Campus life is amazing it's a two stage building with roof but rarely we allowed to go to roof we have alaslrge space around the campus we play cricket foot ball ,volleyball ball,badminton more often we have no parking site inside campus so we get cysles and bike inside campus
There were two hostels at my time one for girls and another for boys. I used to stay in girls' hostels. The college does not provide a meal facility to students. The infrastructure was not that good. The college building was also a bit old.
Extra curricular activities are mostly limited to sporting and fitness related activities in our college. In terms of event celebration common events like the Republic Day and Independence Day and annual fest are celebrated on campus. Infrastructure wise the college has the required minimum necessary facilities that one needs to pursue their education with ease.
The facilities are :- Youth Red cross Magazine NSS Good infrastructure Self defence training Diamond Jubilee year Genesis NCC Hostel Events and Much more. The college takes pride in such activities with lots of hustle and bustle.
Campus life is lively education, sports, danc, singing etc opportunity are available.