Suryadatta Group of Institutes

Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya is the Founder President and Chairman of Suryadatta Education Foundation. He is also a passionate educationist and philanthropist, which can be observed in his work. His interview comprises the optimistic vision he holds for the students and his colleagues. He mentions that the spirit of classroom training encompasses the fundamentals of theoretical and practical knowledge. To fulfill the same, it is important to provide an ambient environment for the students to grow holistically. Adapting to the new changes and taking on new challenges is important. Since change is inevitable, the new circumstances have also made things change. Thus, the structure of schooling and learning has undergone a fundamental change post COVID 19. Therefore, it is important to understand the importance of technology which is crucial in learning and teaching in today’s world. The same is leveraged by Suryadatta institutions. Talking about his leadership style he emphasises on the situational based leadership which works the best in all circumstances. He also goes on to mention how he encourages students and boost their confidence in confiding themselvesOn a concluding note, he asks Youth to productively utilize the information for the enhancement of their career and growth of our nation.

The spirit of classroom training encompasses the fundamentals of theoretical and conceptual learning through interactive sessions

The institution, Suryadatta, is situated in the heart of the city, Pune, the Oxford of the East. Suryadatta boasts of a lush green, serene campus with all facilities required for a holistic growth of youth. The institution, Suryadatta, provides ample free space in the open and in the corridors for free movement of students. The ICT enabled classrooms are well ventilated and latest teaching aids like smart board, projector, Wi-Fi connections, air-conditioners are provided. The spirit of classroom training encompasses the fundamentals of theoretical and conceptual learning through interactive sessions of case studies, assignments, group discussions, presentation by students etc. Suryadatta boasts of having a full-fledged gymnasium, meditation hall, grounds for the successful conduct of outdoor games and spaces allotted with indoor games. The emphasis is on total personality development, social etiquette, confidence building, body language and accent training. Placement team provides regular industrial visits, guest lectures at regular intervals by corporate personalities on current topics, seminars and conferences, on-the-job training for PG students, and skill enhancement courses. 

The structure of schooling and learning has undergone a fundamental change post COVID 19

The impact of COVID 19 was felt by all sectors and Education is no exception. The structure of schooling and learning, including teaching and assessment methodologies, has undergone a fundamental change post COVID 19. In Spite of various constraints of maintaining social distancing and other related challenges, the Education sector has taken the situation in its stride. Needless to say, the pandemic has transformed the centuries-old, chalk–talk teaching model in India, to one driven by technology. This disruption in the delivery of education is pushing policymakers to figure out how to drive engagement at scale while ensuring inclusive e-learning solutions and tackling the digital divide. The need of the hour in India is a multi-pronged strategy which is necessary to manage the technology disruption in Education, and build a resilient Indian education system in the long term. Many aspirational institutions in India, have initiated innovative, mobile-based learning models for effective delivery of education, which can be adopted by others.Effective time bound strategies are required to prepare the higher education sector for the evolving demand–supply trends across the globe—particularly those related to the global mobility of students and faculty and improving the quality of and demand for higher studies in India. It is also important to reconsider the current delivery and pedagogical methods in school and higher education by seamlessly integrating classroom learning with e-learning modes to build a unified learning system. 

We ensure that the students are developed holistically to face the dynamic global environment

At Suryadatta, the learning continues without any break. We ensure that the students are developed holistically to face the dynamic global environment. Ofcourse, weightage is given to academics, technology plays a significant role here. Flipped classrooms, simulation games by AIMA, Industrial visits, On-the-Job training is also provided as per the competent authorities’ instructions and policies. Other than the academics, the following are imparted to the students by the Management for the holistic development of every student. A student life at Suryadatta is chartered for 360 degree activities which make him a complete professional to face any challenges in the dynamic global environment.

