Established by the merger of two globally reputed institutions, the University of Manchester is a top public research university catering to a wide variety of academic programs. The University of Manchester rankings are among the best in the world according to multiple ranking agencies. It has been included among the top 50 universities by a majority of ranking agencies including QS Rankings, The Guardian, THE Rankings, and Shanghai Rankings. Moreover, CWUR has been placing the university between #51-60 for the last 4 years.

It has been nationally ranked at #6 bu ARWU, #8 by Times Higher Education, and #7 by the US News and World Report. The University of Manchester has a history of catering to top-quality education with courses such as ‘Chemical Engineering’, ‘Electronic and Electrical Engineering’, ‘Geography’, ‘Dentistry ’, and ‘Law’, which rank among the top 100 in the world according to famous ranking agencies like QS, U.S. News and others. The following sections provide insights into the ranking trends of the courses available at University of Manchester.

University of Manchester Ranking in the World

The University of Manchester proudly stands as one of the top 10 universities to study in UK. The following table demonstrates how the University of Manchester has been occupying the top positions in the leading ranking list for the last 5 years:-

University of Manchester Ranking in the World

Ranking Body 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
QS Rankings #27 #27 #27 #28 #32
US News Rankings #64 #64 #58 #63
CWUR #60 #57 #57 #60
THE Rankings #55 #51 #50 #54 #51
The Guardian #40 #25 #28 #30 #24
Shanghai Rankings #36 #35 #38 #41

University of Manchester Rankings: Engineering Subjects

The US News has placed the University of Manchester among the top 75 global universities for Engineering programs. Moreover, its ‘Petroleum Engineering’ has been placed below #15 in QS rankings for the last 3 years. Here are the engineering courses available at the University of Manchester along with their previous years’ ranking trends:-

University of Manchester Rankings: Engineering Subjects

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Computer Science and Information Systems #65 #66 #66
Chemical Engineering #15 #25 #28
Petroleum Engineering #11 #15 #14
Civil and Structural Engineering #43 #42 #48
Mechanical Engineering #21 #23 #29
Electrical and Electronic Engineering #31 #34 #37
Engineering and Technology #32 #21 #43

Shanghai Rankings

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology #101-150 #76-100 #76-100
Biotechnology #151-200 #151-200 #151-200
Computer Science and Engineering #51-75 #151-200 #151-200
Biomedical Engineering #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Materials Science and Engineering #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Telecommunication Engineering #39 #51-75 #51-75
Environmental Science and Technology #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Instrument Science and Technology #101-150 #51-75 #51-75
Civil Engineering #151-200 #101-150 #101-150
Chemical Engineering #101-150 #76-100 #76-100
Water Resources #76-100 #101-150 #101-150
Transport Science and Engineering #76-100 #76-100 #76-100
Electrical and Electronic Engineering #44 #41 #51-75

The Guardian

Electronic and Electrical Engineering #2 #12 #19
Computer Science and Information Systems #18 #15 #8 #5
Chemical Engineering #23 #17 #20 #22
Mechanical Engineering #26 #22 #30 #24
Civil Engineering #8 #12 #14 #23

University of Manchester Rankings: Natural Science Courses

The University of Manchester is a top-notch institution for Natural Science programs. It has been crowned the third position for the ‘Geography’ program in the current Shanghai Rankings. Additionally, the ‘Physics’ program occupies 16th and 11th positions in Shanghai Rankings and The Guardian rankings of this year. Some other rankings for Natural Science courses at University of Manchester are:

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

Shanghai Rankings

Earth Sciences #101-150 #76-100 #76-100
Geography #3 #13 #10
Physics #16 #17 #16
Atmospheric Sciences #101-150 #51-75 #51-75
Ecology #101-150 #76-100 #101-150
Chemistry #51-75 #51-75 #51-75
Mathematics #151-200 #151-200 #151-200

QS World Subject Rankings

Materials Sciences #21 #29 #28
Mathematics #57 #69 #63
Geography #17 #24 #27
Physics and Astronomy #44 #46 #41
Natural Science #35 #40 #59
Environmental Sciences #43 #56 #64
Chemistry #20 #25 #27
Geophysics #51-100 #51-100 #51-100

The Guardian

Chemistry #46 #42 #19 #26
Mathematics #34 #41 #42 #31
Physics #11 #12 #14 #8
Earth and Marine Sciences #35 #31 #27 #11
Biology #26 #16 #10 #21
Geography #34 #24 #21 #12

