreditations, requires a meticulous focus on meeting global standards of academic excellence. Effectively navigating these challenges demands strategic planning, adaptability, innovation, and a keen understanding of the dynamic higher education landscape. IMS Ghaziabad’s legacy serves as a strong foundation, requiring a forward-thinking and collaborative leadership approach to surmount these challenges successfully.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

During their undergraduate or graduate studies, students should maximize their time by investing in self-development, gaining insights into the professional world, and acquiring unique skills for future advantages. Given the rapid pace of change, cultivating a growth mindset, staying curious, and actively seeking opportunities for knowledge and skill expansion are crucial. In addition to academic qualifications, refining soft skills such as communication, critical thinking, and adaptability is essential for standing out in a professional environment. Networking plays a pivotal role in career development, and students should attend industry events, connect with professionals, and utilize platforms like LinkedIn to build a strong network. Remaining tech-savvy is imperative as technology becomes integral across industries. Acquiring relevant tech-related skills enhances employability. Cultivating resilience to bounce back from setbacks, setting clear goals, prioritizing well-being, embracing diverse perspectives, and maintaining ethical and socially responsible behavior are key factors for long-term success. This approach to personal and professional development ensures a balanced and well-rounded foundation for students as they navigate their academic and professional journey.

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How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment in your institute?

A positive and transparent environment at the institute promotes a focus on responsibilities and mutual support among colleagues. Open communication is maintained at all levels, with regular forums for students and faculty to express ideas, concerns, and feedback. The institute involves them in decision-making processes, fostering a sense of ownership and inclusivity. The curriculum is designed to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, and faculty development programs are prioritized to enhance teaching methodologies, research capabilities, and industry relevance. Internships, industry projects, and workshops complement academic learning, preparing students for the professional world. A faculty buddy program facilitates mentorship, promoting the exchange of knowledge and support. Inclusive policies address diverse needs, and achievements are celebrated through events like success stories. Social and cultural events bring students and faculty together, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of community. These strategies create a collaborative and engaging culture, enhancing the overall educational experience.

With the competition so high, how do you guide your students to survive in such a competitive scenario?

We focus on training students to be winners through healthy competition, rigorous academics, and a holistic approach. Emphasizing SMART goals, our curriculum, designed with industry input, imparts immediately applicable skills for a competitive edge. Extensive skill development programs cover communication, problem-solving, and technical skills, ensuring well-rounded graduates. Facilitated internships and industry exposure provide practical experience, a powerful differentiator in the job market. Workshops on personal branding guide students in articulating their unique value proposition. Initiatives connecting students with industry professionals offer insights and networking opportunities. We instill a culture of continuous learning, encouraging certifications and industry trend awareness. Networking events with alumni and industry leaders help build a robust professional network, opening doors to opportunities. Practical preparation includes mock interviews and personalized career counseling, enabling confident navigation of the recruitment process. Recognizing inevitable setbacks, we prioritize resilience with workshops on stress management and maintaining a positive mindset. Rooted in real-world scenarios, these strategies empower students to thrive in a highly competitive environment, aligning with our commitment to academic excellence and holistic student development.

How does the curriculum of your department/ college ensure the best practice of the industry?

We continually refine our curriculum by benchmarking against top programs, incorporating industry feedback, and embracing best practices:

Industry Collaborations: We actively engage with industry leaders through advisory boards, gaining insights into evolving needs and ensuring our curriculum’s relevance. 

Regular Curriculum Review: Dynamic reviews keep our curriculum aligned with the latest industry trends, technologies, and best practices. 

Guest Lectures and Workshops: Industry experts contribute through guest lectures and workshops, offering real-world perspectives, networking opportunities, and insights into industry best practices. 

Case Studies and Real-World Projects: Enriching the curriculum with real-industry case studies challenges students to apply theoretical concepts to practical problem-solving. Internship Programs: Integral to our programs, internships provide hands-on experience, allowing students to observe and adopt industry best practices, often leading to full-time positions. 

Industry-Aligned Certifications: Encouraging students to pursue industry-aligned certifications signals their proficiency in the latest industry standards. 

Agile Curriculum Design: Our agile curriculum design allows quick adjustments to incorporate emerging technologies or shifts in industry requirements, keeping students at the forefront. Professional Development Modules: Beyond academics, we offer modules covering essential industry skills such as communication and stress management, preparing students for non-technical aspects of their careers. 

Industry Immersion Programs: Organizing industry immersion programs, we provide hands-on experience through live projects, deepening students’ understanding of industry practices. 

Feedback: Active feedback loops with students and alumni in the industry help us refine and enhance our curriculum to meet evolving professional needs. By integrating these practices, we ensure our curriculum reflects academic excellence and proactively responds to industry demands, graduating students ready to make impactful contributions in their fields.

How does the department/ college/ enhance the skills of the faculty and prepares them according to the industry standards?

Faculty members actively participate in professional development through workshops, conferences, and seminars to stay updated on industry trends. Industry-embedded training and collaborations with experts enhance their understanding of industry dynamics. Access to continuous learning platforms and certifications allows them to upgrade skills aligned with industry standards. Attendance at industry events and networking enhances connections and collaboration opportunities. In-house training programs cover emerging trends and industry expectations, ensuring faculty members are well-informed. Faculty engagement in research and contributions to publications keeps them at the forefront of knowledge. Peer learning sessions and collaborative projects foster an environment of shared experiences. IMS Industry advisory boards offer valuable guidance, and faculty evaluations with constructive feedback drive improvement. These initiatives ensure faculty members are academically qualified and possess practical skills for high-quality education. Our commitment to faculty development aligns with delivering education that exceeds industry standards.

What do you see the college’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced?

With a 34-year legacy, the institute has garnered a strong academic reputation, investing in faculty development and innovative teaching methodologies. To enhance this, fostering a culture of research and publications is recommended. The diverse faculty can benefit from regular workshops and international conferences, ensuring they remain at the forefront of their fields. The institute’s industry connections facilitate internships and placements. Strengthening these partnerships with mentorship programs, collaborative research projects, and forums for industry leaders’ engagement will further elevate industry connections. Leveraging the robust alumni network for mentorship programs and industry insights can be strategically enhanced. Emphasis on holistic student development, the institute plans to introduce leadership development programs, entrepreneurship initiatives, and global exposure opportunities.