MR S. B. Sivasubramanian is an Associate professor in the Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College (MSEC) Chennai. He finished his bachelor’s in engineering in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering in the year 2002. He specialized in VLSI Design in 2009. Currently, He is pursuing his research in Evolutionary Electronics at Anna University. His research interests include Renewable Energy, Bio-inspired Computation, and Evolvable Hardware. 

MSEC Chennai

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students in Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College?

“To provide opportunities and quality education for pupils”

An Engineering subject demands high analytical ability and problem-solving skills. The fiirst and foremost responsibility of a teacher is to give necessary qualities which identifies them as an Engineer. I am learning my way to make the process easier for me and students. Our students are from different backgrounds and we demand attention to groom them to reach greater heights. I try harder every minute to address aspects of the teacher-student relationship. Students get proper mentoring and counseling from our institution. Moreover, we give assistance to the student towards employment. Pupils get guidance towards campus placement training and my job is to orient the student to undergo necessary training. We groom the student to pursue higher education in the reputed universities in our country. They get various opportunities in the Public Sector Undertakings (PSU) which is also attended meticulously in every semester. 

How do you establish healthy relations with students and fellow faculty?

“Maintain a positive vibe in classrooms and good relationships on campus”

All members on campus are kind and willing to help fellow colleagues. Our students irrespective always garner positive vibes in the workplace and classrooms. The idea is not to address any issue with prejudice. We do a whale of good to human relationships. Pupils who stand defaulter in their academic pursuits are addressed with concern in a way that the mistake is not repeated. 

How do you bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry oriented?

“Guestlectures, workshops, seminars and hands-on sessions are available to pupils”

We conduct workshops, guest lectures, seminars, and hands-on sessions for pupils every semester. The process is not sufficient to fulfill the one hundred percent gap. We give the students necessary confidence in achieving excellence. 

What are the best practices offered by the department to the students which help them gain necessary skills?

“Industrial visits, seminars and other activities are given to students to attain necessary skills”

Our department organizes several Symposiums, Industrial Visits, and Seminars. It keeps the student updated with the technology. All the campus activities improve the students skills. 

How do you strategize the curriculum and get updated to make it befitting for the students?

“Update the syllabus as per industrial requirements for students”

The Institution and Department update the vision and mission every semester with all the stakeholders. It consists of Industrial experts, Subject experts, Professors from reputed institutes, Alumni, Students, and Parents. We update syllabus as per industrial requirements for students. Our Department works towards bridging the gap and strategizing measures through add-on courses for the students every year. 

How does Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College prepare students for Higher education and Placements?

“Provide training, and necessary skills to students through variou sessions”

We supervise the placement training sessions for the students who finish their third year of engineering. Our training includes all the necessary skills needed for them to crack the interviews and get placed. The Department has a separate wing in its student association that caters to the need for Higher Education. We collaborate with distinguished Alumni who have completed their higher education both in and out of the country. Our periodic awareness and orientation sessions with the alumni are conducted as part of the student association activities. It throws the necessary light on higher education. 

How do you help your student to cope up with the competition being so high in the outside world?

“Organize workshops, and industrial sessions for students to increase their skills in a competitive world”

Our primary effort is in bridging the gap by conducting workshops with industrial experts sessions. Pupils get hands-on training naturally. It builds their confidence and gets them ready to face the competition prevailing outside. 

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Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real-world challenges?

“Activities related to engineering streams are conducted in the campus for students”

Our department has a technical student association that focuses mainly on various aspects of engineering. The reverse engineering wing and project wing in the student association come out with interesting revelations. All these are circulated in the department newsletter published bimonthly. Our process makes the student both industry ready and keeps them updated with the recent breakthroughs. 

What are the challenges you faced to uplift the quality of education in your department?

“Department is well known for constructive ideas and has never faced any challenges yet”

I have never faced a challenging situation and always been in a circle of like-minded people.Our department lends ear to constructive ideas and is known for its excellent work culture. We are led by great teachers till now and knowledge transfer naturally happens among fellow colleagues. All these impart quality education to the students.

What is your vision for Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College and how are you trying to achieve the same?

“Overall development of the campus is my primary vision”

A teacher is one who lives by example. I have always tried to be one among the students and make them understand the same. Being friendly to the learners and understanding their problems naturally helped me to deliver what is expected by the students. We are inclined toward giving the best for students. One of our visions is to focus on the overall development of campus and students. I hope the students also feel the same. 

How does the curriculum of Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College ensure the best practice of the industry?

“Workshops, industrial visits, and guest lectures are given to students”

Pupils can learn industrial relevant skills from our campus. We give workshops, industrial visits, and guest lectures for them. All these ensure the best practice of the industry. 

How does the department enhance the skills of the faculty and prepares them according to the industry standards?

“Conduct international or national conferences and research facilities for faculties”

Our Faculty Development Programs are carefully woven in the academic schedule every year. We make sure that the teachers are updated with the technological breakthroughs worldwide. Our encouragement given to the faculty to participate in various international and national conferences helps them to stay abreast with the technology. The academic freedom practiced in the department gives the faculty skills to carry out their research with great passion. 

What are the interventions and approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to train/teach the students?

“NSS, YRC and other social activities are given to students”

One of the prominent things is the Societal Beneficial Innovation (SBI) conducted every year by the campus. We groom the students to come out with innovations that benefit society. The growth of a socially conscious individual and usage of technology for the benefit of mankind is a very necessary quality one should possess. Students get activities like National Service Scheme (NSS) and Youth Red Cross (YRC) beneficial to gain the necessary concern for the upliftment of the needy and poor. 

What do you see as the Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College greatest strengths and how can it be enhanced?

“Faculties, students and management are our greatest strengths”

One of the notable things in College and Department is the personal care taken by the higher authorities on campus. The greatest strengths are both students and the faculty. We ensure a personal commitment and accountability in every individual. With personal accountability and technical expertise, every individual is destined to perform better in all their endeavors. 

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What valuable advice would you like to give for students to have a prosperous career ahead?

“Update your skills and step into a prosperous future”

Acquiring necessary skills at the right age is the key for excelling in any profession. Be disciplined and one can never be stopped from tasting success. My advice for students is to have a prosperous future.