Relation between Moment of Inertia and Torque: Derivation

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Relation between Moment of Inertia and Torque can be established with the help of Newton’s Second Law of Motion. Torque is a unit of measurement for the force required to rotate an object around an axis. Whereas, the rotational analogue of mass for linear motion, is known as the moment of inertia. When you turn on the fan and it starts to whirl, the fan's moment of force or torque varies inversely with the acceleration. The fan's rotating mass is its moment of inertia, and the torque is its rotational force or turning force.

Key Takeaways: Moment of Inertia, Torque, Rotational Motion, Angular Acceleration, SI unit, Rotation Axis

What is Moment of Inertia?

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  • Moment of Inertia is the sum of the product of the mass of each particle with its square of the distance from the axis of rotation.
  • It is the quantity denoted by the body resisting angular acceleration.
Moment of Inertia
Moment of Inertia
  • To put it another way, it's a number that specifies how much torque is needed for a particular angular acceleration in a rotating axis.
  • The moment of inertia is also known as angular mass or rotational inertia.
  • Kilogram square meter (kgm2) is the SI unit for moment of inertia.
Moment of Inertia of different geometries
Moment of Inertia of different geometries

The moment of inertia is commonly expressed in terms of a rotational axis. It is mostly determined by the distribution of mass around a rotational axis. It varies based on which axis is selected.

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Formula of Moment of Inertia

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Moment of Inertia is giving by,

I = m x r2


I → ∫dI = ∫0M r2 dm

M → Sum of the mass's products

r → Distance from the rotation's axis

What is Torque?

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  • Torque is the force that causes an object to twist along an axis.
  • In linear kinematics, force causes an object to accelerate.
  • Torque is also responsible for angular acceleration.
  • As a result, torque can be defined as the linear force's rotational equivalent. 
  • The axis of rotation is the point at which the item rotates.
  • Torque is described using a variety of terminologies, including moment and moment of force.
  • S.I unit of torque is newton-meter (Nm).

Formula of Torque

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Formula of torque is,

τ = F.r. sinθ


τ →  Torque

F → Force vector

r → Position vector

θ → The angle formed by the force vector and the lever arm vector

Torque can be either static or dynamic. Static torque is torque that does not induce an angular acceleration. Consider the following examples of torque:

  • When a person pushes a closed door, the door remains static since it does not rotate despite the force applied. Similarly, pedaling a bicycle at a constant speed is an example of static torque because there is no acceleration.
Example of Torque
Example of Torque
  • Because the car is moving along the track, the drive shaft in a racing car speeding from the start line must be creating an angular acceleration of the wheels, resulting in dynamic torque.

Relation between the Moment of Inertia & Torque

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Newton's first law of motion states that unless a body is propelled by an external force, it will remain at rest or in motion. So, unless we turn on the power button and allow the washing machine to revolve with the help of electricity, it remains at rest.

As a result, all rotating electrical appliances remain at rest until the turning effect or torque is applied, at which each particle in the system with its rotational mass begins to rotate around its axis of rotation.

Newton’s First Law of Motion
Newton’s First Law of Motion

So, by utilizing Newton's first law of motion, we may comprehend the link between torque and inertia. Every rigid body executing rotational motion along a fixed axis bears a uniform angular acceleration motion, i.e., under the action of torque or the moment of force, according to rotational motion mechanics.

Consider an entity in rotatory motion with mass m traveling along an arc of a circle with radius r. We know from Newton's Second Law of Motion that,

F= ma

→ a= f/m -------- (1)

As we know, 

\(\alpha = \frac {d} {dt} (\frac{ds} {dt})\)

The relationship for a body doing a rotational motion is ‘s = r'.


\(\frac {d} {dt} (\frac {rd\theta} {dt}) = r \frac {d} {dt} (\frac {d\theta} {dt})\)

As a result, 

a = rα is the angular acceleration------- (2)

Similarly, Torque should be substituted for Force F

τ = Fr 

F = τ / r ------- (3)

By substituting eq (2) and (3) in (1) we get:

τ = m r2 α

We know that, Moment of inertia is I= mr2


τ = I α


α → Angular acceleration

The above equation is called the fundamental law of rotational motion, or the law of rotational motion.

