FMS Selection Criteria 2022 include 6 components such as Graduation, Class 12th merit, Executive Experience & SoP, Extempore followed by Personal Interview and References.  FMS Delhi MBA Admission criteria, similarly have excluded the GD component from the selection process following the COVID situation. Rather added SoP discussion that will be within the Personal Interview (PI) process with separate weight of 10%. GD round is exempted in the 2022 batch due to Covid-19 situation. Check FMS Delhi Admission

FMS Delhi Personal Interview (PI) Important Facts

  • Weightage of PI 15% and Extempore 5%.
  • As per recent admission criteria, SoP is directly aligned with PI round. 
  • SoP weightage is 10%, GD for 2022 batch is replaced by SoP.
  • FMS Extempore topics are related to Political and social infrastructure, current happenings.
  • PI time duration is max 10-15 mins, excluding Extempore 1 mins and 10-15 sec for thinking before extempore.

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FMS Delhi PI Questions

  1. In which Quality are you working?

Ans: “Sir, I am working in the Current Quality Department.”

  1. What Quality Standards do you follow?

Ans: “Sir we follow the TS Standards.”

  1. What are your responsibilities in the quality department?

Ans: “Sir if any defects occur at TML then we have to go to suppliers locations and have to review the process. We identify what went wrong in the processes and how it can be improved.”

  1. What approaches do you follow for the Defect resolution?

Ans: “Sir, We follow the Brainstorming Technique and 5-Why analysis technique to resolve the issues and this is popularly known as 8-D analysis.”

  1. What is capital expenditure?

Ans: “The expenditure for introducing new processes and material that adds value and not just for day to day functioning of processes which is the revenue expenditure. For example, procuring a new machine to make something new or add additional value to the product is capital expenditure while replacing an old machine with a new one with no new value added to the process, then it is revenue expenditure.”

  1. What is flexible manufacturing?

Ans: “Sir, as far as my knowledge goes, when we can make multiple products on a single line then it is termed as flexible manufacturing. For example at Maruti, we make multiple cars on the very same lines so i believe that can be termed as Flexible manufacturing.”

  1. What is just in time?

Ans: “It's a Japanese philosophy where the requirement of parts is fulfilled as and when required and hence reduces inventory. Usually, the aim is to keep the inventory low around 2–3 days of inventory. It prevents the capital from getting stuck in the inventory and in any case of mishaps, minimal damage to the inventory.

  1. Main competitors of Maruti?

Ans: “The main competitors of Maruti are Hyundai, Mahindra and Mahindra and Tata has been gaining ground quickly over the past few years acquiring 7% of the market share. But Maruti having 50% of the market share, only Hyundai comes close at around 25% market share.”

  1. Is Toyota a competitor?

Ans: “Yes, in the marketplace, Toyota is surely a competitor but they also have a partnership wherein Maruti will provide cars to Toyota, like Baleno, Ertiga, Brezza. They will make minor changes to the cars before selling them.”

  1. What is a recession?

Ans: “Going by the definition, a recession is when a country doesn't grow for 2 quarters in a row.”

  1. Did you read the newspaper today?

Ans: “I don't read the newspaper sir. But I checked google news on my phone. The most interesting news to me was how there was this airline…yes Southwest airline which is facing a crisis because of grounding of 787Max planes. It's a strange situation. The revenue is sitting there and they don't have the capacity to serve it.”

  1. What is Aligarh(my hometown) famous for?

Ans: “Ma’am, Aligarh is generally famous for 2 things. First, the Aligarh Muslim University established by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in 1875. Second, the lock industry of Aligarh. 70% of locks used in India are still manufactured in Aligarh only.”

  1. Why did the lock industry set up in Aligarh only?

Ans: “Britishers set up a mail carriage manufacturing workshop in 1852 and the availability of skilled labor gradually led to the development of this industry. In 150 years it became a 4000 Cr industry.”

  1. What do you do in Maruti Suzuki?

Ans: “Sir, I work on the development of IPC Software for upcoming models. L1: The what? Maam the speedometer software. The speedometer is known as instrument panel cluster(IPC).”

  1. But what is there to develop a speedometer? Isn’t it the same?

Ans: “ No sir, I put a lot of development effort and time into speedometer development. It is the monitor of the car. Any new feature, any system failure or any safety/warning feature needs to be displayed on the speedometer. So designing the signal, its byte size, telltale design, and functioning, all need to be worked out during the development process. That is what my team works on.”

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FMS Delhi PI Nature 

  • The nature of PI is friendly and calm.
  • PI of FMS consists of general 2-3 panelists.
  • FMS MBA PI aims to understand candidates' self-awareness and what is happening around.
  • The PI unlike other MBA PI, consists of Extempore.
  • Excluding the extempore time, the PI lasts for 8-15 mins long.
  • PI of FMS is short compared to other PI.
  • Panedlist are likely to stop candidates if speaking to longer.
  • They are looking for crisp, concise, and clear opinions and understanding.
  • SoP of the candidates is the main source of PI questions 
  • PI Question trends of last few years trends to have 3 category of questions:
    • General Awareness (Hometown, current affairs)
    • Work Experience (Including Internship experience, IT & Operations GA)
    • “You” as a person (Mostly for freshers, question related to extracurricular and cocurricular activities)
  • Work Experience is prioritized in most cases in FMS PI.
  • From the above, panelists stick to 2 categories depending on whether it is an experienced candidate or fresher.
  • General Awareness questions play a major role in the PI.
  • Panelists are polite enough to offer food, and water at the start and end of PI.
  • Panelist trends to test presence of candidate’s mind and through process.
  • As panelists are experienced reading the face of the candidates, they test with sudden topics. 
  • If candidates get nervous and confused facts presented, panelists note down while calculating the score.
  • They are looking into the problem solving spirit of the candidates.
  • In case a candidate isn't aware of a certain field, panelists give choice to the candidates which field questions are more preferable. However, after which candidates must not miss any chance of presenting their best self.
  • They are likely to raise questions from business news, interview dates news.

