Dr.Guntapalli Minni is the HOD at Nimra College of Engineering & Technology. She is a distinguished academician and able administrator with more than 17 years of experience. She has grown from the ranks right here in the institute, starting his teaching career as a Lecturer in the year 2006. She obtained his PhD from Acharya Nagarjuna University. She has published 15 research papers in various reputed National and International journals, besides a couple of patents to his credit.

Nimra College of Engineering

Being a HOD of Nimra, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

As an HOD, my prime role is to provide strong academic leadership required to lead, manage and develop the department in order to ensure it achieves the highest possible standards of excellence in all its activities and maintains the general discipline of the students and department.

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

1 spend one-on-one time with students. During this meeting, I ask students about their problems and interests so that they can express their views. I encourage the staff to learn new skills and motivate them to perform their duties unreservedly.

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry-oriented?

Instead of teaching mostly facts and using assessment-based learning, I adopt teaching practices that have begun to move towards competency development. This includes problem-solving, conceptual understanding, and communication.

What are the best practices offered by the de partment to the students that help them gain the necessary skills?

Our department is offering skills workshops to help students develop high-demand skills and provide pre-professional advice and activities to better prepare them for the advanced education required for the job market.

How do you strategize the curriculum and how often it gets updated to make it befitting for the students?

To create an excellent curriculum, it should be student-centered. The curriculum should be flexible enough to differentiate and support the learning of each student. Once in every three years, our curriculum is updated.

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How do you help your student to cope up with the competition being so high in the outside world?

Competition drives students to push themselves beyond their comfort zone and take risks to succeed. Praise for hard work enhances its significance in the mind of a student. This is a great way to help students grow in a competitive environment.

Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real-world challenges?

Extra-curricular activities are a part of the education system where students indulge themselves in another way of learning outside their textbooks. Some of the examples are sports, music, yoga, meditation, arts and crafts, indoor games, language learning, etc. These are not only helpful in personal development but are also helpful in improving students' academic performance.

What are the challenges you faced/ are facing to uplift the quality of education of your department?

Updating the subject to new demands, correcting materials, content presentations, managing field trips as well as bringing in new creative approaches to meet the present educational trends are a few challenges that are facing to uplift the quality of education of your department.

What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

I would like to say that “Failures and success are inevitable”. A student must focus on focusing on strengths and stay determined to achieve targets. That would be a smarter way to go about things without getting disheartened.