Cardiff University is a globally renowned UK-based university that is currently ranked at #154 in QS Rankings, #152 by the US News, #156 by CWUR, and #190 in THE Rankings. Shanghai Rankings have placed Cardiff University rankings in the band #151-200 for the third time in a row.

The Guardian counts Cardiff University among the top 30 national universities. On the other hand, the US News and CWUR place it among the top 20 UK universities. Cardiff University is one of the best destinations for studying “Electronic and Electrical Engineering”, “Physics”, and “Dentistry ” in the UK.

Cardiff University World Ranking Trends:

The table below demonstrates the year-wise rankings of Cardiff University across the globe, featured in some of the top ranking lists:-

CU World Ranking Trends
Ranking Body 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
QS World University Rankings #154 #166 #151 #159 #154
US News and World Report Best Global Universities #152 #166 #168 #168
CWUR #156 #159 #153 #139
THE World University Rankings #190 #187 #189 #191 #198
ARWU (Shanghai Rankings) #151-200 #151-200 #151-200
The Guardian #29 #35 #38 #37 #38

Cardiff University Engineering Rankings:

Cardiff University has been recently crowned as the number one destination for studying “Electronic and Electrical Engineering” in UK. The table below shows the ranking trends of similar courses, as per the leading ranking bodies:-

CU Engineering Rankings

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Mechanical Engineering #151-200 #151-200 #201-250
Civil and Structural Engineering #101-150 #101-150 #51-100
Electrical and Electronic Engineering #201-250 #151-200 #151-200
Engineering and Technology #214 #234 #256

The Guardian

Electronic and Electrical Engineering #1 #16 #18 #21
Civil Engineering #38 #37 #47 #49
Mechanical Engineering #32 #26 #40 #45

Shanghai Rankings

Biotechnology #401-500 #301-400 #201-300
Water Resources #151-200
Energy Science and Engineering #201-300 #151-200 #101-150
Environmental Science and Technology #301-400 #201-300 #201-300
Materials Science and Technology #401-500 #401-500 #301-400
Chemical Engineering #201-300 #101-150 #101-150
Mechanical Engineering #101-150 #151-200 #151-200
Civil Engineering #201-300 #201-300
Electrical and Electronic Engineering #201-300 #401-500 #401-500
THE Rankings Engineering and Technology #151-175 #151-175 #151-175 #151-175

Cardiff University Computer Science Rankings:

The Guardian places Cardiff University among the top 40 UK-universities offering a “Computer Science and Information Systems” program. Here’s how the same course has been ranked over the past couple of years:-

CU Computer Science Rankings

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021
QS World Subject Rankings Computer Science and Information Systems #251-300 #301-350 #301-350
THE Rankings Computer Science #201-250 #251-300 #251-300 #251-300
Shanghai Rankings Computer Science and Engineering #151-200 #201-250 #201-250
The Guardian Computer Science and Information Systems #36 #53 #56 #34

Cardiff University Natural Science Rankings:

Cardiff University is ranked among the top 100 global universities catering to programs such as “Geography”, “Psychology”, “Earth Sciences”, etc. Nationally, it is considered among the top 15 institutions for “Physics” and “Psychology”.

CU Natural Science Rankings

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

Shanghai Rankings

Earth Sciences #76-100 #101-150 #101-150
Atmospheric Sciences #201-300 #201-300 #201-300
Geography #37 #21 #23
Physics #201-300 #151-200 #151-200
Chemistry #201-300 #201-300 #201-300
Ecology #301-400 #301-400 #201-300
Oceanography #101-150 #101-150 #101-150

QS World Subject Rankings

Biological Sciences #151-200 #151-200 #151-200
Chemistry #145 #151-200 #151-200
Earth and Marine Sciences #101-150 #151-200 #101-150
Mathematics #251-300 #301-350 #301-350
Psychology #59 #58 #69
Physics and Astronomy #201-250 #201-250 #201-250
Natural Science #238 #248 #267
Environmental Sciences #201-250 #151-200 #151-200
Geography #51-100 #51-100 #51-100
Geology #101-150 #101-150 #101-150

THE Rankings

Psychology #64 #46 #67 #38
Physical Sciences #176-200 #151-175 #151-175 #151-175
Life Sciences #126-150 #126-150 #201-250 #151-175

The Guardian

Mathematics #57 #55 #49 #41
Psychology #12 #10 #7 #9
Physics #10 #9 #15 #18
Chemistry #48 #54 #52 #49

Cardiff University Business Rankings:

