Radius of Gyration: Formula & Moment of Inertia

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The radius of gyration can be defined as an imaginary distance from the centroid wherein the area of the cross-section is assumed to be focused at a point to yield the same moment of inertia. It is represented by the letter k. The radius of gyration is sometimes used to express a body’s moment of inertia about an axis. The radius of gyration can be represented by:

\(k = \sqrt{\frac{I}{A}}\)

The radius of gyration unit is mm. In case the radius of gyration is known, one can determine the moment of inertia of any complex body. The radius of gyration is characterized as the spiral distance to a point which could possess a moment of inertia. It is typically a geometric property of a rigid body.

Key Terms: Radius of Gyration, Axis of Rotation, Mass, Spiral Distance, Moment of Inertia, Centroid

Radius of Gyration 

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A radius of gyration, or gyradius of a body, is always centred on an axis of rotation.

  • Radius of Gyration can be defined as the spiral distance to a point with a moment of inertia.
  • A rigid body’s radius of gyration is a geometric attribute.
  • Consider the centre of mass. It is analogous to the body’s actual mass dissemintion, if the entire body’s mass is concentrated. 

Radius of Gyration

Radius of Gyration

Moment of Inertia

Moment of inertia can be expressed as “the quantity defined by the body resisting angular acceleration, that is the mass’ sum of the product of every particle with its square of a distance from the axis of rotation.”

  • It can simply be defined as a quantity which decides the amount of torque required for a specific angular acceleration in a rotational axis.
  • Moment of Inertia is also often termed angular mass or rotational inertia. 
  • The SI unit of moment of inertia is kg m2.

Significance of Radius of Gyration

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The following are the key features of Radius of Gyration:

  • The radius of gyration is important when calculating the catching heap of a beam or pressure.
  • It is also useful in appropriating intensity between cross-sections of a given section.
  • The range of gyration is useful in contrast to the display of various forms of fundamental shapes at the pressure hour.
  • The primary investigation is successful with a lower estimate of the radius of gyration.
  • A lesser estimation of the radius of gyration also reveals the rotational axis at which the segment catches.

Circular Rod and Rectangular Beam

Circular Rod and Rectangular Beam

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Radius of Gyration Formula

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The radius of gyration is measured as the root mean square distance of the object’s components from its focal centre of mass or a specific axis. It is the perpendicular distance from the mass to the rotational pivot. A trajectory of the direction of a moving point as a body can be represented by the radius of gyration. The range of gyration at that location can be used to depict the regular distance travelled by this point.

The moment inertia formula, expressed in terms of the radius of gyration, is as follows:

I = mk2 … (1)


  • I = moment of inertia
  • m = mass of the body

Thus, the radius of gyration is as follows:

\(k=\sqrt{\frac{I}{m}}\,\,\, \)…(2)

The radius of gyration is measured in millimetres (mm). If the radius of gyration is known, the moment of inertia of any rigid body can be calculated (1).

Consider a body with n particles, each with a mass of m. Allow for the rotation’s perpendicular distance from the pivot. It is represented by r1, r2, r3,… rn. We see that the condition gives the moment of inertia as far as the radius of gyration is concerned (1). By substituting the qualities in the condition, we get the body’s moment of inertia as follows.

\(\begin{array}{l}I = m_1r_1^2 + m_2r_2^2 + m_3r_3^2 + …. + m_nr_n^2 \,\,\, (3)\end{array}\)

If all the particles have the same mass then equation (3) can be rewritten as:

\(I = m(r_1^2 + r_2^2 + r_3^2 + …. \, r_n^2)\)

= \( \frac{mn(r_1^2 + r_2^2 + r_3^2 + ….\, +r_n^2)}{n}\)

Thus, we can write mn as the M which shows the total mass of the body.

So, the equation will be,

= \(I = M \frac{(r_1^2 + r_2^2 + r_3^2 + … \, + r_n^2)}{n}\,\,\, (4)\)

From equation (4) given above, we get

\(MK^2 = M \left ( \frac{r_1^2 + r_2^2 + r_3^2 + … \, + r_n^2}{n} \right )\)

Or, \( K = \sqrt{ \frac{r_1^2 + r_2^2 + r_3^2 + … \, + r_n^2}{n}}\)

From the above equation, we can specify that the radius of gyration is actually the root-mean-square distance of different parts of the body. It is from the axis of rotation.

Applications of Radius of Gyration in Structural Engineering

The radius of gyration refers to the strategy for dispersing multiple segments of the item present around an object in material science.

  • The radius of gyration is the perpendicular distance between the rotational axis and an explicit point of mass when viewed in terms of the moment of inactivity.
  • The dispersion of a cross-sectional zone is depicted in primary design using a two-dimensional range of gyration.
  • It is in a segment with the mass of the body around its centroidal pivot.
  • The radius of gyration is calculated using the formula below:


Or, R = \(\sqrt{\frac{I}{A}}\)


  • I is the object’s second moment of area
  •  A is the object’s total cross-sectional area

Radius of Gyration for a Thin Rod

The moment of inertia (MOI) of a uniform rod which has length I and mass M. It is found in an axis via the centre, forming a 90-degree angle to the length as:

I or moment of inertia = \(\frac{Ml^{2}}{12}\)

Assuming that K is the radius of the thin rod about an axis, the equation is going to become: I = Mk2

Now, after equating the value of moment of inertia, we must get Mk2 = \(\frac{Ml^{2}}{12}\)

Now, upon cancelling M from each side, we will get:

k2 = \(\frac{l^{2}}{12}\)

After assuming the square root, we get:

K = \(\frac{l}{\sqrt{12}}\)

L = \(2\sqrt{3}K \)

Hence, the radius of gyration of a solid sphere.

