Dr Mahipal Singh Rawat graduated from the University of Roorkee (Now IIT-R) in 1983 and was the recipient of the Thomson award for securing a second position. He completed MBA (HR) from IGNOU and diploma on “Quality Reliability and Operations Research” from Indian Statistical Institute, Madras.

He started his career at BHEL Corporate R & D Hyderabad undertaking several developmental projects in the area of Non-destructive testing of power plant components and carried out a number of Failure Investigations & Residual Life Assessment Studies. He has four patents to his credit and contributed a number of technical papers in National and International seminars as well as journals. His papers have been published in Scopus and Web of Science. He also successfully completed a project titled “Castability studies of castings for Advanced Ultra SuperCritical Power Plant (AUSC)” as the Principal Investigator. The project was completed under the supervision of the office of Principal Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister. Dr Rawat is a trained NDT personnel and has received training in various non-destructive evaluation techniques at EPRI USA, IRIS USA and Physical Acoustics UK. During his tenure at Corporate R&D Hyderabad, has guided a number of M.Tech students mainly from NIT Warangal and is currently a supervisor for the PhD student of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad. He also had been a reviewer for the International Journal of Industrial Chemistry. Being superannuated from BHEL as the General Manager in August 2019, he joined Greater Noida Institute of Technology (GNIOT), Greater Noida as a Professor & Head, Mechanical Engineering Department. As the conference coordinator at GNIOT he successfully organized the International e-Conference on “Cutting Edges in Mechanical Engineering” on February 20, 2021dinator. He joined MJCET as thePrincipal on 15th Nov 2021.


Can you give a brief intro about yourself, like your journey in the education sector, like your journey in life?

After completing my bachelor's degree from IIT Roorkee, my professional journey in the education sector began with my role in the BHL Research and Development division. During my time there, I was actively involved in conducting research projects focused on non-destructive testing and high-temperature materials. I gained valuable experience by working in various divisions, including production and design, which broadened my understanding of the industry. Following my successful tenure at BHEL, I retired as a General Manager from the BHEL Haridwar division. However, my passion for education and a desire to contribute further led me to explore opportunities in the academic field. I joined the Greater Noida Institute of Technology (GNIT) as the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. This role allowed me to utilize my expertise and share my knowledge with students and faculty members. I dedicated two years to GNIT, contributing to the growth and development of the department.

Continuing on my educational journey, I eventually transitioned to Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology, where I currently hold the position of Principal. This college has a rich history, being one of the oldest educational institutions established in 1980. With a strong emphasis on technological advancements, we strive to provide our students with the best possible education and opportunities for growth.

One of the notable initiatives at our college is the Drone Center of Excellence, where we provide specialized training programs for students in drone manufacturing, servicing, and flying. We have two faculties who have received comprehensive training from the DGCA (Directorate General of Civil Aviation) and are actively involved in training our students in this emerging field.

Additionally, we have established a foundation hub that focuses on nurturing innovation and supporting startups. This initiative aims to encourage entrepreneurial spirit among students and provides them with a platform to transform their ideas into successful ventures.

What factors or motivations led you to transition from the corporate industry to the education sector?

After spending 36 years in the corporate industry, I was motivated to make a shift to the education sector for several reasons. Firstly, I had accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience throughout my career, and I felt a strong desire to share this with students. I wanted to contribute to their learning and development by imparting practical insights and real-world perspectives. As the principal of the college, I still have a deep passion for teaching. I actively engage with students from various branches, including second year, third year, and sometimes even the first year. By directly interacting with them, I can better understand their needs and tailor the education system accordingly. My motivation stems from the belief that I can make a difference in the lives of students by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their careers. While I may not know if I am fully meeting my own expectations, I remain committed to continuously improving and ensuring that students benefit from my experience. I sincerely hope that through my efforts, students are able to gain valuable insights, enhance their understanding of industry dynamics, and develop the necessary competencies to thrive in their professional lives.

So being the principal of the university, what is your philosophy of leadership and how would you describe your leadership style?

