Dr. Jain has been associated with JIMS, Rohini, since 2002 in various capacities as a lecturer, associate professor and professor. With more than 22 years of experience that includes both academic and corporate, she is actively involved in teaching, research and training in areas related to consumer behaviour, sales management and rural marketing. She has presented a number of papers at national and international conferences and published research work in various esteemed journals. In addition, she has also developed multiple cases for classroom teaching and some of them have been published in journals of repute. Dr. Jain regularly conducts management development programs on diverse topics for corporate professionals. She is passionate about learning and exploring new dimensions of marketing. She also loves to mentor young minds and help them channel their thoughts into practice.

Jagan Institute of Management Studies

What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for JIMS Rohini international affairs and/or students?

At JIMS, Rohini, our focus is on providing students with global exposure through initiatives like partnerships with international universities, exchange programs, and collaborative research. Our structured programs allow students to engage with diverse cultures, enriching their academic experience and broadening their global perspectives. Emphasising language proficiency and cultural competence, we host seminars with international experts. We offer comprehensive support services, including mentoring, to ensure students receive assistance throughout their academic journey. Networking events foster collaboration, while research projects with international faculty facilitate knowledge exchange. These efforts are geared towards establishing a dynamic international platform and equipping students for success in an interconnected world.

How would you cultivate a positive relationship and foster a thriving environment within your institute?

At JIMS technical campus, our focus lies in fostering a vibrant environment centered on mutual respect, transparent communication, and shared objectives. We actively engage in open dialogue, listening attentively to the perspectives and concerns of faculty, staff, and students to facilitate effective problem-solving and positive institutional changes. Our commitment to inclusivity and diversity is unwavering, to nurture an inclusive culture that provides equal opportunities and celebrates the distinctive contributions of each individual. Advocating for collaboration and teamwork, we endorse an interdisciplinary problem-solving approach that mirrors the collaborative dynamics of the business world. Simultaneously, we prioritise the creation of a supportive atmosphere by acknowledging achievements, offering mentorship opportunities, and cultivating a sense of belonging. 

Being the Director of JIMS Rohini, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

My leadership philosophy is centered on cultivating an environment characterized by growth, empowerment, and innovation. I firmly believe in visionary leadership, uniting all stakeholders—faculty, staff, students, and alumni—under an inspiring vision that propels us towards shared objectives. Collaboration and empowerment are fundamental to my approach, fostering a dynamic atmosphere where each individual feels valued and contributing to vibrancy and innovation. In the continually evolving educational landscape, I advocate for adaptive leadership that embraces change, encourages continuous learning, and welcomes fresh ideas. Supportive mentorship is integral to my leadership style. I am dedicated to guiding and nurturing the professional growth of our faculty and staff, enabling them to realise their full potential. 

Are there any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

In the pursuit of growth, explore diverse learning beyond academics—engage in extracurriculars, internships, and volunteering. Foster continuous learning through reading, online courses, and workshops. Cultivate resilience and adaptability for personal and professional challenges. Network for opportunities and idea exchange, focusing on practical skills alongside academic achievements. Pursue passions pragmatically, aligning them with viable career options. Embrace failure as part of the journey, taking calculated risks towards success. Prioritize mental well-being, uphold ethical values, and contribute positively to society. Stay persistent and patient; success often comes from consistent effort over time.

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How do you strategize about the key programs and plans governing the marketing and administration of your school?

When strategizing for marketing and administration, certain key aspects demand careful attention. Market research and analysis lay the foundation for understanding educational landscapes, and trends and collecting data on student preferences and emerging technologies. Highlighting our Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is central to our marketing, showcasing programs, faculty strength, and alumni success. Campaigns are tailored meticulously, reaching specific demographics through online, social media, and traditional methods. A strong online presence, a user-friendly website, and engaging content are vital for connecting with prospective students. Collaborations with industry partners enhance credibility and create program opportunities.

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your/ Institute?

We prioritise the holistic development of our students by offering diverse club activities and programs that enhance their skills and expose them to real-world challenges. Our clubs and societies serve as platforms not only for pursuing interests but also for showcasing leadership abilities, fostering collaboration, and promoting teamwork. Bridging the gap between theory and practice, our industry interface programs include workshops, enlightening guest lectures, seminars/conferences, and live projects. Internships and placements within reputed organisations provide students with opportunities to apply classroom teachings to real professional scenarios, serving as a crucial bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical application. At JIMS, our approach transcends conventional learning; we encourage critical and innovative thinking.

Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to the real-world challenges?

Dedicated to holistic student development, we offer diverse club activities and programs aimed at enhancing skills and exposing students to real-world challenges. Industry interface programs, featuring workshops, guest lectures, seminars, and live projects, are designed to enrich the learning experience. Internships and placements in reputable organizations are pathways for students to apply classroom teachings to professional scenarios, forming a crucial link between theoretical knowledge and practical application. At JIMS, education extends beyond studying, focusing on critical and innovative thinking through academic competitions and skill development workshops. We foster an environment that nurtures innovation, with entrepreneurship programs and community service initiatives instilling social responsibility. 

You have held key positions at education Institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

My 21-year tenure at JIMS has been a vital part of my professional journey, fostering a strong connection to the institution. The satisfaction I derive from impacting students and staff and creating an environment that encourages growth fuels my passion. The dynamic nature of education offers a continuous learning curve, making the profession vibrant and exciting. Witnessing the growth of future leaders and contributing to their successes brings immense joy. Moreover, the potential of education to drive positive societal change motivates my involvement in initiatives aimed at progress and empowerment. Challenges within education inspire innovative thinking and solutions that drive positive change. Working in education aligns deeply with my values, providing a fulfilling career and avenues for growth and innovation, and keeping me committed to JIMS.

Any insights into how your Institute could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

I provide strategic leadership to align our goals with a focus on research, academic excellence, innovation, and holistic student development. The welfare of our students is paramount, and I prioritise growth through mentorship programs and holistic development initiatives. Building robust relationships with stakeholders and the governing body is crucial for collaboration and enhancing the institution's reputation. Managing resources effectively, promoting innovation, and ensuring compliance are integral facets of my responsibilities. Engaging in socially responsible projects and advocating for the institution's interests are also part of my commitments. I strongly believe in continuous improvement through feedback mechanisms to enhance the quality and efficiency of our institute.

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

In the coming decade, JIMS envisions a holistic approach with a strong focus on academic excellence, research, and innovation. Evolving programs to meet dynamic industry needs, employing innovative teaching methodologies, and fostering a student-centric environment for holistic growth are our core commitments. Strengthening global engagement through expanded international partnerships, investing in technology integration, and championing diversity, equity, and inclusion are key initiatives. Our dedication to enhancing industry integration and employability, focusing on skill development and practical training, remains steadfast. Additionally, we prioritise research and innovation efforts with real-time applications, integrate sustainability and social responsibility, and reinforce alumni engagement.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for JIMS Rohini specifically?

Adapting to rapid technological advancements is paramount in today's higher education landscape to maintain relevance and effectiveness. Balancing academic rigor with practical industry relevance presents an ongoing challenge, especially given the swift evolution of industries. The globalised environment intensifies competition, emphasising the need for distinctive offerings and strategic global alliances. Concurrently, fostering diversity and inclusivity in the student community while promoting continuous professional development for faculty remains a key focus. Encouraging lifelong learning amid rapid technological changes poses challenges for both students and institutions. JIMS Rohini is committed to navigating these complexities by leveraging strengths, fostering innovation, and ensuring a transformative educational experience. 

What would you like people to know about your Institute they may not know?

When it comes to JIMS, there's an aspect that might not be immediately evident but is central to our ethos - our unwavering commitment to holistic student development. While academic excellence remains a fundamental pillar, our dedication goes far beyond that to create a well-rounded educational journey for our students. We prioritise the holistic growth of our students, not just making them great leaders but responsible citizens.

What do you see as JIMS Rohini's greatest strengths?

Our institution stands out with a commitment to academic excellence, particularly in management and business programs. Our robust curriculum and experienced faculty drive this excellence, complemented by industry affiliations that facilitate placements and practical learning. Holistic development is a priority, focusing on refining soft skills, nurturing leadership qualities, and fostering overall personality growth. The diverse student community promotes cultural exchange and a global perspective. The passion for cultivating innovation and entrepreneurship is evident through invaluable resources and support. Faculty dedication to research enhances knowledge dissemination, and our modern infrastructure, student support services, and community engagement initiatives instill social responsibility. These strengths collectively equip our students for professional success and substantial personal growth.