Dr. Lakshmisree R is an Assistant Professor at The Cochin College in Kochi Ernakulam. With more than 12 years in the field of education, she holds a B.Com. degree with an M.Com. and an MBA from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala. Thereafter, Dr. Lakshmisree completed her PhD at Mahatma Gandhi University as well. She has published numerous articles in national and international journals. Dr. Lakshmisree R has substantially impacted her students and the overall academic environment at The Cochin College. Her tireless efforts in enhancing the best of education and making ready students for future achievement comment to excellence in teaching and academia.


Being an assistant Professor, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students? 

My primary responsibilities and duties are to teach students and deliver the set course curriculum. I also guide my students with their careers and aim to be a mentor and guide for them. Besides these duties, I also work with my faculty members to shape the curriculum and provide support to them when necessary.

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

Building healthy relationships with students and the college is essential for the success of the college. It is an ongoing process and requires dedicated efforts. We make it a point to appreciate our student’s achievements and encourage them to celebrate their wins. We always try to be with them during their hard times and the good times.

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry-oriented?

Our department provides different activities related to their curriculum for the enrichment of the students. This helps them gain the necessary skills that the industry demands and they will be able to compete better in the modern world. Apart from this, our college also sends them to other colleges and industries so that their skills can be developed by learning about the subjects from experts. This also allows them to practice what they have studied in class in a real-life work situation and experience them in real-time.

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When you came to the college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

When I first joined the college, I wanted to contribute to the goals of the college. I want to work to bring out the best in the students. Presently, my vision is to make my students capable of working in any job position and industry. We also want every student who graduates from our college, to be honest and sincere human beings who contribute positively to society and the country.

What do you see as the department’s/ college’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced? 

The college’s biggest strength would be our students. Our students come from different backgrounds and are presented with equal opportunities at the college. They are able to take all opportunities and turn them into success. They are the ones who run our college, bringing laurels and recognition to our institute. If we give them a good education, then they will also take our department far ahead.

What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

I would advise students to have a proper plan of action and take steps to achieve it. Work hard and achieve that goal but remember to get help from teachers and seniors. Take time off to relax and rejuvenate, which is as important as working towards your goals. Keep upskilling to remain competitive and stand out in front of employers.