Adiabatic Process: Definition, Equation, Expansion and Sample Questions

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Jasmine Grover

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Adiabatic process is a thermodynamic process in which there is no heat transfer in or out of the system. It is such a sudden process that there is no time for a significant heat transfer to take place. Naturally occurring adiabatic processes are irreversible in nature. Adiabatic Process is a key concept of thermodynamics that supports the theory that explains the first law of thermodynamics

Adiabatic Process is an ideal process with no heat transfer in which the change in internal energy is equal to the work done. In an adiabatic process, no heat is gained or lost by the system. The first law of thermodynamics (Q = 0) demonstrated that all change in internal energy is in the form of work done. 

Key Terms:- Heat Transfer, Adiabatic processes, exchange of heat, ideal gas equation, a mole of gas, pressure.

What is Adiabatic Process?

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Adiabatic process is a thermodynamic process in which there is no exchange of heat from the system to its surroundings neither during expansion nor during contraction.

  • A rapid expansion or contraction of gas is nearly adiabatic in nature.
  • The adiabatic processes are either reversible or irreversible.
  • Any process that occurs within a container that is a good thermal insulator is called an adiabatic process.

For example, gas compression in an engine cylinder is expected to happen so fast that a minimum amount of system energy can be produced and sent out in the form of heat. The process is regarded as an adiabatic process even though the cylinders are not insulated and have a conductive nature.

Adiabatic Process

Conditions for Adiabatic Process

For an adiabatic process to take place, the following conditions must be met:

  • The system should be perfectly insulated from its surroundings.
  • The process should be carried out quickly to leave sufficient time for the heat transfer to take place.

Adiabatic Process Equation

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The adiabatic process equation is given as:

PVϒ = Constant

  • Where P is the pressure of the system
  • V is the volume of the system
  • ϒ is the adiabatic index, ϒ = CP/CV
  • Cp is the heat capacity at constant pressure
  • Cv is the heat capacity at a constant volume

Adiabatic relation between P and T

The ideal gas equation for 1 mol is given by PV=RT

∴ V = RT/P

Putting this value in the adiabatic process equation PV1-ϒ =constant


P(1-ϒ )*Tϒ= Constant (As T = nRT/P)

Relation between P and T

Adiabatic Relation between P and T

Adiabatic relation between V and T

For one mole of gas, the ideal gas equation is given by: PV = RT

∴ P = RT/V

Putting this value in the adiabatic process equation PV = constant.

(RT/V)*Vϒ = Constant

TV (1-ϒ) = Constant

Adiabatic Process V-T Graph

V-T graph for adiabatic process

Adiabatic Compression

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Adiabatic compression is a process during which no heat is gained or lost from the air and therefore the internal energy of the air is increased. 

  • In this process, pressure increases more quickly than the decrease in volume due to an increase in temperature.
  • During this process, energy is transferred only by work.

Adiabatic Expansion

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Adiabatic expansion is an adiabatic process in which an external work acts upon a system by utilizing the internal energy of gas which in turn results in lowering the temperature.

Adiabatic Expansion and Compression

Adiabatic Expansion and Compression 

Real-time Examples of Adiabatic Processes

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Some of the examples of the adiabatic process are as follows – 

  • The turbines are great examples of adiabatic systems as they utilize heat as a source to supply work so any heat lost to the environment would scale back their efficiency.
  • Hot tea lept in a thermos.
  • As we speak, the air is compressed and expanded as a result of the passage of the acoustic waves.
  • Also, explosions, rapid compressions, expansions, mixing 2 chemicals in a flask, a lightning strike, etc can also be called approximated adiabatic processes.

Reversible Adiabatic Process

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The reversible adiabatic process is an Isentropic thermodynamic process that is adiabatic in nature and in which the work transfer of the system is frictionless.

  • There is no transfer of matter or heat. The process is reversible.
  • This process is also called the isentropic process because the change in entropy is 0.
  • It is an idealized case used for comparison with real-time processes.

Work Done in Adiabatic process

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Consider a mole of gas contained in a cylinder with insulating walls, provided with a frictionless and insulating piston. When the piston moves up through a small distance dX, let the pressure of gas be P, then the work done will be given as:

dW = PAdX = PdV

  • Where A is the cross-sectional area of the piston
  • dV = AdX(increase within the volume)

As the gas expands adiabatically, there will be a change in P, V, and T from its initial stage (P1, Vi, T1) to (P2, Vf, T2)

Total work done will be:

W = vfvi PdV

According to the adiabatic equation;

PVϒ= Constant (C)

Hence, by substituting this value, we get

W = vfvi C (V-ϒ)dV

= nR/1 -ϒ (T1 - T2)

Read More: NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Thermodynamics

Difference between Isothermal and Adiabatic Process

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The differences between Isothermal and adiabatic processes are as follows – 

Isothermal Process Adiabatic Process
Isothermal Process is a thermodynamic process that occurs at a constant temperature. Adiabatic Process is a thermodynamic process that occurs without any heat transfer between the system and the surrounding.
It contains the transfer of heat It doesn’t contain any transfer of heat
The temperature remains constant in an isothermal process. The temperature can be varied in an adiabatic process.
The transformation is slow in such processes. The transformation is fast in such a process
Example – A refrigerator  Example – Pendulum oscillating in a vertical plane

Things to Remember

  • Adiabatic process is a thermodynamic process in which there is no change of heat from the system to its surroundings.
  • The adiabatic process can occur if the container has thermally insulated walls or the process happens in a concise time.
  • Isothermal processes are often considered the opposite extreme of the adiabatic process
  • A system that expands under the adiabatic process does positive work, so internal energy decreases.
  • A system that contracts under an adiabatic process does negative work, so internal energy increases.
  • The adiabatic process can be either reversible or irreversible in nature.
  • The adiabatic equation is PVϒ = Constant
  • The total heat of the system remains constant during the adiabatic process.