Cardiff University’s “Business Administration” program occupies the 43rd position, globally, in Shanghai Rankings while still maintaining a #21 rank, nationally. The following table demonstrates the ranking trends of business-related courses available at Cardiff University:-

CU Business Rankings

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Accounting and Finance #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Business and Management Studies #145 #136 #132

Shanghai Rankings

Management #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Economics #201-300 #201-300 #201-300
Business Administration #43 #101-150 #101-150
THE Rankings Business and Economics #151-175 #201-250 #126-150 #101-125

The Guardian

Accounting and Finance #38 #23 #29 #27
Business and Management #21 #32 #26 #41
Economics #50 #68 #61 #69

Cardiff University Medical Science Rankings:

The Guardian has ranked Cardiff University among the top 15 national universities for various medical science courses including “Medicine” and “Dentistry ”. Its “Nursing” program occupies the 47th rank in Shanghai Rankings while residing in the rank band #51-100 in QS World Subject Rankings.

CU Medical Science Rankings

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Nursing #51-100 #51-100 #101-150
Dentistry #51-80 #51-70 #51-60
Pharmacy and Pharmacology #78 #55 #61

Shanghai Rankings

Public Health #201-300 #201-300 #201-300
Nursing #47 #76-100 #101-150
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences #201-300 #201-300 #101-150
Medical Technology #51-75 #51-75 #76-100
Clinical Medicine #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Dentistry and Oral Sciences #101-150 #76-100 #76-100

The Guardian

Dentistry #9 #12 #13 #13
Pharmacy and Pharmacology #15 #8 #3 #4
Medicine #14 #15 #20 #17
THE Rankings Clinical, pre-clinical, and health #151-175 #176-200 #176-200 #201-250

Cardiff University Humanities Rankings:

The performance of Cardiff University’s “Public Administration” has decreased in Shanghai Rankings, but it still manages to occupy the outstanding 13th position, globally.

CU Humanities Rankings

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

Shanghai Rankings

Education #201-300 #151-200 #151-200
Sociology #76-100 #51-75 #47
Political Sciences #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Public Administration #13 #9 #4
Hospitality and Tourism Management #101-150 #151-200 #201-300
Communication #76-100 #76-100 #151-200

QS World Subject Rankings

Modern Languages #201-250 #151-200 #201-250
Communication and Media Studies #29 #22 #28
Social Sciences and Management #134 #153 #168
Arts and Humanities #143 #170 #166
Social Policy and Administration #51-100 #51-100 #51-100
Sociology #95 #101-150 #97
Law and Legal Studies #151-200 #151-200 #151-200
English Language and Literature #67 #68 #63
Hospitality and Leisure Management #101-150

THE Rankings

Social Sciences #126-150 #126-150 #126-150 #101-125
Arts and Humanities #101-125 #126-150 #151-175 #151-175

The Guardian

English #38 #49 #58 #69
Education #17 #35 #36 #38
History #56 #71 #77 #76

US News Subject Rankings:

The US News has ranked 9 academic courses of Cardiff University below the #150 mark in its recent edition and the table below demonstrates the same:-

Subject Rankings 2023
Arts and Humanities #106
Electrical and Electronic Engineering #371
Ecology #372
Clinical Medicine #179
Engineering #212
Molecular Biology and Genetics #144
Computer Science #373
Chemistry #298
Social Sciences and Public Health #129
Materials Sciences #605
Space Science #70
Pharmacy and Toxicology #265
Oncology #188
Molecular Biology and Genetics #144
Psychology #59
Immunology #132
Physics #220
Physical Chemistry #323
Plant and Animal Science #261
Biology and Biochemistry #131

Cardiff University Miscellaneous Rankings:

Leaving aside the academic rankings, the global and national reputation of Cardiff University can also be assessed from the following miscellaneous rankings:-

Ranking Body Parameter Ranking 2023-24


Sustainability Ranking #46
Northern Europe University Rankings #27
QS WUR By Subject #145

US News

Best Global Universities #152
Best Global Universities in the Europe #58
Best Global Universities in the UK #18

THE World University Rankings

World University Rankings #190
Impact Rankings: Decent work and economic growth #301-400
Impact Rankings: Partnership for the goals #87
Impact Rankings: Climate Action #60
Impact Rankings: Gender Equality #101-200
Impact Ranking #52


National Rank #17
Employability Rank #408
Faculty Rank #91
Education Rank #398
Research Rank #184

Recently, the “Daily mail university guide” has rank Cardiff University at #33 in its national rankings while the “Complete University Guide” has placed it at #26. With a 95% graduate employability rate, Cardiff University ranks 12 among the top universities in the UK for employability in the current ‘Global University Employability Rankings’.