As the principal of the college, I still have a deep passion for teaching. I actively engage with students from various branches, including second year, third year, and sometimes even the first year. By directly interacting with them, I can better understand their needs and tailor the education system accordingly. It is crucial for us to align our teaching methodologies with the current industry requirements, and I strive to bridge that gap. My motivation stems from the belief that I can make a difference in the lives of students by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their careers. While I may not know if I am fully meeting my own expectations, I remain committed to continuously improving and ensuring that students benefit from my experience. I sincerely hope that through my efforts, students are able to gain valuable insights, enhance their understanding of industry dynamics, and develop the necessary competencies to thrive in their professional lives. As the principal of the university, my philosophy of leadership revolves around empowering and enabling the faculty to take ownership of their courses and research endeavors. I believe in giving them complete liberty to design their courses in a manner they feel is best suited for the students' needs and aspirations. This approach fosters a sense of creativity, innovation, and ownership among the faculty members. My leadership style can be described as collaborative and supportive. I believe in fostering an environment of open communication and trust, where ideas and opinions are valued. I encourage faculty members to actively participate in decision-making processes, seek their inputs, and consider their expertise. By nurturing a culture of shared responsibility and mutual respect, we can create a conducive atmosphere for growth and development.

What do you think should be the university's top priority for the next 10 years?

In the next 10 years, the top priority of the university should be to focus on emerging areas and new branches of study, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence. However, it is important not to neglect the core branches of engineering. While the demand for core branches may currently be lower, they still play a crucial role in designing and understanding the functioning of different components. It is possible to teach a mechanical engineer about computers in a relatively short time, but it is not feasible for a computer science professional to gain the in-depth knowledge and understanding of mechanical engineering principles. Therefore, core branches should continue to be offered, even if the number of seats is adjusted according to the demand. At the same time, the university needs to adapt to the changing environment and stay updated with the latest developments and emerging branches of study. This will involve identifying new areas of expertise, investing in faculty training and development, and providing state-of-the-art infrastructure and resources for these emerging fields. By focusing on both the core branches and the emerging areas, the university can ensure a well-rounded education for its students and prepare them for the evolving demands of the industry. It is essential to strike a balance between maintaining the traditional strengths of the university in the core branches and embracing the opportunities presented by new technologies and fields of study. This will require a proactive approach in curriculum development, industry collaborations, and research initiatives. By doing so, the university can stay relevant and continue to contribute significantly to the field of engineering education and research.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

My suggestion to the current youth and aspiring students is to cultivate a curious mindset and develop the habit of questioning. Open your eyes and observe the world around you, seeking to understand why things are the way they are and how they work. By asking why and how, you can gain a deeper understanding of the subjects you are studying and the world in general. Curiosity is the key to learning and growth. Don't simply accept information at face value, but instead, strive to dig deeper and uncover the underlying principles and reasons behind them. This will not only enhance your knowledge but also foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Additionally, I encourage you to explore diverse fields and subjects. Don't limit yourself to a single area of study or specialization. Embrace interdisciplinary learning and explore different interests. This will broaden your perspective, allow you to make connections between seemingly unrelated topics, and open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth. Lastly, don't be afraid to take risks and pursue your passions. Follow your dreams and ambitions, even if they seem unconventional or challenging. Believe in yourself, stay motivated, and be persistent in the face of obstacles. Remember that success often comes from pushing beyond your comfort zone and embracing new experiences.

What are the new initiatives and collaborations as the university established in the industry?

As a university, we have taken various new initiatives and established collaborations with industries to bridge the gap between academia and the real-world engineering environment. Some of these initiatives include 

Internship Programs: We have collaborated with companies in India and abroad, such as a company in Saudi Arabia, to provide internship opportunities to our students. This allows them to gain practical experience and exposure to the industry while still studying. Many of our interns have been offered full-time positions in the same companies due to their excellent performance during the internship. 

Industry Projects: We have formed partnerships with companies, including HBL Power Company, to work on collaborative projects. Our students actively participate in these projects, contributing their skills and knowledge to design and develop solutions for real-world challenges. This hands-on experience gives them a firsthand understanding of industry requirements and processes. 

Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs): We have signed MoUs with various industry organizations and companies to foster long-term collaborations. These agreements facilitate knowledge exchange, joint research activities, and the sharing of resources and expertise. By leveraging these partnerships, we aim to enhance our curriculum, incorporate industry-relevant practices, and provide our students with the latest knowledge and skills.

These initiatives and collaborations are aimed at ensuring that our students are well-prepared for the industry and equipped with practical skills alongside their theoretical knowledge. By actively engaging with the industry, we strive to create a conducive learning environment that promotes innovation, real-world problem-solving, and employability of our graduates.

