With an illustrious experience of over three decades in the industry, academics, research, training and consultancy, Dr. Prasoon M Tripathi, Director, IMS Ghaziabad, is a multifaceted institutional leader and an expert in Plant HR, Corporate HR, Retail, Hospitality and Academic Administration. An alumnus of renowned institutions like Wharton University, USA, and IMT Ghaziabad, he has to his credit various certificate courses from the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore and many more. He has been Dean of Development and Vice President Group-HR with Jaipuria Institute of Management for all four campuses and Seth MR Jaipuria Schools.

Dr. Tripathi has been associated in the capacity of GM and VP for more than 15 years in large organisations both in India and abroad, wherein he was at the helm of integrating the organisation through corporate HR strategy. Donning many hats, Dr. Tripathi is seen as a coach, mentor and approachable leader high on positive energy. With a keen focus on Outcome Based Education, he has led the process of institutional accreditation, including the rigorous AACSB accreditation and has contributed phenomenally to curriculum development. A research enthusiast, he has received multiple awards for his innovative HR practices. With various dimensions of Human Resource Management as his key competency areas, his research interests include compensation and benefits, talent management and inter-disciplinary research in Finance.

Institute of Management Studies (IMS)

What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for IMS Ghaziabad international affairs and/or students?

We are planning to have credit based global immersion programs for our students and faculty exchange programs with international collaborations. We are also participating in joint research projects and organising international conferences to expand our global reach. We are exploring several initiatives, which include targeting prestigious AACSB accreditation, IMS Ghaziabad is already accredited by ASIC, U.K.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment in your institute?

We believe in an environment built on the foundations of transparency, teamwork, mutual trust and a culture of candid feedback. We aspire to have a positive environment that encourages each individual to achieve their full potential and contribute to the betterment of society. This can be achieved by open communication and doing by showing among the upper management.

Being the Director of IMS Ghaziabad, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

I believe in a philosophy of mutual respect, trust, teamwork and empowerment. This means recognising the unique strengths and contributions of each individual. We want them to know we have trust in them and empower them to contribute to the best of their abilities and unique skills.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

Aspiring students must set and write their clear achievable goals. Thereafter in order to achieve the goals, they should have an action plan and have a focus on going through the plan and achieving the goals. They must train themselves to have the mindset of being a lifelong learner as this will help be competitive and grab every opportunity possible.

Being the Director of IMS Ghaziabad, how do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

As the Director of the institute, I have established core principles that will guide key programs and plans. These include a focus on academic rigour, the integration of technology in teaching, experiential learning for students, and providing industry exposure. We will implement the application of academic concepts, encourage independent thinking, and promote ethical and social awareness among our students.

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The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your/ Institute?

We have adopted some of the best international teaching learning pedagogies such as simulations, case studies, and experiential learning systems. Moreover, we also follow an outcome-based education system. India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, it is a huge market with diverse needs. The markets range from fully organized to chaotic and unorganized. The students in our institute come from very diverse social backgrounds, geographic regions, and cultures bringing myriad perspectives. Inbound students can learn from this exposure in person which may not be available in their respective countries.

Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real-world challenges?

IMS Ghaziabad has initiated the unique “Professional Up-skilling and Lifelong Learning” (PULL) program in this direction. It is a holistic endeavour that emphasises cultivating essential skills and competencies needed to excel in the modern workplace. Incorporating experiential learning and a step-wise approach, each trimester has modules with an intense focus on key thrust areas such as communication skills, data literacy using IT tools (Advance MS Excel, Power BI, Tableau, Python), behavioural skills, aptitude training, versant training, customised domain specific skill-building workshops, just to name a few. Summer internship programs and mentorship provide students with firsthand experience of the corporate world. The students also learn about contemporary business practices from various expert, industry and alumni talks organised by the institute.

You have held key positions at education Institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

I have been associated both with the corporate sector and the educational sector and have had successful stints in both. It was the sense of purpose and great satisfaction that I got from working in both sectors. This keeps me motivated to keep going and work hard. This was what I experienced working in academia and it keeps me connected with the education sector.

Any insights into how your Institute could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

We believe that diversity and inclusivity enhance the learning experience of students. It equips students with essential skills for collaborating with individuals from diverse backgrounds. We welcome students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds and geographic regions and provide them with merit-based support, dedicated faculty for behavioural skills training, and one-to-one mentoring by faculty and industry mentors.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to IMS Ghaziabad and the students are?

My roles and responsibilities as the Director of the Institute of Management Studies (IMS) Ghaziabad are multi-faceted. I need to look over and handle multiple responsibilities. My primary role is to help our students become achievers in life by nurturing and developing them as leaders. I also work towards developing our students with a growth mindset and mentoring them to become lifelong learners.

Check IMS Ghaziabad Faculty

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

Over the next ten years, the institute’s priorities will be to focus on research and promote a culture of research at the institute. We must concentrate on harnessing the power of technology for better teaching and learning. We will also design our curriculum to provide application-based knowledge so that our students can leave recognisable global footprints.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for IMS Ghaziabad specifically?

With fast-paced technological breakthroughs, the business world has become very dynamic. Keeping pace with new technology is essential in order to make students compatible and up to date with industry demands. We provide hands-on practice with technology and make our students future-ready which is one of our biggest challenges for industry, according to me.

What would you like people to know about your Institute they may not know?

We have a high focus on and emphasise research. Our teachers have set in place academic rigour through which we promote ethical and social awareness amongst students. We have established a culture of transparency and mutual respect among all stakeholders on our campus that has set our students up for success

What do you see as IMS Ghaziabad's greatest strengths?

Undoubtedly, our greatest strength is our legacy of providing successful education that spans back 34 years in higher education. We have a culture of research that is promoted by a dedicated and highly passionate team. We have also established academic rigour blended with application-based knowledge provided through outcome-based education.