Mrs. Dr. S. Madhiyarsi has been working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management Studies at Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She specializes in Supply Chain, Operations and Finance and has 5 years of teaching experience. Along with this, she is the full time research scholar from Pondicherry University and is also experienced in handling research projects and guiding more than 65 MBA students. 

Jerusalem College Of Engineering

Being a Faculty of the MBA Department, what are your responsibilities towards students?

"Teaching students and resolving their academic and non-academic issues on time is my role"

As an Assistant Professor, my main responsibility is to enrich my students with finest quality and industry oriented subject knowledge. Along with this, preparing them for the corporate sector and guiding them whenever they get stuck somewhere also comes under the ambiance of my responsibilities.

How do you establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

"By regularly interacting with them and ensuring a transparent learning environment for them"

For the purpose of ensuring good relationships with my students and faculty members, I communicate with them on a regular basis. And while communicating, I listen to them with my full attention so that I can properly address their queries and resolve them on time. The main objective of this practice is to provide them an open and trustworthy communication environment so that they can speak freely and experience that they are really important for us.

How do you bring in a practical and industry oriented approach towards subjects?

"By introducing case studies as real time examples while teaching students"

Whenever I teach my students, I use real time case studies and recent industrial developments as examples so that students can easily relate the theoretical concepts with their practical applications. Along with this, we arrange group discussions and role play on real time situations in our college as and when required.

Which best practices are offered by your department to the students to help them gain necessary skills?

"Guest lectures by industry experts is a uniqueness of each course we offer to students"

Our college conducts guest lectures in collaboration with industry experts and eminent academicians in addition to different kinds of club activities and mock interviews. These in my opinion are the practices which makes each program of our college a best fit for students.

How do you strategize and renew the curriculum to make it befitting for the students?

"We update it regularly to discard outdated courses and include new programs as per industry standards"

We renew the curriculum of our college every 4 years after taking suggestions from esteemed industry experts and academicians and inculcating those inputs in the form of new courses, training and internships.

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How does your department prepare students for placement?

"Through rigorous training programs and placement specific sessions"

Our college has a dedicated Training and Placement Cell to train and prepare students for the actual interview process. And this cell conducts personality development training and customized sessions to enhance aptitude and soft skills of students.

How do you prepare your students to deal with the outside competitive world?

"By boosting their morale and asking them to stay updated with latest trends and technologies"

We regularly encourage our students to have faith in themselves, their skills and not to compare their individuality with others as everyone is unique in their own way. Also we ask them to keep a positive attitude towards life, keep exploring new things and never be afraid to ask questions and do smart work to achieve the goals they have defined for themselves. 

Which extracurricular activities are organized by your college to enhance the skills of students?

"Various kinds of social activities are organized by our college regularly"

Our college completely understands the fact that co-curricular activities are equally important for students as academics. Hence we have collaborated with many NGOs like Young Indians- yuva through which we regularly organize a wide variety of social welfare activities to teach essential social, ethical and emotional skills to students.

What challenges are you facing to uplift the education quality of your department?

"Shifting students focus towards their studies is a real challenge for us currently"

Due to the covid pandemic, all the lectures and classes were conducted using various online platforms. And from the time students have shifted back to offline mode of learning, they are less focused and dedicated towards their studies, which creates many hurdles for us as it impacts their academic performance and overall result of our college.

When you joined this college, what was your vision for it and how are you trying to achieve the same?

"My objective was to provide better education and industrial exposure to students"

When I joined this college, my aim was to enhance the educational practices and pedagogies of our college for the benefit of our students. And to make my dream true, I am working hard, utilizing all my past experiences and skills and working on more research publications to stay updated and deliver best to students. 

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practices of industry?

"Industry experts are directly involved in its planning and review phase, hence it ensure best practices"

We regularly update the curriculum of our college after doing rigorous analysis of industrial requirements, developments and trends and taking suggestions and inputs from one of our Board of Studies members who is also an industry expert. And after analyzing his suggestions, we include new programs and training accordingly.

How does your college enhance the faculty skills and prepare them as per industry standards?

"They are trained through events like seminars and workshops"

Although all our faculty members are highly educated and experienced, but Technology is also changing so somehow they need to stay updated with the latest happenings and expectations of the outside world. Therefore, our college trains and upskill them by encouraging them to participate in events like workshops and seminars which are generally organized by esteemed industries.

What approaches do you bring in apart from curriculum to teach the students?

"We teach them using various management games"

We conduct a wide variety of management games to train our students and educate them beyond the defined curriculum and books. 

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What do you see as your college’s greatest strengths?

"Our teaching staff and location are main pillars of our strength"

We are located in the heart of the city and also have highly qualified and experienced faculty members who provide the finest quality education to students. These two things I believe make us strong and resilient at the same time.

Any valuable advice which you would like to give to the students for a prosperous career ahead?

"Keep a curious and extroverted attitude and make best use of your time"

I would suggest to my dear students and youths of our society to learn new things, be an extrovert and make best use of every learning opportunity that comes your way and also of your precious time. Also enhance your social circle and develop educational ethics.