Gateway Education

Mr. Rajan Makkar is the Director at Gateway Education, Sonepat. He is a dynamic leader and believes in overcoming the challenges whenever faced. One such challenge that he has encountered is the existence of the conventional, rut-learning education system which he thinks should be replaced. For the same he is focussed to build a dynamic environment in his institution. Dr. Makkar is a Ph.D holder in Hotel Management. He is a double graduate from IHM Panipat and Delhi University and has done MBA in Tourism and Hospitality Management. He has a rich industry and academic experience of 21 years and has mentored many students and faculty. He has played an important role in the formation of various strategic associations with numerous hotel companies and placement agencies overseas, for the better placements of Hotel School Graduates.

There is a transparent system of assessment which provides academic freedom to the teachers

I would like to add academics before leadership. My philosophy of academic leadership is very simple and straight, and that is to take all those initiatives to groom the students to the desired skill levels and make them employable. We follow a transparent system of assessments and provide academic freedom to the teachers and trainers. 

We plan and market activities with prior consultation with the outreach team

The marketing and promotional outreach activities are always planned in consultation with the outreach team. Also, the activities are identified that best suits our objectives and budgets. The administration of my hotel school runs on the basic principle of exclusive ownership of each team member for their area of operation. The responsibility and authority comes hand in hand.

We have to bring serious turnaround in the present conventional system to rank on a global scale

In India, there are very few hospitality institutes producing quality manpower. The number is countable on fingers. To feature on the international map, Indian hotel schools and colleges need to bring serious changes in the present conventional kind of curriculum that is only vocation focused. There is a call for complete reformation and restructuring of the contents to achieve the desired learning outcomes to produce and develop hospitality leaders.

We assure of complete personality transformation that compliments the profession and to develop a sense of urgency, intelligence, sensitize them towards human emotions, soft skills, sound technical knowledge and practice.

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We make sure to develop a culture which nourishes the students to develop and work on their skills 

Our curriculum of 4 years BHM programme offers the set of skills in two essential areas- The art of Hospitality and the science of Business together with the most excellent industry training in India/Abroad. Focus is also given on management education and applied academic research. Also, we aim to develop a culture of continuous learning and provide an ambient atmosphere to the students. When you enter our campus boundaries, you witness the breathtaking culture of the campus with the presence of students from different Indian states and Nepal too. The system and culture of the institute encourages equal opportunity irrespective of any race, culture, social and economic backgrounds. 

It is mandatory to bring in transformation by upgradation in the existing education system

I think the top priority of academic organizations over the next 10 years should be to bring in serious and effective changes in our teaching learning systems. We should upgrade curriculums to the practical approach; encourage teachers to train and skill themselves. We have to make sure that the faculty are skilled individuals who can give a better industry outlook to the students. 

The students are closely monitored and mentored which helps us to assess the state they are in 

To establish a healthy relation and environment in the institute, we directly connect with individual students. Each student is closely monitored via a dynamic system and accordingly mentored by the respective mentor/teacher. There is a need to develop the trust factor among students that college/institute authorities are seriously concerned about their well-being and bright & promising future. This all ultimately results in culture building of the institution.

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Students should focus towards developing a mindset towards learning and becoming an effective human resource

My sincere piece of advice to students thinking about becoming hospitality professionals is to develop the right attitude & aptitude. They should inculcate a sense of urgency, sensitize themselves towards human emotions, hard skills & soft skills. Also, they must possess strong theoretical knowledge and practice.