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Things To Remember

  • Relationship between Moment Of Inertia and Torque can be established with the help of Newton’s Second Law of Motion.
  • Torque is a unit of measurement for the force required to rotate an object around an axis.
  • The sum of the product of the mass of each particle with its square of the distance from the axis of rotation is called moment of inertia.
  • S.I unit of torque is newton-meter (Nm).
  • Kilogram square meter (kgm2) is the SI unit for moment of inertia.
  • The relationship between Torque and moment of inertia is given by the equation τ = I α

Previous Year Question

  1. A uniform circular disc of radius 50 cm at rest is free to turn about an axis which is perpendicular…? [NEET 2016]
  2. A uniform rod AB of length ℓ and mass m is free to rotate about point A. The rod is released…? [NEET 2007]
  3. A wheel has angular acceleration of 3.0rad/sec−2 and an initial angular speed of…? [NEET 2007]
  4. ABC is an equilateral triangle with O as its centre. →F1,→F2 and →F3 represent three forces…? [NEET 2012]
  5. Consider a system of two particles having masses m1 and m2. If the particle of mass…? [NEET 2004]
  6. For a hollow cylinder and a solid cylinder rolling without slipping on an inclined plane…? [NEET 2007]
  7. Four identical thin rods each of mass M and length l, form a square frame. Moment of inertia…? [NEET 2009]
  8. From a disc of radius R and mass M, a circular hole of diameter R, whose rim passes…? [NEET 2016]
  9. If →F is the force acting on a particle having position vector →r and →τ be the torque of this…? [NEET 2009]
  10. Let I be the moment of inertia of a uniform square plate about an axis AB that passes through…? [NEET 1988]
  11. When a mass is rotating in a plane about a fixed point, its angular momentum is directed along…? [NEET 2012]
  12. Moment of Inertia of a thin uniform rod rotating about the perpendicular axis passing…? [KCET 2015]
  13. A force F=5^i+2^j−5^k acts on a particle whose position vector is…? [KCET 2014]
  14. Two balls are thrown simultaneously in air. The acceleration of the centre of mass…? [KCET 2017]
  15. A door of 1.6m wide requires a force of 1N to be applied at the free end to open or close it…? [KCET 2009]
  16. A rotating wheel changes angular speed from 1800rpm to 3000rpm in 20s. What is the…? [KCET 2014]
  17. A solid sphere of mass m rolls down an inclined plane without slipping, starting from rest…? [KCET 2011]
  18. Three bricks each of length L and mass M are arranged as shown from the wall. The distance of the…? [KEAM]
  19. A system consisting of two masses connected by a massless rod lies along the x-axis…? [KEAM]
  20. When a ceiling fan is switched off, its angular velocity reduces to half its initial value…? [KEAM]

Sample questions 

Ques. What is the Difference Between Torque and Moment of Inertia? (2 marks)

Ans. In a linear motion, the torque is similar to the applied force. It is a crucial criterion for maintaining rotational motion in the body. As a result, when the body is given torque, it begins to rotate with uniform angular acceleration.

Ques. Is Torque a Quantity with a Vector?  (2 marks)

Ans. The torque is, in fact, a vector quantity. The vector product of the vector pointing from the axis to the point of application of force applied and the vector of force is identical. A counterclockwise rotation causes the torque to point upward, and vice versa.

Ques. Give an example of torque in daily life.  (2 marks)

Ans. Torque can be seen in the opening of a bottle cap or the turning of a steering wheel.

Ques. To maintain a rotor at a uniform angular speed of 200 rad s-1, an engine needs to transmit a torque of 180 Nm. What is the power required by the engine? (2 marks)
Note: Uniform angular velocity in the absence of friction implies zero torque. In practice, applied torque is needed to counter frictional torque. Assume that the engine is 100 efficient.

