Dr. Beula Shanthi John has been working as the Head of the Science and Humanities Department at Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She has 25 years of Teaching experience at Jerusalem College of Engineering itself. Prior to Jerusalem, she worked as a Department Academic Coordinator, Exam Cell Coordinator, and Chief Proctor of reputed institutions. Her domain of Doctoral Research is Nanoparticles and Hyperthermia Applications. 

Jerusalem College Of Engineering

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

"This field offers limitless opportunities to learn and you can have a direct impact on others' life"

Being associated with the education sector, I get abundant opportunities to learn new things and upgrade my skills in line with the latest trends. I have been associated with this field for the past 25 years. And factors that have helped me to stay here for so long are again the limitless learning and networking opportunities and we get to contribute to the growth of society and nation by educating youths and students.

Being the Head of the Science and Humanities Department, what is your philosophy of leadership?

"Leadership is all about ensuring everyone grows with you"

I always made an effort to pay close attention to each person who works for us or works with us, which includes all our faculty members, staff, and students. And for me, leadership is all about ensuring good relationships with everyone and working effectively with people of different mindsets. Here in our college, I ensure to guide everyone to perform their best at work by understanding what each person desires, how it is linked to the institution's goals, as well as what their talents and limitations are. At the end of the day, I managed to fulfill the goals as the department head and I never shied away from praising someone for a job well done.

How do you strategize the key programs for the marketing and administration of your college?

"By making sure everyone can work and learn without any issues"

By promoting a stress-free environment in college, we can adopt effective classroom management to help both Teachers as well as students and achieve our desired output.

In your experience, what benefits students can gain from studying here in your institute?

"Our education system will ensure all-around development of students"

The higher education system in India and especially in our college encompasses 360-degree learning rather than just a predefined curriculum. This includes both classroom instruction and extracurricular activities including student-organized programs, inter-college tournaments, and annual festivals. And I can guarantee that students after joining our college would get a completely different yet amazing industrial experience that goes beyond classrooms and books, which would ensure their personal and professional growth.

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practices of the industry?

"It ensures best practices as it is designed and renewed after consulting with industry experts"

We update the curriculum of our college regularly to reflect the industrial changes in the form of new courses, training programs, and events. Along with this, before finalizing the curriculum, we do rigorous research and collect feedback from industry professionals after which these suggestions are carefully examined by the Board of Studies and approved by a panel of academic council specialists. And our main aim is to enforce the approach of practical learning in students because knowledge of cutting-edge technologies is a key requirement no matter which career you would join. Apart from all this, the amazing placement record of our college is a plus point for us and we use a variety of methods to educate our students including hands-on activities, industrial visits, expert addresses, presentations, project work, and through interactive classes, etc.

How is your institute more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

"We offer scholarships to needy students and promote the ambiance of equality in our college"

Our college provides many scholarships and funding facilities to students of different economic backgrounds to ensure maximum support to them so that they can continue their studies without any issues.

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What are your roles and responsibilities towards the University and students?

"Ensure discipline among students and educate them is my prime responsibility"

Being the Head of the Department, my responsibility is to educate students, guide them and ensure they remain self-motivated and confident. And for this, I ensure they remain focused in classrooms, stay disciplined in college and behave respectfully with all the faculty members. 

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Vocational Degrees and imitating distant courses for students should be our goal"

In my opinion, we should emphasize making College Degrees vocational during the next ten years. Along with this, the convergence of formal and informal, distant and IT education facilities, and remote education practices should also be emphasized. 

When you first joined this college, what was your vision for it and how far have you come along in implementing them?

"To bring a positive impact in everyone's life by educating and guiding them"

I firmly believe that vision is a captivating quality that aims to engage, inspire and motivate people. And the perspective has changed over time for me, and I'm happy with the direction I've taken so far. And I joined the college with the aim to bring the best business value for our college, enhance our presence among our future students and the outside world and achieve great success for everyone. 

What would you like people to know about your institute?

"We offer the best quality education and placement offers to students"

Our college is a well-known institution in Chennai that has been operating for more than 27 years. Since its founding on Day 1, it has changed the lives of many people and is now greatly enriched to leave an everlasting impact on the educational field of the nation by producing more and more outstanding graduates.

What do you see as your College’s greatest strengths?

"Our faculty members and college infrastructure and amazing management make us strong"

Our highly qualified, motivated, and experienced faculty members, college infrastructure and facilities, and our outstanding management who work for the benefit of our student community make us strong and resilient.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for the higher education of students in general?

"Financial constraints and decreasing enrollment ratio of students in courses is a matter of concern"

There are a wide variety of challenges with respect to higher education access for students including increased expenses and debt burden on students, students declining enrollment in courses. Also, new education policies are some of the other challenges we need to address on the earliest basis. 

Any suggestions that you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

"Live your life to the fullest and make every moment count by utilizing it in the best possible way"

I would suggest to my dear students and our youths to live their life to the fullest. Also, enjoy every moment of your college experience, and constantly keep striving for greatness and self-improvement.

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How do you establish a healthy relationship and environment in your institute?

"By ensuring an amazing working and learning culture for everyone and addressing their issues on time"

The atmosphere of our college offers an ideal environment for fostering strong relationships between students, teachers and peers. And to ensure everything works smoothly, we regularly communicate with them, carefully listen to their issues and queries and try our best to resolve them on time.