Mr. M. Basha Mohiddin has been working as the Head of Civil Engineering Department at PVKK Institute of Technology, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. As part of his education, he has done B. Tech in Civil Engineering from JNTUACE and M. Tech from Anna University of Chennai. Also, he has an amazing 37 years of work experience in the education and teaching sector. He started his professional journey with G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College of Kurnool in 1986 and worked there for 34+ years until 2021.

P.V.K.K Institute of Technology

What factors make the Civil Engineering program of your college worth pursuing for students?

In today's digital and highly interconnected world, there are a plethora of opportunities for competent and young Civil Engineers, because the infrastructure sector is growing like never before. Also Governments and the private sector are investing a lot of money in building high rise buildings, bridges and roads. 

And the same pattern is likely to continue in the coming years. Professional development and job opportunities, that come after the successful completion of the Civil Engineering program make it worth pursuing, for the students having not only the inclination towards this domain but also the required willingness to learn the basics and acquire professional knowledge.

What best practices have been adopted by your institution for courses it is offering to students?

Our College has launched several initiatives and adopted many approaches for the Programs being offered to students. First and foremost, we are following the curriculum prescribed by the University and have added some practical orientation to it, as per the needs and demands of the profession and the industry. Apart from this, students are encouraged to acquire knowledge of softwares. 

Skill enhancement and training programs, along with other events like guest lectures and workshops are organized by the College to bridge the gap between academics and industry requirements. Effective interaction between students and industry experts is maintained. Overall, I would say our practices are aligned with the changing technologies and use of modern software and tools, in the corporate world.

What hurdles do you usually face while implementing the CE program in the curriculum of PVKK?

As an affiliated Institution of JNTUA, the curriculum prescribed and revised by the University is to be followed, by the Institution. The challenge lies is keeping the students, informed of the developments in the profession and its practice. Industry – Institute interaction is being promoted, to give students exposure to the Industry needs and practices.

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How do you build a strong connection between your department courses and industry demands?

The Civil Engineering discipline finds many uses, in several areas, affecting human life, such as laying of roads, building bridges, houses, dams etc., To gain practical knowledge, students are advised to take up internships in Govt /Semi Govt, and Private Organizations, at various levels of study. Students gain skills and knowledge, by undertaking these internships, thereby developing professionally. Field engineers pay visits and interact with students, frequently.

What benefits and career options would be available to students after finishing CE course from PVKK?

I strongly believe that Civil Engineering is perhaps the only Engineering discipline which has limitless opportunities for youth in both private and Government sectors. Many of the PSUs and private organizations recruit Engineers for Infrastructure projects like Highways, Buildings, Irrigation projects etc. 

To be more specific, after successfully finishing the Graduation or Post Graduation program in Civil Engineering from our Institution, students can work as a Building Control Surveyor, CAD Technician, Consulting Civil Engineer, Contracting Civil Engineer, Design Engineer, Estimator, Nuclear Engineer, Site engineer, Structural Engineer, Water Engineer or Building Services Engineer, Construction Manager, Engineering Geologist, Fire Risk Assessor, Geotechnical Engineer, Patent Attorney or Quantity Surveyor. 

Also, in addition to their core domain, Civil Engineers can make a successful career in other areas like Computer Science, if they have inclination and willingness to learn new things. 

On what types of projects students of your department usually work on?

Project works undertaken by the students of our Department are mainly focused on real-life and practical problems. Needed support and guidance is provided to the students for carrying out their project work. And to be more specific, they usually work on projects related to but not confined to, projects that work in collaboration with the index, fabrication, irrigation or construction tasks. Also, the students conduct research and make use of the case studies to improve their subject knowledge while carrying out these projects.