When you first joined the university, what was your first vision for the university? Has it evolved over the time and how far along in implementing that vision?

When I first joined the university, my vision was for it to become a top-ranking institution. The university already had a strong foundation and was recognized as one of the top 50 colleges in the country, particularly in South India. However, I aimed to take it even further and envisioned it among the top three colleges in the nation. Over time, we have made significant progress towards implementing this vision. We have focused on various aspects, including curriculum design and student engagement. We have established different groups and initiatives to provide students with hands-on learning experiences and opportunities to showcase their skills. While we have made substantial strides in implementing our vision, there is still work to be done. We continue to enhance the curriculum, strengthen industry collaborations, and foster a culture of innovation and research. Our ultimate goal is to propel the university to the top tier of educational institutions in the country, and we are committed to achieving that.

The education system in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. So in your experience, what should the inbound student gain from studying here in the Institute? So do you think like the Indian education system should?

Certainly! In addition to the points mentioned earlier, when inbound students study at our institute, they have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives, cultures, and traditions that are inherent to the Indian education system. India is a country with a rich history and a vibrant tapestry of languages, art, music, and literature. By immersing themselves in this environment, students can expand their global awareness and develop a broader worldview. Moreover, the Indian education system places a strong emphasis on theoretical knowledge and academic rigor. Students are exposed to comprehensive coursework and are encouraged to delve into the theoretical foundations of their chosen fields. This emphasis on theoretical understanding can enhance students' critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, which are invaluable in any academic or professional pursuit. However, it is important to acknowledge that there is scope for improvement in the Indian education system. The current system can benefit from increased focus on practical and experiential learning, industry collaboration, and the integration of emerging technologies. By incorporating more hands-on projects, internships, and industry interactions, students can acquire real-world skills and enhance their employability. When inbound students study at our institute, there are certain aspects they can gain from the Indian education system. While the flexibility in curriculum design is limited due to regulatory bodies like AICTE and UGC, we strive to provide additional courses and new subjects within those boundaries. Students can benefit from the rich historical and cultural knowledge embedded in the Indian education system.

Sir, what do you see as the college's greatest strength? 

Definitely more focus in research area, more focus in innovation in startups. These are the two areas, be any branch you are in. Your mind will be definitely focused towards seeing what new things can be adopted. Definitely in the present era, only one branch would not suffice. If you have to take up a certain startup or certain project, it's a combination of different branches and that is what we are focusing on. 

What are some of the biggest challenges you see? Both are higher education and in the. Gender for university. 

Indeed, one of the biggest challenges in higher education is the tendency for students to seek educational opportunities abroad, particularly in countries like the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK. While it is understandable that students perceive these countries to have well-established research facilities and advanced educational systems, it is crucial to highlight the significant progress and advancements in the Indian education system. Indian institutions, including prestigious ones like the IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology), are continuously evolving and receiving substantial grants to enhance research infrastructure and foster state-of-the-art technologies. However, there is a need to effectively communicate these advancements and opportunities to students, ensuring that they are aware of the world-class research facilities available within India itself. Encouraging students to explore and engage with the thriving research culture in Indian institutions can help retain talent and promote academic growth within the country. Another significant challenge in higher education is addressing gender disparities. While strides have been made to promote gender equality in education, there is still work to be done in ensuring equal opportunities and support for female students. Efforts must be made to eliminate any gender-based discrimination and provide a conducive and inclusive learning environment that empowers all students, irrespective of gender. Encouraging women to pursue careers in traditionally male-dominated fields, promoting mentorship programs, and creating support networks can play a vital role in addressing this challenge and fostering gender equity in higher education. By actively promoting the achievements and advancements of Indian institutions, providing equal opportunities for all students, and addressing gender disparities, we can overcome these challenges and establish India as a leading destination for quality higher education.

What would you like people to know about your university that they don't?

One aspect of our university that people may not be aware of is the emphasis on providing students with ample opportunities and freedom through various clubs and initiatives. We encourage students to express their ideas, regardless of their size, and provide platforms for them to develop and implement their concepts. This allows students to explore their creativity, problem-solving skills, and innovation, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and critical thinking. Additionally, our university has recently established a state-of-the-art drone center. Even if someone does not enroll at our university, they can still be part of our drone center and benefit from the knowledge and experiences shared there. We believe that by providing such avenues, we can foster growth, inspire innovation, and empower individuals to reach new heights.