The term education is familiar to all of us. But, 'Special education' may be new expression for some of you. It is a term that refers to educational provisions for children with special needs, emerging due to physical, mental and emotional challenges. Therefore they have Special Educational Needs (SEN). Thus Special Education means specially designed instruction for children with above mentioned challenges in all settings such as classroom, home, work place, public places, the street and the rehabllitation homes, etc. When children/students with SEN study in general classrooms with their peers, the arrangement is called 'inclusive education'.
The need for special educators and other personal in education programmes, both in social and inclusive education settings, has been increasing, over time, more so after the Persons With Disabilities (PWD) Act, 1995 was passed Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) has provision for eight years of education for all children, including those with professionals and personal who work in areas related to disabllity are regulated by the Rehabitation Council of India (RCI). This autonomous body facilitates special education training through several approved institutions thioughout the country certificate course in 'Early Childhood Special Education Enabling inclusion' from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), which qualities the candidate to be early childhood special inclusive educator.