Dr.Thamba Meshach W is an Associate Professor and the Head of the Department of CSE at Prathyusha Engineering College. With a passion for inspiring minds and fostering a love for learning, he started his career with a B.Tech. degree in Information Technology and an M.Tech. in Information Technology. Wanting to learn more, he went on to earn a PhD in Information and Communication Engineering specializing in Affective Computing with Machine Learning from Anna University. Dr. Meshach has 21 years of teaching experience at Engineering institutions during which he has taught a wide range of courses. His area of expertise is in Affective Computing - Computer Vision.


You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

The last 21 years of teaching experience and bettering the education sector's passion for teaching have been fulfilling for me. I enjoy working in this industry as I get to help the student community and help them develop a zeal to develop society because today’s students are tomorrow’s society. I have a passion for my profession, which helps me to connect. The education sector provides me with continuous learning, which helps skill development and knowledge development in my journey over the last 21 years of teaching.

Being the HOD of PRATHYUSHA ENGINEERING COLLEGE what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

As a leader, I feel my principle of leadership is to engage and empower the students. Leadership understands the potential of the team members and the energy of team members. Leadership should create an environment for growth, innovation and self-development which leads to the success of the team and helps in the success of the organization. My belief is in servant leadership, a collaborative environment and the empowerment of the team members that leads to achieving the mission of the organization. I also follow the transformation of democratic leadership that plays a vital role in building a team to achieve the mission

Being the HOD of PRATHYUSHA ENGINEERING COLLEGE, how do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your college?

Our first focus is on branding the institution by defining its mission and vision. Our strategy is to focus on marketing and advertising specifically to our target audience for which we use digital media platforms and social media channels to propagate the institution benefits and outcomes of the institution. In order to reach the audience for engineering services we conduct outreach events and camps so the students will come to know about the institution.

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

Every institution and department is unique. Institutions can be identified as computer systems and programs where we offer additional computation department courses and have good enrollment. A wider scope and opportunities are provided to the student. The ultimate goal is to ensure the students become employable engineers. We have advisory board members and our faculty are trained by industry experts to help get an understanding of the recent tools and technology used in the industry and share the technical knowledge with the student community.

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How does the curriculum of PRATHYUSHA ENGINEERING COLLEGE ensure the best practice of industry? 

All the curriculum at Prathyusha College focuses on outcome-based education. Generally, students in schools focus more on getting marks and completing the examinations. Once the students move to higher education, their complete focus is on the exploration of knowledge and application-based learning. We have designed a curriculum to ensure the students are industry-ready. We have industry association events, 20 plus centres of excellence, and industry-attached laboratories that we use to gain an understanding of the needs of the industry and make the students learn practical knowledge.

Any insights into how your College could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds? 

As we have been located in the Thiruvallur region for the last 23 years, we have focused on developing the local community of student groups by offering scholarship opportunities. We provide mentoring to students and identify the students who need help in the form of economic assistance. For them, the college offers scholarships and encourages them to participate in off-campus events and conferences. We also provide support for startups and provide funding to start a business. We are also framing the institution’s education ecosystem as an interesting learning system.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the College and the students are?

As a head of the department and teacher, my responsibility is to help the student community and boost their confidence in their careers. It requires moral support and technical knowledge support to achieve the goal. My primary role is to connect with outsiders and help the student community build their futures by supporting them in creating a belief system to achieve their goals.

What would you like people to know about your College they may not know? 

Prathyusha College focuses on making students employable engineers who are able to provide technology innovation to the industry. One of our unique features is that we support our students in mentoring. Last year the Computer science department was selected to establish the Google developers. We also have a good number of learning centers which are industry attached. Moreover, there are over 50 laboratories which are fully equipped and modern. We help our students do socially relevant projects or SRP along with industry associated internship programs and work in robotic labs. We provide qualified faculty and learning sharing transformations. This helps in applying knowledge in real-life scenarios and having fun with learning. We also have project based academic centers – Robotics Lab & AR-VR Laboratories powered by TANSAM – Siemens, Amazon AWS,IBM Cloud Lab, EC-Council for Cyber security, Coursera for Campus and Google developer student clubs that provide co-curricular activities, value-added courses and industry standard international certifications for our students.