Miss Shreya Reddy is the Director of the MLR Group of Institutions at the MLR Institute of Technology. She has completed her undergraduate degree with a B.Tech. and has an MBA from Amity University. She is the granddaughter of the Founder of MLR Group, Mr. Marri Laxman Reddy and the daughter of the current Chairman and Secretary Mr. Marri Rajashekar Reddy. It has been a year since Miss Shreya took over the position of Director for MLRGI, which has brought some remarkable changes in terms of administration. She is a well-known person who promotes sports culture and entrepreneurship in the student community.

MLR Institute of Technology

Being a young Managing Director, what strategies have you implemented to enhance the overall performance and reputation of MLR Institute of Technology?

As a young Managing Director, I've brought a fresh perspective to MLR Institute of Technology. To enhance the institution's performance and reputation, I've focused on several key strategies. We've revitalised our curriculum to make it more industry-relevant and future-focused. We've also invested in cutting-edge technology and infrastructure to create a state-of-the-art learning environment. Furthermore, we've established collaborations with industry partners to provide students with practical experience and a direct link to job opportunities. Additionally, I've encouraged a culture of innovation and research, motivating faculty and students to engage in impactful projects and publish their work. These strategies have not only improved our academic standing but also strengthened our connection to the community and industry.

How would you balance the needs of different stakeholders, including faculty, students, alumni, donors, and the community, to ensure the institution's success and positive impact?

Balancing the diverse needs of stakeholders is a priority for us. We've initiated a collaborative approach where all voices are heard. Faculty members are empowered to contribute to academic decisions, curriculum development, and research initiatives. Students are encouraged to express their concerns and ideas through student councils and regular feedback mechanisms. Alumni play a vital role in mentoring and supporting current students, bridging the gap between academia and industry. We maintain transparency in financial matters to earn the trust of donors and ensure their contributions are well-utilized. Furthermore, we actively engage with the local community through outreach programs, offering resources and expertise to address community needs. This balanced approach ensures that our institution serves as a hub for education, research, and community development.

Being part of the core group in growing the institution, what was your main emphasis, to make it stand out and be excelling in always compared to all the other existing institutions in the state?

As a part of the core group responsible for growing the institution, our main emphasis has been on differentiation and excellence. To stand out and excel, we've prioritised academic quality, investing in faculty development, modernising our curriculum, and providing the best learning resources. We've promoted interdisciplinary learning, encouraging students to explore multiple fields. Building a strong brand presence through marketing and community engagement has also set us apart. Moreover, we've instilled a culture of innovation with research centres and innovation hubs that encourage students and faculty to pursue groundbreaking ideas. By consistently striving for excellence and differentiating ourselves in these ways, we've been able to position MLRIT as a leading institution in the state.

We are in times where the dynamics of education and industries are rapidly changing. How would you ensure that the appropriate required changes are incorporated into the curriculum of the programs offered by the institution?

Adapting to the rapidly changing educational and industry landscape is a top priority. We ensure that our curriculum remains relevant through regular reviews and updates. We actively engage with industry experts and advisory boards to understand emerging trends and skills in demand. Faculty members are encouraged to attend conferences, workshops, and training sessions to stay updated. We also promote a culture of research and innovation, allowing faculty to infuse new knowledge into their teaching. Additionally, we've created a system for feedback from students, ensuring that their evolving needs are considered in curriculum development. This dynamic approach helps us keep our programmes current and aligned with industry requirements.

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How well is MLR IT focusing on maintaining industry relationships with companies to leverage them for live projects, training, and placements for the students?

At MLR IT, we place a strong emphasis on maintaining industry relationships. We actively collaborate with companies to provide our students with opportunities for live projects and internships. Our placement cell is dedicated to establishing and nurturing connections with various industries to facilitate job placements for our graduates. We also organise industry-specific workshops, seminars, and training programs that enable students to bridge the gap between academia and the professional world. These relationships are instrumental in ensuring that our students gain practical experience and have access to a wide range of placement opportunities upon graduation.

As you as an individual believe in innovation and entrepreneurship. How do you provide support and push entrepreneurial and innovative activities among the students within the institution?

I am a strong advocate for innovation and entrepreneurship, and we provide extensive support for these activities at our institution. We have established dedicated entrepreneurship programs and incubation centres where students can develop and test their business ideas. We offer mentorship and guidance from experienced entrepreneurs and industry experts, as well as access to resources and funding opportunities. Additionally, we regularly organise innovation challenges, hackathons, and entrepreneurship competitions that encourage students to think creatively and solve real-world problems. By fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, we empower our students to become not just job seekers but also job creators and industry innovators.

How would you prioritize diversity, inclusion, and equity within the institution, and what steps would you take to promote a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of the community?

Prioritising diversity, inclusion, and equity is central to our institution's values. We actively promote a welcoming and inclusive environment by implementing several key measures. We have established diversity and inclusion committees that focus on policy development and awareness campaigns. We conduct regular training and workshops for faculty and staff to create an inclusive classroom and work culture. We actively recruit faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds and actively promote a culture of respect and acceptance. Additionally, we offer support systems and resources for underrepresented groups and have created scholarships and initiatives to ensure equal access to education. By prioritising diversity and inclusion, we aim to create a nurturing and supportive environment for all members of our community.

What is your vision for the future, as a director for MLRIT, in terms of enhancing the higher education offerings and improving the quality of the institutions?

My vision for the future of MLRIT involves a comprehensive approach to enhancing higher education offerings and improving the quality of the institution. We plan to expand our program portfolio to encompass emerging fields and interdisciplinary studies, preparing students for the jobs of the future. We'll invest in research and development, creating centres of excellence that produce impactful research and innovation. We aim to foster global collaborations with universities and industry partners to provide our students with international exposure. Ultimately, we envision MLRIT as a hub of academic excellence, research innovation, and community engagement. Our goal is to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in an ever-evolving world, ensuring that our institution remains at the forefront of higher education.