Mr. Manoj Tarambale is the Principal at PVGPIM. He has done B.E, M.E and Ph.D. He has 29 years of academic experience. He has done research work in the field of Bio-Medical Image Processing applied for detection of lung cancer in its early stage from chest X-ray image. His areas of interest include Electrical, Control System, Analog and Digital Electronics, Instrumentation, Biomedical Image Processing, Robotics, Electric & Hybrid Vehicles, Illumination Engineering etc. He has also published 01 paper in National Conference, 07 papers in International Conferences and 09 papers in International Journals.


You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

I have been associated with the education industry for a long period of time. First of all you get to work with the youngsters who are really motivated, dynamic and able to apply technology if properly guided. Everyone says that today’s generation is useless but according to me they are not useless, instead, we are using them less. We are not keeping proper targets before them. I really like working with the youngsters which is the motivation factor for me.

What do you see as the biggest challenges facing higher education today, and how do you think your institution is addressing those challenges?

The transition from conventional teaching to modernized teaching is a really big challenge today. Another challenge is that the technology that we teach students will get obsolete in around 5 years. The latest technology will be introduced. With this technology we have to make our faculty aware of the same at first then they will teach the students. The speed of implementation of all these needs to be fast otherwise we will be always lagging in the market. To overcome these challenges our college decided to set up labs which will be the center of excellence and which will not get absolute in the coming time period. These labs are operated jointly by industry personnel and college staff. So the new technology will be added and staff will take it to the students. These labs are apart from the syllabus. These labs will get updated with the help of industry. The labs are the Product innovation lab, electric testing vehicle lab and the Robotics and Automation lab.

What are different collaborations or industry labs provided for the students in the college?

We have collaborated with top industries and set up different labs for projects. One of such labs is the product innovation lab which is built by Dassault System in college. The other lab is an electric testing vehicle lab. This lab is built by AICTE and college collaboration so that testing of electric vehicles can be done which is an emerging technology in today’s world. And the third lab is Robotics and Automation. So this lab has a real kuka company robot. And there are some test benches so that interfacing technology can be shown to students very well by hand on practicality done by students.

What are your primary responsibilities as Principal and how do you balance them with other aspects of your job?

Before 10 years the role of principal was totally different. Now the expectation of the principal from society, management and students. The principal looks after providing best to the students like good placement, diversified projects, good faculty, student development programs, industry exposure. In every field, the Principal has to look and work on it. So, probably in all these fields we are leading like anything. So proper distribution of work, giving opportunity to second generation staff members. To make them adapt and use this technology, these are the things with which we are going ahead.

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What new initiatives and collaborations has the college established with other institutions or foreign universities?

Taking cutting edge technology to students is really a challenge. So the college has taken initiatives to sign MoU with the reputed industry and organizations. For example, we have signed the MoU with Tolani Maritime Institute and initiated programs like the faculty exchange, student exchange and collaborative work done with them. We have tie ups with industries for their projects, internship, expert lectures, and hands-on practical sessions. Along with this, we have done MoUs with foreign universities also because in the coming days globalization will play a major role. So, our college and students should not be away from globalization. So, to give exposure we have done MoUs with Malaysia, Australia, and England. So, the facilities abroad will be available to our students and real activity of exchange programs gets started.

What do you think sets your institution apart from other colleges and universities and how do you communicate that unique value proportion to students and other stakeholders?

During execution of duties of principal and management, we keep emphasis on student centric activities. So, their curricular, co- curricular and extracurricular activities and a good balance is maintained across all these activities not only at a department level but at college level also. We are penetrating new concepts that are human values to students. So, apart from technologists, the students will be good civilians with ethical value, execution and ability. We are focusing on all these aspects. That is the distinct thing we are doing at our institute.

Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students in college?

We conduct many extra-curricular activities in college. There are debate, project competitions in which students can participate. Also we celebrate many festivities and national days. The cultural fest and sports day are conducted and we encourage the students to actively participate in the events.

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

The next 10 years priority of our college. First of all we are stressing on industry collaborative labs, skill set oriented courses should be there in the syllabus. Our priority is good research projects. The involvement of industry people in the execution of the college is very important. In the New Education Policy, the professor of the practice process is there. Through which we can appoint industry persons for the benefit of the students in each department.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

The young generation no doubt is talented but what I find is that they are not interested in the work they do. If they like a project or thing, they will do anything to achieve success. Ethical behavior is important in their life. Attitude is the biggest problem in today’s generation. If you do hard work in college, you will lead the market in the next 40 years. The moment they stop upgrading their knowledge, they become obsolete. So, learn new skills, do your work with dedication. Social media is the major problem which will create distractions. So, use social media as per convenience and don’t get addicted. Attitude is the main thing that today’s generation needs to show in positive intent. If you have less knowledge but good attitude. Then you will definitely grow by adapting in the environment and will do hard work to achieve success.