Prof. Dr. Lalatendu Sahoo is the Operations Professor at Birla Global University. He completed Ph.D. in April, 2018 from Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai in the area of Management Studies and P.G.D.M. from Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore 1981. He has 7 years of working experience in the teaching field. 

Birla Global University

Being a Professor in the Operations Department, What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

I basically take the core paper or production operation management and papers like Service operation management, Total quality management strategy, manufacturing strategy, etc. I usually take presentations in classes rather than theory classes. I have almost 35 years of Industrial experience so I try to bring a practical aspect to my classes and make it more interactive. I take care of Industrial visits and Operations clubs as well as facilitating guest lectures. Most students we get are engineers but they have hardly seen machines in proper factories, how an engine is made or operated or how raw materials are converted into finished products. I then ask them to make presentations on what they have learnt in industrial visits.

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry-oriented?

My basic approach is, as I said, an industry visit that gives you some idea of where the industry is. Try to follow it up with further one or two industry visits at least. why don't I think i've been very successful in doing that over the last couple of years post covid and during covid while covid i managed post covid it has been a bit difficult because of various issues. This is because I like to make presentations on various case studies. I give assignments, ask them to make presentations, discussions in class. I would have loved to call more and more industrial visits which have not been possible, but which should be done.

What are the challenges you faced/ are facing to uplift the quality of education of your department?

My department basically is Operations and Production Management which is not being taken up seriously by current generation students. One of the major reasons could be placements as there is little to no opportunity for students to get into the operations management sector fresh out of university. This is one of the major challenges I face in my department.

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How does BGU enhance the skills of the faculty and prepare them according to the industry standards?

I think as far as industry exposure is concerned We're behind. We're way behind all of them. We have excellent teachers with very sound knowledge but exposure to industry is practically nil and I don't think BGU is doing anything in this area. The faculties are not engaging actively with industry and are limited only to Mentoring students, SIP. They are not active in industrial visits or interacting with industry professionals.

When you first came to BGU, what was your vision for the university?

See I was a fresher. I was never a faculty member. I was not a teacher. Basically I have around 35 years experience in manufacturing and industrial marketing. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to visit Educational institute in the area of engineering as band management. My idea of university, especially an MBA, I thought it should be more skilled, more industry driven. Students should be able to tackle live situations. you must know what's going on. They must update themselves. I had that vision. I don't think it has evolved any better than what it was, almost because BGU as an institute, doesn't give much priority towards skill driven or industrial oriented even though they talk a lot, they absolutely don't walk the talk. That must change. My vision of a University which is based on constant interaction with industries with industry experts has Not really been pretty or evolved over a period of time.

What do you see as BGU’s greatest strengths?

I think Biju's greatest strength is its faculty. They don't have industrial exposure. But their knowledge base is something which is fantastic. They know their job well, they are good teachers and their commitment to see that the students improve within the limitations of birla global universities policies i think that is the biggest strength of BGU.

What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

Develop discipline. Why should I hire you? Look at your attitude, value system, and then obviously your communication that's becoming more competent. How good are you as a team player? Make yourself tech savvy. Make yourself digitally competitive today. Without that you cannot survive. My first thing is your attitude, your ethics, your values, and how you're able to communicate that to the hiring manager. Digital savviness. That's more important.