Note for PI and Extempore: Panelists at FMS eager about each candidate if there is clarity of thought.

FMS Delhi PI Tips 

  • Be Confident and Calm: Candidates must have clarity about the points in SoP. One has the ability to justify SoP without being confused and nervous before the panelist. Panelists expect candidates to be self-aware of submitted resumes without being confused about their own action.
  • Mock PIs: One must practice before the interview through Mock PIs as much as possible. 
  • Current affairs and General awareness: Candidates must have general awareness about:
    • Graduation stream
    • Work experience and subjects related to it
    • Current company and competitors of the current company
    • Top Companies related to work experience filed or graduation stream.
    • Future plans
    • Current affairs: National and International news
  • Master Communication skills: Candidate must have good communication skills to present before the PI panel. Below average communication skills is not appreciated. One must practice PI before mirror.
  • HR questions: Although FMS unlike other BSchools don’t ask must HR questions. It is better to be prepared with it. One must be honest and have a personal opinion while answering such questions. 

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FMS Delhi Extempore Topics

  1.  IPR

Ans: “Full form of IPR is Intellectual Property Right. Intellectual Property (IP) is the product of human intellectuals. It Includes the concepts, Products, Creativity etc. and the rights protected to IP is known as IPR. Patent is one of the forms of IPR and it protects the Functional Expression of the product. Like if a company develops a new technology then that company has exclusive rights to use that particular technology, others cannot use that technology without the permission of the company. India follows the IPR Act 1970 and the no of application per year from India is very less compared to China and USA and no of Patents granted to India is also very less compared to China and USA.” 

  1. Corruption In India

Ans: “There have been allegations of corruptions against one of the biggest defence deals in the country and there have been other scams and cases of corruption. There has been a reduction in corruption during the past few years but for India to develop and grow we need to eradicate corruption at the root level, the bribe that is given to the policeman, traffic police need to be eliminated. For that, we need a change in the mindset of people and make them aware of the negative aspects of the same in their own lives and the country and economy.”

  1. College Festivals are a waste of time. Speak For or Against

Ans: “College Fests are not a waste of time since the activities and the efforts that go into it are somewhere responsible for the development of the students. Arranging the complete college fest starting from sponsorships to the invites, promotions, logistics among other things is in itself a major learning block. Handling the crowds on D-Day is another task assigned upon the children.”

  1. Beautiful Brains

Ans: “Gave some examples of people who are not beautiful but done lots of great things in life which helped others. I also said there is no connection between beautiful brains and physical beauty. How beautiful brains are always preferred over physically beautiful ones. Looks like they are impressed by my core point.”

  1. What’s in a name?

Ans: “Started with William Shakespeare and where he quoted this. Brought in an Indian context about how a person’s name is a social issue in India, the caste system in India and how people start finding caste in people’s name. Concluded with the latest use of the quote in promotion of IPL season 12.”

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Expected Extempore Topics

  1. Voting should be mandatory.
  2. Corruption
  3. Infrastructure
  4. Farm Laws
  5. Union Budget
  6. COVID 19 Vaccination 
  7. COVID 19 Impact on Indian Economy

FMS Delhi Extempore Details

  • Extempore is a unique process followed at FMS exclusively.
  • It is aligned with PI round, which is conducted first followed by PI questions.
  • Soon after the introduction of the candidate, PI Panelists (2-3 usually) give a topic to take about.
  • PI Panelists give 10-15 secs to the candidates to think about a given topic.
  • Candidates may ask for rough paper and pen for the written down point to talk about.
  • Candidates have a maximum 1 minute to talk about the given topic.
  • Panelists look forward to fast thinking ability, calm, confident approach in the candidates.
  • Extempore topics, alike GD of FMS, are mostly related to:
    • Social Issue
    • Political 
    • Business and Economy
    • Abstract Topic
    • Current Affairs
  • If candidates aren't comfortable on the first topic, they may ask for the 2nd topic.
  • Panelists are benevolent to provide 2nd topic, considering the fact that candidates give best output in 2nd topic.
  • Facial expression and posture of candidates are important aspects FMS panelists use to analyse ability.

FMS Delhi Extempore Tips 

  • Add value: Candidates must add valuable and factual new points to the discussion or extempore. It is not expected to borrow other points and reframe it. Points must be aggrementative and argumentative without being aggressive.
  • Limited points have more impact: Candidates must be more focused about the end impact of GD by the given points. Rather than worrying about the number of entries. Candidates may make 1-2 entries but make it crisp, impactful and supportive enough with good posture. FMS Moderators surely appreciate such efforts of GD participants.
  • Stay updated with current affairs: Reading Newspaper and being aware about what is happening around will help to get a good score in GD and Extempore. 
  • Structure and Time management: Regular practice of speaking as per extempore or GD process of FMS will help in time management on GD-PI day. I may opt to practice in front of a mirror with maintaining good posture and facial expression. The structure of discussion must have an introduction, main point and conclusion. 
  • Individuals must frame strong argumentative points in the 1st minute before GD starts.
  • Candidate must let other candidates finish points and act politely for added points to the discussion.
  • One must not be dominators in GD, allowing other candidates to speak and must listen attentively to each one speaking throughout the discussion. This helps to analyze worthy points that can be added in the next entry.
  • While GD, participants must try to jurd down the pros and cons of the given topics with more factual datas. Generic information with supportive facts don’t allow students to stand out before Moderators. It is better to try adding a different perspective on a given topic unlike other participants with a strong viewpoint. 

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