Mr. M. Manoj Kumar has been working as an Assistant Professor at the School of Management Studies at Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He has been teaching students and working in the education sector for the past 9 years. He has done MBA in the field of Human Resources and Marketing and has also published many research articles in various journals and conferences.

Jerusalem College Of Engineering

Being a faculty of the MBA Department, what are your responsibilities towards the students?

"Inculcate best technical skills and ethical values in them"

As a faculty of the institute, my main responsibility is to provide the finest quality education and skills to students and make sure they get all amenities and the best industrial exposure while pursuing their dream courses with us. 

How do you establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

"By being a good communicator and supporter for them"

To maintain a cordial relationship with my dear students and fellow faculties, I regularly interact with them to address their issues and queries. And we all work as a team and maintain a friendly, trustworthy and transparent communication environment. 

How do you bring in a practical and industry-driven approach toward subjects?

"By implementing industrial practices in the best possible way in our courses"

For the purpose of enforcing a practical and industry-driven approach towards subjects, I work rigorously to implement the best educational and industry practices in core subjects, without giving more focus on theoretical concepts.

Which best practices are offered by your department to students to help them gain the necessary skills?

"Guest lectures, case studies, and role plays are part of the practices we use to educate them beyond books"

We regularly organize role-play, guest lectures, and case study analyses to ensure students stay updated and can gain new skills over a period of time.

How does your department prepare students for placement?

"We conduct customized training programs and guest lectures for them for the same"

For the purpose of preparing our students for the actual interview process and the corporate world, we regularly organize guest lectures in collaboration with industry experts and professionals. And experts during these interactive sessions share their experiences and bring a lot to explore for the students. 

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How do you prepare your students to deal with the outside competitive world?

"By encouraging them to have faith in their skills and keep participating in college activities"

We regularly encourage them to believe in themselves and not to compare their individuality with others, as this will bring their morale down. And to make them ready for the outside world, we keep organizing and involving them in college activities and events so that they can showcase their talents to others, become more confident, and gain new skills which are in demand in the outside world. 

Which extracurricular activities are organized by your institute to enhance the skills of students?

"We organize various academic and fun activities on a regular basis"

Our college totally agrees with the fact that co-curricular activities are very important for students along with academics for their all-around growth and development. Therefore, we have signed the Memorandum of Understanding with Young Indians which is an Integral Part of CII. And as a result of this, various activities are conducted in college on a regular basis.

What challenges are you facing to uplift the education quality of your department?

"Adjusting our teaching pedagogies and educational practices is a real struggle"

We do have a diverse range of students in our college and all of them have different academic and social backgrounds. So, adjusting our educational practices and teaching methodologies to fit their understanding and way of learning is a real roadblock in front of us that we need to address and tackle on the earliest basis.

When you joined Jerusalem college, what was your vision for it and how are you trying to achieve that?

"To bring best business value for college and provide best quality education to students"

When I joined this Jerusalem College, my main objective was to develop myself and this institution by utilizing my knowledge and past teaching experience in the best possible way. Because I firmly believe that the growth of our own self is directly linked with the growth of our students and this college. 

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practices of the industry?

"We regularly renew it to include industry development in the form of new programs"

We design and renew the curriculum of our college by rigorously analyzing industrial expectations and the latest developments, taking suggestions from our Board of Studies Members, and then implementing their inputs in the form of new programs and training. 

How does your college upskill its faculty members and train them as per industry standards?

"They are trained through FDPs, seminars, workshops, and conferences which are arranged by us"

Although all our faculty members are highly educated and experienced in their respective fields, technologies and market demands are also changing with this digital world, hence they also need to upgrade themselves accordingly so that the best could be delivered to students. Therefore, they are encouraged to participate in seminars, workshops, and conferences that are arranged by us and by other corporations as well so that they can learn about new technologies and teaching techniques. 

What approaches do you bring in to teach students beyond the curriculum?

"I use the feedback mechanism to update students on their performance and progress"

For the purpose of educating our students beyond books and curriculum, I monitor their academic progress and performance on a regular basis and keep guiding them in which areas they need to focus more. Along with this, we regularly interact with them during and after classes to address their academic and non-academic issues and queries. 

What do you see as your college’s greatest strengths and how can they be enhanced?

"Our teaching staff and infrastructure along with location makes us strong"

The main pillars of our greatest strength are our highly qualified and experienced faculty members, excellent infrastructure, and our easily accessible location. 

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Any valuable advice which you would like to share with the students for a prosperous career ahead?

"Don't study only to get good marks and makes the best use of every opportunity that comes your way"

I would suggest to my students to keep upgrading their skills and not focus only on getting good marks. Expand your professional network, define realistic and achievable goals for yourself and make the best use of your time. Also, focus on gathering practical knowledge instead of cramming things.