Mr. Dr. V. Jaya Kumar has been working as an Assistant Professor and Head of Aeronautical Engineering Department at Tagore Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He completed his M.E in Aeronautical Engineering in the year 2015. His research area includes Aerodynamics, Structural Dynamics and propulsion. He has published 3 papers in International Journals and 2 in National Journals and Conferences. He has attended government funded FDPs and successfully completed many NPTEL courses. He is a life member of the Aeronautical Society of India. 

Tagore Engineering College

Being a Faculty of the Aeronautical Department, what are your responsibilities towards the students?

"It is to educate and guide them to help them develop their overall personality"

As an Assistant Professor and Head of Department, my main responsibility is to supervise departmental activities and assist my faculty members and students in all their work. Also, encouraging students to go for higher studies, enhancing their industrial exposure by organizing industry interaction sessions in collaboration with experts, providing students proper training programs to help them prepare for various government and private sector jobs also comes under the ambiance of my responsibilities. 

How do you establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

"By being a good communicator and listener"

To maintain a good relationship with my dear students and fellow faculties, I tend to build a strong rapport with them by providing them preference for their academics, career and placement.

How do you bring in a practical and industry oriented approach towards subjects?

"By providing them apprenticeships in good companies and teaching them using different methods"

We provide amazing internships especially in-flight piloting and designing to students in different parts and reputed organizations of our country. In addition to this, we teach them how to build UAV and aerospace software. 

Which best practices are offered by your department to students to help them gain necessary skills?

"We regularly assign them real time mini projects at the end of every semester"

We offer them mini projects on topics like UAV Training Design Analysis and Propulsion Systems at the end of every semester so that they can think of a few innovative solutions for them by utilizing their knowledge and skills and also learn new things. 

How do you strategize and renew the curriculum to make it helpful for the students?

"It is updated after every 4 years to include latest programs as per industry standards"

Our curriculum is revamped in every four-year period to include new trends, tools, theories, development and expectations of the outside world and corporate sector in the form of new programs. And our main focus is to enhance practical exposure and experience of students by involving them in projects and research activities. 

How does your department prepare students for higher education?

"We offer training programs to them for exams like CDS, GATE and TANCET"

We provide training and extra classes to them to prepare for competitive exams including CDS, Navy, AFCAT, GATE and TANCET. We also guide them about the complete procedure on how to enroll for higher studies and pursue M.S from Indian Institutes and from abroad Universities. 

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How do you prepare your students to cope up with the outside competitive world?

"By asking them to practice empathy, stay updated about outside world and set short term goals for themselves"

We regularly encourage our students to practice empathy, not compare their individuality and uniqueness with others, set short-term, right and achievable goals for them, to stay focused towards their personal growth. Also, we provide our full support to them to develop new skills in them and enhance their existing skills. 

Which extracurricular activities are organized in your college to strengthen the skills of students?

"Professional visits, training programs on latest technological development are organized by us"

As our college understands the importance of co-curricular activities for students' growth, hence programs related to aviation aeronautics are arranged regularly by us in addition to training programs on ESG Drones, Fixed Wing UAV, Aircraft Manufacturing, Maintenance Engineering, Airline Management, Airport operations and logistics. In addition to this, industrial visits are arranged by us followed by rigorous training on latest technologies including Big Data and IT strategies. 

What challenges are you facing to uplift the quality of education of your department?

"Inculcating curious and innovative learning attitude is the biggest hurdle in front of us"

We face different kinds of hurdles at each level while upgrading the education quality of our department. Some of the prominent ones include creating a curious attitude in students to help them explore things around them on their own challenges such as creating curiosity followed by developing public speaking skills and awareness in them. And to overcome these issues, we invite experts from outside to train our students through workshops. 

When you joined the Tagore Engineering College, what was your vision for it?

"My aim when I joined college was fo empower our students with best skills and values"

When I joined Tagore Engineering College, my objective was to empower our students by imparting best technical skills, ethical values and beliefs in them by utilizing my own knowledge, experience and skills. And transforming them into successful Entrepreneurs is also one of my biggest aims. 

How does the curriculum of your department assure the best practices of industry?

"By educating students about real world issues and encouraging them to find solutions for the same"

We educate our students about real-time problems the outside world is facing and encourage them to find out some unique solutions for them. This way our curriculum ensures the best practices of the industrial world. 

How does your department enhance the faculty skills and prepare them as per industry standards?

"They are trained via rigorous training programs on latest technologies and tools"

For the purpose of preparing our faculty members as per industry standards so that they can deliver content to students in the best possible way, we train them on the latest technologies including unmanned aerial and hypersonic vehicles. Apart from this, rigorous training programs are organized to educate them about Drone Technology, 3D Printing, Aeromodelling and also on how to facilitate project topics with the latest technology. Lastly, they are trained through NPTEL courses.

What approaches do you bring in apart from curriculum to teach the students?

"We regularly organize Hackathons, professional visits and training programs for them"

In order to prepare our students as per the requirements of the outside world, we organize technical events like Hackathons in addition to industrial visits in aerospace industries and on flight training in IIT-Kanpur. The main motive of all this is to give more practical and industry oriented exposure to students so that they can innovate out of the box solutions for some real world issues. 

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What do you see as the department’s greatest strengths and how can it be enhanced?

"Our aim to offer quality education to students makes us strong and resilient"

The greatest strength of our department is our Mission to provide finest quality education to students, instill best ethical values in them, fulfill their academic and non-academic requirements, create a homely and calm environment for them in college and lastly to provide them required resources to enhance their skills. 

Any valuable advice which you would like to give to the students to have a prosperous career ahead?

"Work hard and have truest learning approach to achieve your goals"

I would like to advise them to have a blissful life without any hindrance. Also give your truest efforts to achieve your life goals, keep learning and upgrading your skills and experience.