Professor Dr. Snigdha Mohapatra is the HR Professor at Birla Global University. She holds an M.A. in Psychology, an MBA in Human Resource Management, and an M.Phil. in Psychology, along with a PhD as well. Dr. Mohapatra has also written and published four books in her area of expertise.

Birla Global University

Being a Professor in the HR Department, What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

The concept of a professor has changed today. We are not just professionals; we are more facilitators. So as a facilitator, particularly in the HR department, my responsibility is to understand why students have chosen this specialisation and teach them accordingly. The first and foremost role of teachers is to understand that whenever somebody is interested in a subject, it is not about helping students get a job but about understanding where their hearts lie. I make sure students do not just have theoretical knowledge but also the right skills and are groomed for HR roles. They need to be competitive and stand out from the competition. I also pay attention to their career plans and give them guidance whenever and however, they want.

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry-oriented?

As I am from an OB and HR background most of the time. I try to bring my experience into the classroom. As per my personal experience, when students are more interested in the story than the textbook, they learn better. I draw from my personal experiences, and anecdotes and use case studies to teach my classes. I also tell my students to opt for projects they are interested in and participate full-heartedly in them. I tell them to interact with the HR professionals in the company and get all their questions answered.

What are the challenges you faced/ are facing to uplift the quality of education of your department?

Uplifting the quality of education is a big task for us. The reason is, the students need to be updated and know the latest trends in the industry to be employable. The system has to be grade oriented, and certificate oriented. The. question is not about having the right grades or percentages, but about how they use this knowledge. Students also need to pay attention to extracurriculars along with regular classes, which is a challenge right now.

How does BGU enhance the skills of the faculty and prepare them according to the industry standards?

In Birla Global University, particularly in the School of Management, we have certain aspects, like the percentage of each course that needs to be delivered by industry mentors. We are trying to connect with industry experts and have their experience enrich not only the students but also the faculty members. Thereafter, we are always encouraged to apply for any conference outside of both national and international events. We also have mandatory faculty development programs, at least once a year. We have a lot of scope at these events to learn new teaching methodologies and keep up with the trends in our fields.

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When you first came to BGU, what was your vision for the university? Has it evolved over time, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

I joined BGU eight years ago. At that point, BGU was BIMTECH, and my vision was to join a corporate lead management school and contribute my skills to the college’s students. I wanted to give students a quality education and contribute to their careers. Over time, BGU has given me responsibilities and plenty of opportunities to explore myself. To a large extent, we have come close to achieving our college mission, but we have a long way to go.

What do you see as BGU’s greatest strengths?

BGU's greatest strength is its student-friendly environment. Regardless of your background and economic status, everyone is equal here. The best part of BGU is that we will not ask about your background and treat everyone the same. BGU also promotes an open culture where students build relationships with fellow classmates, seniors, and faculty members. Our alumni members are still in touch with us today because of this atmosphere. Another aspect of our campus that is a strength is our emphasis on greenery and being environmentally conscious.

What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

You need to enjoy your time, but you also need to put in the work. If you don't work hard, you can't party harder. At the same time, this is the time, you get to talk with people and build friendships that last a lifetime. You need to take advantage of the time and resources you have at present to build the career you envision. It is also equally important to take care of your mental health. Try to have at least two or three people whom you can trust and who you can talk to and confide in.