Ans. Here, a = 200 rad s-1; Torque, τ= 180 N-m

Since,Power, P = Torque (τ) x angular speed (w)

= 180 x 200 = 36000 watt = 36 KW.

Ques. Define the fundamental law of rotational motion. (2 marks)

Ans. If α = 1 is true, then τ=  I * 1 is true. We can deduce from this that in the absence of angular acceleration, the moment of inertia and the torque imparted to the body are identical.

Ques. Can we classify Moment of Inertia as an extensive property in physics? (2 marks)

Ans. Yes, a point mass object's moment of inertia is an extension (additive) characteristic. The moment of inertia is calculated as the product of mass and the square of the perpendicular distance to the rotation axis. It is the sum of the moments of inertia of a rigid system's component subsystems when measured around the same axis of rotation.

Ques. A merry-go-round, made of a ring-like platform of radius R and mass M, is revolving with angular speed ω. A person of mass M is standing on it. At one instant, the person jumps off the round, radially away from the centre of the round (as seen from the round). The speed of the round afterwards is  (2 marks)

Ans. As no torque is exerted by the person jumping, radially away from the centre of the round (as seen from the round), let the total moment of inertia of the system is 2I (round + Person (because the total mass is 2M) and the round is revolving with angular speed ωSince the angular momentum of the person when it jumps off the round is Iω the actual momentum of round seen from ground is 2 Iω – Iω = Iω

So we conclude that the angular speed remains same, i.e ω

Ques. The vector sum of a system of non-collinear forces acting on a rigid body is given to be non-zero. If the vector sum of all the torques due to the system of forces about a certain point is found to be zero, does this mean that it is necessarily zero about any arbitrary point? (3 marks)

Ans. Ques. The vector sum of a system of non-collinear forces acting on a rigid body is given to be non-zero. If the vector sum of all the torques due to the system of forces about a certain point is found to be zero, does this mean that it is necessarily zero about any arbitrary point? (3 marks)

Ques. A door is hinged at one end and is free to rotate about a vertical axis (figure). Does its weight cause any torque about this axis? Give reason for your answer. (3 marks)

Ans. According to the diagram, where the weight of the door acts along the negative y-axis.

Torque is not produced by weight about the y-axis.

Because the direction of weight is parallel to the y-axis (axis of rotation).

A force can produce torque only along direction normal to itself because f = r x F. So, when the door is in the xy-plane, the torque produced by gravity can only be along ±z-direction never about an axis passing through y-direction.

Hence, the weight will not produce any torque about the y-axis.

A door is hinged at one end and is free to rotate about a vertical axis

Ques. Explain why friction is necessary to make the disc roll (refer to Q. 28) in the direction indicated.
(a) Give the direction of frictional force at B, and the sense of frictional torque, before perfect rolling begins.
(b) What is the force of friction after perfect rolling begins? (3 marks)

Ans. To roll a disc, we require a torque, which can be provided only by a tangential force. As force of friction is the only tangential force in this case, it is necessary.

(a)As frictional force at B opposes the velocity of point B, which is to the left, the frictional force must be to the right. The sense of frictional torque will be perpendicular to the plane of the disc and outwards.

(b)As frictional force at B decreases the velocity of the point of contact B with the surface, the perfect rolling begins only when velocity of point B becomes zero. Also, the force of friction would become zero at this stage.

Ques. Torques of equal magnitude are applied to a hollow cylinder and a solid sphere, both having the same mass and radius. The cylinder is free to rotate about its standard axis of symmetry, and the sphere is free to rotate about an axis passing through its centre. Which of the two will acquire a greater angular speed after a given time? (2 marks)

Ans. Let M be the mass and R the radius of the hollow cylinder, and also of the solid sphere. Their moments of inertia about the respective axes are I1 = MR2 and I2 = 2/5 MR2

Let τ be the magnitude of the torque applied to the cylinder and the sphere, producing angular accelerations α1and α2 respectively. Then τ=I1 α1 = I2 α2

The angular acceleration 04 produced in the sphere is larger. Hence, the sphere will acquire larger angular speed after a given time.

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