Previous Year's Questions

  1. A solid body of constant heat capacity … [JEE Mains 2015]
  2. ′n′ moles of an ideal gas undergo a process A→B  … [JEE Mains 2016]
  3. Cp and Cv are specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume … [JEE Mains 2017]
  4. Initially, two gas samples 1 and 2 are in the same condition… [BITSAT 2006]
  5. In adiabatic compression, the decrease in volume is associated with… [BITSAT 2008]
  6. 2 moles of an ideal monatomic gas are carried from an initial state… [JEE Main 2017]
  7. Half a mole of an ideal monoatomic gas is heated at constant pressure… [JEE Main 2019]
  8. An ideal monoatomic gas is confined in a cylinder by a spring-loaded piston… [JEE Main 2014]
  9. A Carnot freezer takes heat from water at 0oC… [JEE Main 2016]
  10. A gas can be taken from A to B via two different processes… [JEE Main 2019]
  11. A gas is compressed from a volume of 2m3 [JEE Main 2014]
  12. A sample of an ideal gas is taken through the cyclic process… [JEE Main 2019]
  13. A thermally insulated vessel contains 150 g of water at 0oC… [JEE Main 2019]
  14. A force of 1N acting on a body of mass 2 kg produces in it an acceleration of…? [KEAM]
  15. The cooling in the refrigerator is due to…? [KCET 2005]
  16. The work done during the expansion of a gas from a volume of 4dm3 to 6dm3 against a…? [NEET 2004]
  17. The ratio of work done by the gas, to the heat absorbed by it, when it undergoes a change…? [NEET 2018]
  18. The coefficient of performance of a refrigerator is 5. If the temperature inside the freezer is…? [NEET 2015]
  19. The ends Q and R of two thin wires, PQ and RS, are soldered (joined) together. Initially each of…? [JEE 2016]
  20. A solid body of constant heat capacity is being heated… [JEE Main 2015]

Sample Questions

Ques. The work done in an adiabatic change in a gas depend only on? (1 mark)
a) Change in pressure
b) Change in volume
c) Change in temperature
d) None of above

Ans. C) Change in temperature

Ques. In the adiabatic expansion: (1 mark)
a) ΔU=0
b) ΔU=Positive
c) ΔU=negativr
d) ΔW=0

Ans. B) ΔU=positive

Ques. An adiabatic process occurs at constant: (1 mark)
a) Temp
b) Pressure
c) Heat
d) Temp and pressure

Ans. C) Heat

Ques. A monoatomic gas is compressed to 1/8 of its original volume adiabatically, what will be the change in pressure? (y=5/3) (2 mark)

Ans. P2/P1=(v1/v2)ϒ

P2 = 85/3P1 =32P1

Ques. A cycle tire bursts suddenly, this indicates which process? (1 mark)
a) Isothermal
b) Isobaric
c) Isochoric
d) Adiabatic

Ans. D) Adiabatic process

Ques. If a cylinder that contains gas at high pressure explodes, the gas undergoes? (1 mark)
a) Reversible adiabatic changes and fall of temperature
b) Reversible adiabatic change and rise of temperature
c) Irreversible adiabatic change and rise of temperature
d) Irreversible adiabatic change and fall of temperature

Ans. Irreversible adiabatic change and fall of temperature

Ques. A cylinder with a movable piston contains 3 moles of hydrogen at degree Centigrade and pressure. The walls of the cylinder are formed from a heat insulator, and therefore the piston is insulated thereon by having a pile of sand. The pressure of the gas increases by what factor if the gas is compressed to half of its original volume? (5 mark)

Ans. As the process is totally insulated from surroundings, it is an adiabatic process. Initial pressure inside the cylinder: P1

Final pressure inside the cylinder: P2

The initial volume inside the cylinder: V1

The final volume inside the cylinder: V2


For an adiabatic process, we have


Now, the final volume is compressed to half of the initial volume

So, V2=V1/2



Ques. If 2 moles of gas is expanded adiabatically, the interior energy of the gas decreases by 2 joules. What will be the work done? (2 mark)

Ans. dQ = 0 = -2 + dW


Ques. 22.3 J of energy is expended on a system in changing the state of a gas adiabatically from an initial equilibrium state A to the final equilibrium state B. If the gas is taken from state A to B via a process during which heat absorbed by the system is 9.35 cal, what proportion is the net work done by the system within the latter case? (Take 1 cal = 4.19 J) (3 mark)

Ans. Within the first case, the method is adiabatic in nature so ΔQ=0,

ΔW= -22.3 J (As the work is done on the system)

ΔQ = ΔU + ΔW

0 = ΔU - 22.3

ΔU = 22.3 J

For the second case, ΔU is the same,

but the Q =9.35*4.2=39.3 J

ΔW = ΔQ - ΔU

= 39.3 - 22.3

ΔW =17 J

Ques. The pressure in the tyre of a car is 4 times the atmospheric pressure at 300K. If this tyre suddenly bursts, its new temperature will be? (3 mark)

Ans. For adiabatic process:

P(1-ϒ)* Tϒ= Constant




Ques. The pressure and density of a diatomic gas (y=7/5),change adiabticaly from (p,d) to (p1,d1). If d1/d = 32,then p1/p is? (2 mark)

Ans. v=m/d

So, p1/p = (v/v1)ϒ


= 327/5


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