The teacher to student ratio is around 1:30. Faculty is experienced and good. They know their fields well, and their academic performances verify it. It differs with different branches, but overall, there are senior teachers mostly who are generally good to interact with. For the curriculum, it mostly matches the curriculum of other colleges or as approved by AICTE. There are also open and departmental electives. Overall, the curriculum is good, matching with your competitive exams. Exams are taken very seriously here. There is strict UMC (from 1 year back) in case someone is caught with chits and devices. Exams are not too hard and are relatively easier than at other colleges. You will not have problems passing your course if you study enough. And the passing percentage is good, above 75% of students pass the exams.
There are many faculty members but i know just few of faculty members who teaches me and they are ausem and they are highly well educated they all are done there PhD in various studies There are 2 types of exams held in this college first is MST means mid semester test and second one is final semester exams
highly qualified with lot of experience and practical knowledge in their fields. The exams are conducted 3 times a semester and some projects work as well. Time to time internship are also being provided.
As i mentioned in things i like in college. Some faculty are good at everything communication, knowledge and also in teaching. They have great knowledge. And faculty motivate students to do some new projects. If there are positive sides also some negative sides.
The faculty of our department computer science and engineering are the best. They are very friendly to the students. We can visit them anytime for any issue or query. They all have a 20+ yrs teaching experience of senior teachers and we also have the new and modern faculty which make it easy for the student to communicate with the teachers of only some age gap difference. We also celebrate various fest in our department like compkriti to interact with the teachers and students.
All the professors are PhD Doctored and have high experience in teaching which boost our knowledge and skills . Polite ia nature and cooperative with students also help students in many tasks and works. Professor alao cooperated students in there Projects and in certain Scholarship schemes. Also engage students is many co curriculum activities.
Faculty to student ratio is 1:40 so each lecture has only one faculty. Every faculty has minimum PHD in there respective field. Faculty is easily approachable after lectures as well. Overall faculty was good and they have knowledge respective to there subject.
I let you know about only my department. The lectures are highly qualified. 4 teachers done P. Hd, 3 teachers done master and 2 teacher graduated. ( 2 teacher non technical). They all have average 8-10 year experience in industry. So, they teach also practically.
A brilliant faculty who was always ready to help you into and out of everything and anything. The faculty was highly qualified, friendly, understanding and supportive. The faculty was minimum post graduated.
Faculty of my college is not a supportive, teacher are always fight with the student on many small thing. permanent teachers are clear PhD but associate professor is only clear btech and join.teacher firstly see the youtube video which discuss in class then he teach us.If I chance to rating of the faculty for teaching out of 10 the I rating only (very bad).