Professor Suprith M Y is an Assistant Professor at BMS School of Architecture. She holds a B.Arch. degree from M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology and an M.Plan. degree in urban planning from the School of Planning and Architecture. An accomplished Architect, she has been working with BMSSA since 2016. She has also published two papers on socio-spatial planning and urban flood mitigation.

BMS School of Architecture

Being an Assistant Professor what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

As a professor of Architecture, my role includes making students understand the importance of originality and creativity. Students need to explore and visualize architectural principles, design, and theory. My role also includes guiding their projects, providing feedback, fostering critical thinking, and facilitating their professional growth. We also contribute to curriculum development, research, and maintaining a conducive learning environment for holistic education. Students approach us with a variety of ideas, which will require an extra coating of practical knowledge to execute the process.

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

Having healthy relationships with students is very important because it positively impacts the institution's overall growth. Being approachable, attentive to their needs, and providing constructive guidance to lead students in the right direction and help them achieve their goals is my main motto. With fellow faculty, I collaborate on projects, share insights, and engage in open discussions to exchange ideas. Communication skills, respect for each other’s work, and a supportive attitude are key to maintaining positive interactions in both cases.

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry-oriented?

Integrating real-world case studies, site visits, and hands-on projects to bridge theory with industry applications. Guest lectures by professionals, workshops, and internships provide students with exposure to current industry practises. This approach cultivates practical skills and problem-solving abilities and prepares students for the demands of the industry.

What are the best practices offered by the department to the students which help them gain necessary skills?

The BMS School of Planning and Architecture offers a wide range of opportunities to students, ranging from hands-on workshops to collaborative teamwork to cutting-edge software. Additionally, internship opportunities, a consultancy cell, and participation in competitions are encouraged among students.

What are your views on the placements and higher education of the students from your department or How does your department prepare students for higher education?

The BMS School of Architecture views placements and higher education as crucial milestones for students. The school offers career counseling and seminars to enhance employability. Students are exposed to varied fields throughout their journey in BMSSA. Options of higher education, placements, or working in allied fields post-graduation is explained and encouraged.

Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to the real world challenges?

We prioritize extracurricular activities to enhance student skills and real-world exposure. BMSSA organizes design competitions, workshops with industry professionals, architecture tours, and collaborative projects with local communities. These activities develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills while immersing students in practical challenges, fostering a well-rounded education.

When you came to the college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

My vision was and always will be to see our students achieve their best and be good humans, benefiting society. I want to help students who are able to uplift their capabilities and think outside the box. Architecture is a multi-disciplinary subject and more into creative thinking, and it is important for students to develop good soft skills and communication.

How does the curriculum of your department/college ensures the best practice of the industry?

The curriculum of BMSSA is based on the curriculum set by VTU, the affiliating university. Apart from the fixed scheme and syllabus, the school offers workshops, guest lectures, seminars, and the opportunity to attend international conferences. To mention a few, Zemch 2022, Design Dialogue series, Bamboo workshops, Lumion workshops, and 3D printing workshops. The school also offers placements with reputed national firms.

What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

I advise students to cultivate a strong work ethic, continuously seek knowledge beyond the classroom, and embrace lifelong learning. Develop effective communication and collaboration skills, as they're crucial in any profession. Embrace failures as opportunities for growth, and never stop honing your creativity and critical thinking. Stay adaptable and open to new challenges, and always strive for excellence.

What do you see the department’s/ college’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced? 

The department's greatest strength is the faculty, which has expertise in various specializations such as urban designers, urban planners, landscape architects, conservation architects, and interior designers. Additionally, faculties from across the country have different cultures and traditions that they bring to the school. This helps in learning from each other and imparting knowledge. The school has a lush green campus, which creates a suitable microclimate for students to spend their college time on our campus.