University of Manchester Rankings: Medical Science Courses

As per the current QS World Subject Rankings, the University of Manchester is ranked at #7 for the Nursing program. Similar medicine courses at University of Manchester and their respective ranking trends are demonstrated by the table below:-

University of Manchester Rankings: Medical Science Courses

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Medicine #32 #38 #38
Nursing #7 #6 #5
Dentistry #46 #35 #31
Pharmacy and Pharmacology #17 #14 #14

Shanghai Rankings

Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences #51-75 #51-75 #51-75
Medical Technology #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Dentistry and Oral Sciences #33 #25 #31
Clinical Medicine #51-75 #51-75 #51-75
Public Health #76-100 #151-200 #151-200
Nursing #51-75 #36 #15

The Guardian

Pharmacy and Pharmacology #35 #31 #24 #20
Dentistry #13 #15 #15 #16
Biomedical Science #12 #11
Medicine #31 #30 #26 #32

University of Manchester Rankings: Business Courses

The University of Manchester rankings for business-related programs have positively evolved over the years. It is considered among the top b-schools of the world which is evident from the fact that it is ranked #5 for Business Administration by Shanghai Rankings. Some other rankings for business courses at University of Manchester are:

University of Manchester Rankings: Business Courses

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Business and Management Studies #35 #32 #32
Accounting and Finance #19 #18 #17
Economics and Econometrics #64 #62 #64

Shanghai Rankings

Management #76-100 #51-75 #51-75
Finance #51-75 #51-75 #51-75
Economics #76-100` #76-100` #76-100`
Business Administration #5 #40 #76-100`

The Guardian

Accounting and Finance #4 #17 #15 #12
Business and Management #7 #19 #21 #19
Economics #47 #51 #45 #43

University of Manchester Rankings: Humanities Courses

The University of Manchester is a one-stop destination catering to top-class humanities programs including ‘Sociology’, ‘Modern Languages’, etc. The ranking trends for some of the humanities courses at University of Manchester are tabulated as follows:-

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

Shanghai Rankings

Education #201-300 #201-300 #151-200
Political Sciences #76-100 #76-100 #76-100
Sociology #39 #24 #25
Public Administration #76-100 #50 #41
Law #101-150 #151-200 #101-150

QS World Subject Rankings

Modern Languages #32 #43 #44
Law and Legal Studies #57 #58 #79
Performing Arts #51-100 #51-100 #51-100
Arts and Humanities #38 #45 #45
Linguistics #40 #48 #47
Philosophy #101-150 #101-150 #151-200
Social Sciences and Management #31 #35 #45
Sociology #22 #19 #27
History #28 #41 #41
English Language and Literature #22 #22 #19

The Guardian

English #20 #36 #22 #19
History #17 #25 #23 #9
Law #14 #23 #43 #35
Languages and Linguistics #31 #31
Politics #17 #17 #11 #17

University of Manchester Rankings: US News Subject

As per the assessment of the US News, 20 courses offered by the University of Manchester have been ranked below #100 rank which is shown by the table below:-

Subject Rankings 2022-23
Arts and Humanities #42
Electrical and Electronic Engineering #62
Ecology #114
Clinical Medicine #57
Engineering #75
Polymer Science #55
Economics and business #31
Computer Science #133
Chemistry #41
Social Sciences and Public Health #50
Public, Environmental, and Occupational Health #118
Physics #87
Endocrinology and Metabolism #45
Immunology #36
Molecular Biology and Genetics #123
Psychology #78
Neuroscience and Behaviour #125
Oncology #41

University of Manchester Rankings: Miscellaneous

With an excellent academic and infrastructural environment, the University of Manchester also advances in other sectors such as:-

Ranking Body Parameter Ranking 2022-23


Sustainability Ranking #3
Northern Europe University Ranking #6
QS WUR By Subject #40

US News

Best Global Universities in Europe #19
Best Global Universities in the UK #7
Best Global Universities #63

THE World University Rankings

World University Rankings #51
World Reputation Rankings 2022 #51-60
Impact Rankings #2


National Rank #7
Employability Rank #391
Research Rank #55
Education Rank #87
Faculty Rank #80

The Teaching Excellence Framework has awarded the University of Manchester with a silver medal for list teaching while the Complete University Guide places it at #19 for the same. The University of Manchester’s quality of education, teaching, and learning experience are the key factors in its success. In 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF), the university succeeded in establishing itself as one of the top research universities in UK.