The moment of inertia of any solid sphere with mass M, and radius R is going to be:

Iaxis = Mk(k = radius of gyration) … (1)

I (solid sphere about tangent) = \(\frac{2}{5}MR^{2}+MR^{2} = \frac{7}{5}MR^{2}\)

Thus, k = \(\sqrt{\frac{7}{5}}R\)

Slenderness Ratio

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The square root of the ratio of inertia to the area of the material is the radius of gyration.

  • The imaginary distance determined from the place where the cross-sectional area is meant to be concentrated at a point is denoted by the value obtained from it.
  • This assists in achieving the same level of inertia.
  • It is calculated by determining the slenderness of a column’s cross-sectional area.

The radius of gyration usually shows up in two places:

  1. Strength of Materials: Herein, a two-dimensional radius of gyration is utilized and is further considered as area property. Radius of gyration can be given by the relation: \(k=\sqrt{\frac{I}{A}}\)
  2. Mechanics: The radius of gyration, here, is about an axis of rotation that can be estimated using mass moment of inertia. The relation can be shown by: \(k=\sqrt{\frac{I}{M}}\)

The Radius of Gyration and Slenderness Ratio

Radius of Gyration and Slenderness Ratio

Things to Remember:

  • The radius of gyration is defined as the spiral distance to a point with a moment of inertia.
  • Radius of Gyration can be determined by moment of inertia, mass, shape, size and axis rotation. 
  • Radius of Gyration can be represented by K. 
  • It is used to examine how different structural shapes will behave when compressed along one axis. For example: Catching heaps of pressure, etc. 
  • The formula of Radius of Gyration is \(k=\sqrt{\frac{I}{m}}\,\,\, \).

Check More:

Previous Year Questions

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  4. In a physical balance working on the principle of moments … [JEE Mains 2017]
  5. An L-shaped object, made of thin rods of uniform … [JEE Mains 2019]
  6. Consider a thin uniform square sheet made of a rigid material … [JEE Mains 2015]
  7. One quarter section is cut from a uniform circular disc … [JEE Advanced 2000]
  8. A thin wire of length L and uniform linear mass density p … [JEE Advanced 2000]
  9. The torque τ on a body about a given point is found to be equal … [JEE Advanced 1998]
  10. Two balls, having linear momenta … [JEE Advanced 2008]

Sample Questions

Ques: What is the international unit of gyradius or radius of gyration? (1 mark)

Ans: The length, in inches, millimetres, or feet, is the SI unit for the radius of gyration. It is equal to the square root of inertia divided by the surface area of t.

Ques: What is the definition of a constant amount for the radius of gyration? (1 mark)

Ans: The radius of gyration, also known as the radius, is not fixed or constant. Its value is determined by the rotating axis and the mass distribution of the body around the axis.

Ques: Is the gyration radius constant? (1 mark)

Ans: The value of the gyration radius, often known as the radius, is not fixed or constant. Its value is determined by the rotating axis and the distribution of the body's mass around the axis.

Ques: How is the “radius of gyration” of a regular solid sphere defined? (1 mark)

Ans: The radius of gyration is equal to the square root of the average squared distance of a sphere object from the body’s midpoint.

Ques: What is the scope of the radius of gyration? (2 marks)

Ans: The radius of gyration is used to examine how different structural shapes will behave when compressed along one axis. It is employed in the prediction of buckling in a compression beam or member.

Ques: What factors influence the radius of gyration? (2 marks)

Ans: The size and state of the body are two factors that influence the estimation of the radius of gyration. It is the positioning and arrangement of the rotational axis. It also relies on mass appropriation in relation to the body’s rotational axis.

Ques: What is the difference between radius and gyration radius? (3 marks)

Ans: The radius of curvature is defined as the radius of any sphere that reaches a point on the curve and has the similar curvature and tangent at that point. The “radius of gyration” is defined mathematically as the square root of the mean square radius of the various parts of the object measured from the centre of mass or any given axis. 

Ques: What factors can affect the gyration radius? (3 marks)

Ans: The radius of gyration is determined by the following factors:

  • The body's moment of inertia. 
  • The body's mass.
  • The body's shape and size.
  • The rotational axis's position

Ques: What is the radius of gyration of a uniform rod? (3 marks)

Ans: The radius of gyration of a uniform rod of length l about an axis passing through a point 1/4 distant from the rod's centre and perpendicular to it is (A) \(\sqrt{748I}\).

So, to get the radius of gyration, we can apply the straightforward formula for the radius of gyration, which is based on the moment of inertia and mass of the rod.

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