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We do understand the importance of technology which is crucial in learning and teaching in today’s world

At Suryadatta, we have been constantly keeping our students engaged with online classes & assignments, virtual internship opportunities with leading corporates etc. We do understand the importance of technology which is crucial in today’s world. Our faculty members, staff and students are cooperating in making things happen smoothly. All our classrooms are ICT enabled and Suryadatta possesses a good amount of knowledge in the form of video classrooms stored in the online repositories, to enable the students attend classes, clear their doubts and continue with their education without any break. I am of the opinion that the traditional classroom teaching will remain influenced by the technology oriented teaching process, for which we are prepared at Suryadatta. Online books, videos are loaded in plenty for the benefit of our students and faculty members. As per the instructions of the competent authorities, we have tied up with Avishkar labs and CIMSME for imparting certified training in Entrepreneurship Development Programs and setting up of Incubation labs, making our students –Atma Nirbhar. Process for Virtual Internship process is successfully laid by Suryadatta in collaboration with leading corporates like TCS iON, RK Swamy BBDO and others. To prepare our students in emerging Healthcare sectors, Suryadatta has collaborated with Consortium for Accredited Healthcare Organisations (CAHO) to open up avenues in the healthcare sector for the students. We have left no stone unturned to ensure that learning and sharing of knowledge continues at Suryadatta without any break. 

I help to boost the morale of the students and confidence levels in confiding themselves to me

As a Founder President and Chairman of Suryadatta Group of Institutions, I make it a point to remember each and every colleague and student of the institutions. I address them by their name with ‘Sir’ as a suffix, which boosts their morale and confidence levels in confiding themselves to me. I always lend an ear to listen to their problems and suggestions and wherever possible, provide them solutions such that they keep moving with the time. My contact numbers and email ids are known to all, and I treasure holding more than active 40,000 mobile numbers in my handset. I keep my day occupied with handling phone calls, replying to text and whatsapp messages, and being active in social media. I ensure that people contact me through all possible modes of communication. I strongly believe in the concept of OCTAPACE (Openness, Clarity in communication, Trust, Authenticity, Proactiveness, Autonomy, Collaboration and Experimentation). Because of these reasons, there exists a healthy and contended environment in SIMMC. I would proudly say, ‘whoever enters my institution returns with a clear mind set and clarity in taking things forward’. 

Situational leadership is essential and works the best in all circumstances 

Being the Director of SIMMC, I follow situational leadership at times. In today’s climate, I feel that a situational leadership approach is really essential. Where everything changes with speed and pace, I think this kind of leadership is really essential. People move into different roles in as little time as possible, so they need to be equipped to deal with rapidly changing work environments. I in fact, advocate my students also to become situational leaders in the VUCA world. It brings together a diverse cohort of experienced professionals who have been successful in an array of functions and asks them to think about becoming a more general leader. I establish a good relationship with my team members and share instructions and work, understanding the team member’s capabilities and potentialities. Situational leadership is more about adaptability, encouraging teamwork and providing socio-emotional support for the subordinates. It counters volatility, uncertainty and can help in overcoming ambiguity. 

We ensure that the students are corporate ready from day one of their joining the family of Suryadatta

Suryadatta has been ranked in the Platinum category for the five consecutive years by AICTE CII Industry survey because of the impeccable connect that we have with the corporates and industries of various sectors. As our stakeholder, we utilize the vivid experiences of the corporates in framing the PGDM curriculum, and providing value added courses to enhance the employability of our students. Topics that are of vital relevance to the current market dynamics are taught by corporate personalities of that sector as guest lectures. We have signed a MOU with Harvard Publishing School for providing corporate case studies and courses on various topics for our students. We encourage our students to visit Industrial units and to interact with corporates regularly. On-the-job training, internships and project works are channelized through our Placement team and monitored by eminent faculty members of our group. Many a incidents, the students who do exemplary work during their internships and project works get placed successfully with the same company. Suryadatta ensures that the students are made corporate ready from day one of their joining the family of Suryadatta.

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Youth should productively utilize the information for the enhancement of their career and growth of our nation

I firmly believe that today’s youth is well read and smart. Due to technological advancements, the youth is flooded with all kinds of information and data. The only thing I feel is that these information that they have obtained from various sources should be productively utilized for the enhancement of their career and growth of our nation. At Suryadatta, we provide a seven pillar approach for leading a happy and self-sustained career.