Dr. Ruma Sen is an Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Institute of Technology and Sports Complex. She has done M. Tech and Ph.D. from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology, Agartala. Thereafter, she has authored/ co-authored 47+ International journals and book chapters of repute. Dr. Sen works on the advancement of sustainable machining processes, additive manufacturing, advanced materials, coatings, green lubricants, and coolants.

Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Institute of Technology and Sports Complex

To begin, Dr. Sen, could you elaborate on how the college’s curriculum ensures alignment with industry best practices?

For both the B.Tech. and M.Tech. degrees, our school follows the curriculum set forth by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Our dedication to providing more hands-on training to this curriculum distinguishes us from the competition. Students participate in extracurricular training offered by the college beginning in their second year and continuing until their last year. This includes not only semester-long practice but also exposure to aptitude testing and reasoning techniques, both of which are essential for preparing for interviews when working on campus. In addition, we’ve collaborated with organizations like the JIS Group to make platforms like Coursera available to all students. This gives students the freedom to go beyond the confines of conventional learning.

Throughout your professional journey, you’ve assumed significant roles within various educational institutions. Could you highlight the pivotal factors that continue to drive your engagement in the education sector?

Indeed, my experience in the field of education has been incredibly satisfying. The positive effects that education has on both people and society as a whole are the main things that draw me to this field. Being able to see students advance intellectually and personally has been a powerful incentive. In addition, the chance to influence upcoming professionals and expand my knowledge keeps me strongly connected. Being a part of this progress is both stimulating and rewarding because education is a dynamic area that is continuously changing.

In light of the current challenges in India, particularly various racial and economic disparities, how does the college foster inclusivity?

Yes, inclusion is a fundamental principle of our college. We are aware of the financial difficulties and varied backgrounds some students may experience. We give scholarships to students who get marks above 65% or 70% to address this. We also offer specialized scholarships to students from the northeast and Tripura. These programs act as both direct and indirect support systems, allowing students from all backgrounds to take advantage of our educational opportunities.

Looking ahead, what do you identify as the college’s primary focus over the next decade?

Undoubtedly, our college is currently working to earn NBA NAAC accreditation, a huge accomplishment. After receiving this accreditation, we anticipate a significant improvement in a number of areas. Higher criteria will be set for research and development facilities, industry internships, and campus placement opportunities. Our final-year students who take part in campus placements during their seventh or eighth semester will especially benefit from this update. This transition will affect all branches, including core and non-core, rather than just our department.

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Could you shed light on aspects of the college that may not be widely known to the public?

Undoubtedly, among the prestigious institutes in the JIS Group is the Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Institute of Technology & Sports Complex. Accessibility is a significant benefit due to its ideal location close to Dumdum Station and the Dumdum Airport. Our college is well-connected by transportation and acts as a communication hub for many businesses and academic institutions. Especially noteworthy is that we are home to a sizable sports complex with both indoor and outdoor facilities. This is consistent with the mission of our organization, which is to promote holistic development; hence, the emphasis on technology and sports in our name.

What would you identify as the college’s greatest strength?

Our thorough beyond-curriculum approach is without a doubt our biggest strength. While many colleges in West Bengal rigorously follow the requirements of the syllabus, we go above and beyond. We prioritize supplemental training that prepares students for difficulties outside of the academic sphere in addition to addressing the regular curriculum. This involves training them for the GATE exams and university postings, where general awareness, critical thinking abilities, and broader knowledge are essential. These courses run concurrently with the semester’s curriculum and give students the tools they need to succeed in job interviews and graduate school.

As you hold this esteemed position within the college, could you elucidate your leadership philosophy? How would you characterize your approach to leadership?

My leadership ethos definitely centers on mentoring, teamwork, and empowerment. I think it’s important to create an atmosphere where everyone’s abilities are valued and their potential is unlocked. Collaboration is essential; by fostering honest communication and a diversity of viewpoints, we can all create and produce better results. It is crucial to give both teachers and students the freedom to own their own development and educational journeys. I picture myself playing the role of a facilitator, directing the institution’s expansion and fostering a culture of ongoing improvement.

In your current role, what do you perceive as your core responsibilities towards the institute and its students?

My duties cover a broad range of responsibilities that center on the overall development of the institute and its students. First and foremost, it is crucial to guarantee the educational program’s quality and relevance. To achieve this, it is necessary to create a positive learning atmosphere, encourage innovative teaching practices, and connect curricula with industry requirements. In addition, I am committed to creating an inclusive environment where diversity is appreciated and all students feel included. My responsibilities also include fostering interdisciplinary partnerships, supporting faculty members’ professional development, and stimulating research and innovation. In addition, I actively participate in programs that improve connections between the institute and outside parties, such as businesses and communities. My overall goal is to direct the institute’s trajectory toward excellence while also developing each student’s potential so they leave as well-rounded persons prepared for success in both their personal and professional life.